NATURE’S VOICE M – RX – The birds are changing … Enochian: The Mysterious Lost Language of Angels … Donald J. Trump is accused of falsifying records – Here comes the T Man campaign







M – RX

M – The birds are changing

Are the same


The jury rests finally on the Stormy trial

The Stormy trial was actually all about the 2016 election, AGAIN.

Trump had falsified records to conceal a conspiracy to win an election by unlawful means. It also wanted jurors to be unanimous on what those unlawful means were.



Here comes the T Man campaign





The birds are changing

Are the same

Enochian: The Mysterious Lost Language of Angels




The painting of the three orders of the Angelic Hierarchy in all their glory: “Assumption of the Virgin” by Botticini, 1475.

Enochian is a mysterious language that 16 th century occultists John Dee and Edward Kelley recorded in their private journals. They claimed this ‘celestial speech’ allowed magicians and occultists to communicate with angelic realms.

In the year 1581, occultists John Dee and Edward Kelley, claimed to have received communications from angels, who provided them with the foundations of a language with which to communicate with ‘the other side’.  This ‘angelic’ language contained its own alphabet, grammar and syntax, which they wrote down in journals.  The new language was called “Enochian” and comes from John Dee’s assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human to know the language.

The Enochian language entails plenty of myths and stories. The subject is deep enough for college professors to discuss and complex enough for students to seek help from an essay writer online to handle it. So, let’s unveil the mystery behind Enochian: is it really the ‘angelic’ language?

John Dee, the Influential Occultist

Dr. John Dee, 1527-1609, was an occultist, mathematician, astronomer and astrologer who lived in Mort Lake, West London for most of his life.  An educated man who studied at St. John’s College in Cambridge, was eventually accepted into influential circles of the ruling elite and acted as scientific advisor and confidant to Queen Elizabeth I.  He is associated with coining the phrase ‘British Empire’.  During the early part of his life, Dee had little interest in the supernatural.  Later on, he became disillusioned with science and began experimenting with magic and the occult.  Dee was looking to discover lost spiritual knowledge and recover the wisdom he believed was hidden in books of antiquity.  Among these books was the then-fabled Book of Enoch, which he conceived as being a book describing the magic system used by the Patriarch in the Bible.


Portrait of John Dee painted during the 17th century by an unknown artist. It is taken from the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich. 1609 (Wikimedia Commons)

Enochian, Language of the Angels

The term Enochian comes from the Biblical figure Enoch, who was a source of hidden mystical knowledge and was taken up to heaven.  According to Genesis 5:24, he “walked with God” and Hebrews 11:5 states that he “was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death.”

From 1581 to 1585, Dee began performing a long series of magical events.  In 1581, at the age of 54, Dee wrote in his personal journal that God had sent “Good Angels” to communicate directly with mankind.  By 1582, he was collaborating with fellow occultist and seer Edward Kelley (1555–1597) to communicate with these angels.  Hundreds of spirit conversations were recorded, including what they claimed was an angelic language called Enochian, composed of non-English letters.  The Enochian Alphabet was revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley during “scrying sessions”, when various texts and tables were received from angels.  Scrying is a technique used by seers, psychics, and sorcerers to foretell the future and involves gazing into a reflective surface to receive messages.


John Dee performing an experiment before Queen Elizabeth I. Oil painting by Henry Gillard Glindoni. 1913 (Wikimedia Commons)

Magical Objects and Celestial Speech

It is documented that Dee and Kelley used certain objects such as a black obsidian mirror and a crystal ball to experience these visions.  Dee acted as orator, directing prayers to God and the Archangels for 15 minutes to an hour.  Then a scrying stone was placed on a table, and the angels were called to manifest themselves.

Dee and Kelly would watch the stone and record everything they saw and heard.  They were told by the angels that the magic would give superhuman powers to its practitioners, change the political structure of Europe, and herald the coming of the Apocalypse.

Dee believed that what he was doing would be of benefit to posterity and documented the information into a series of manuscripts and workbooks.  He never described the language used during the sessions as “Enochian” but preferred to call it “Angelical,” the “Celestial Speech,” the “First Language of God-Christ,” and particularly “Adamical,” because he asserted it was used by Adam in the Garden of Eden to name all of God’s creatures.


John Dee’s obsidian mirror used for ‘scrying’ sessions (British Museum).


John Dee’s Seal of God (Wikimedia Commons)

Enochian Alphabet

There are two different versions of the Enochian Alphabet with one script slightly different from other. The first version is found in Dee’s Manuscript, the first five Books of the Mysteries, and the second, and generally more accepted version, is in Liber Loagaeth, the latter being Kelley’s original drawings.

The script is written from right to left, and may include accents.  The Enochian letters have English letter equivalents with some of the letter names pronounced as they would be in English, but many are pronounced differently.

The alphabet is used in the practice of Enochian Magic on Angelical or Enochian Keys.  They were received through Edward Kelley in 1584, in Krakow, Poland.  That year he wrote into his diaries a series of nineteen magical incantations.  The Keys comprise 48 poetic verses and correspond to various functions within the Enochian Magic system.  They are given in the original Enochian Language, and a Modern English Translation, based on John Dee’s Old English versions.


The Enochian letters are read from right to left, they have letter forms, letter names and some English equivalents. They are as written from John Dee’s Diary. (


Due to the loss of parts of John Dee’s original manuscripts, interpretations have arisen regarding the meaning, validity, and authenticity behind the Enochian language.

Some magicians have asserted it is the oldest language in the world, predating all other human languages.

In some circles it is considered among the most powerful strains of magic and is a method of contacting intelligences from other dimensions.  Detractors have pointed out that the syntax of Enochian bears a strong resemblance to English, Dee and Kelley’s natural language.

Such similarities include the word luciftias, a term meaning “brightness,” which bears a connection to Lucifer, whose name means Light Bringer.” Londoh, the Enochian word for kingdom, might just represent Dee’s connection to his royal patron, the Queen of England.  Computer analysis have also shown Enochian to have a grammatical relationship to English.  Texts in the Liber Loagaeth demonstrate phonetic features that do not appear in natural languages.  The phonetic features are associated more with glossolalia, or speaking in tongues.


Necromancy: The art of conjuring the dead and communicating with them, image of John Dee and Edward Kelley. From Astrology (1806) by Ebenezer Sibly. (

Modern day occultists have found it difficult to reconstruct the Enochian system, although progress has been made by studying the original manuscripts found in Sir Hans Sloane collection. From these studies, various groups and authors have created a functional system of magic.

The Enochian language was picked up and popularized by occultists, such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, Israel Regardie and Anton LaVey, founder of the church of Satan.  Many Satanists have even included Enochian Keys in their rituals, some adopting the entire language for use.

The Enochian language was also studied by U.S. rocket scientist Jack Parson of the O.T.O.  In 1994 the Enochian letters were used as glyphs to operate the arc angle in the film ‘Stargate’, one year before the US remote viewing program, ‘Stargate’, was made public.

Another aspect of modern Enochian magic is Enochian chess.  It is both a game and a divination tool, derived from the original tablets of John Dee. It is a complex system that requires a strong foundation in the study of the Qabalah, Geomancy, Tarot, Alchemy, and Astrology.  Many of the original items used by Dee and Kelley can be found in the British Museum in London, England.





The jury has been dismissed until closing arguments next Tuesday, but the judge and lawyers from both sides met to hash out how jurors will be instructed before deliberatioms. Donald J. Trump did not take the stand in his own defense.


Donald J. Trump is accused of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened to derail his 2016 campaign. Credit…Dave Sanders for The New York Times

A swift defense and a decision ahead: 5 takeaways.

Donald J. Trump sitting at a table in a dark suit, white shirt and yellow tie.
Donald J. Trump, who is accused of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened to derail his 2016 campaign, faces 34 felony counts. Credit…Dave Sanders for The New York Times

On Tuesday morning, five weeks after the first jurors were seated for the criminal trial of Donald J. Trump, the defense rested, with closing arguments and then jury deliberations scheduled for after Memorial Day weekend.

And, despite dangling the possibility, Mr. Trump did not testify.

Testimony started April 22 with a tabloid publisher called by the prosecution, David Pecker, and ended with a lawyer called by the defense, Robert Costello. In between were a porn star, Stormy Daniels; Mr. Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen; an erstwhile aide of Mr. Trump, Hope Hicks; and a bevy of lesser-known witnesses, mostly for the prosecution.

The former president is charged with falsifying 34 business records to hide Mr. Cohen’s reimbursement for a $130,000 hush-money payment he made to Ms. Daniels, who says she had sex with Mr. Trump in 2006. Mr. Trump, 77, has denied the charges and the encounter. If convicted, he could face prison or probation.

Here are five takeaways from Mr. Trump’s 20th day on trial.

The defense’s big witness may not have been a great idea.

Mr. Costello, once Mr. Cohen’s informal adviser, continued on the stand on Tuesday, after a reprimand Monday from Justice Juan M. Merchan, who said he had been “contemptuous.”

Mr. Costello had been called by the defense to attack Mr. Cohen’s credibility, but during cross-examination, prosecutors sought to portray him as an agent of Mr. Trump, suggesting he was trying to prevent Mr. Cohen from cooperating with federal investigators. That included reading an email from Mr. Costello saying he was trying to “get Cohen on the right page.”

The defense had hoped to damage Mr. Cohen — a key prosecution witness — beyond repair. Mr. Costello’s choppy performance may be remembered, too.

The Links Between Trump and 3 Hush-Money Deals

Here’s how key figures involved in making hush-money payoffs on behalf of Donald J. Trump are connected.

Trump talked a lot, just not in court.

Mr. Trump’s vociferousness has never been questioned. During the trial, he regularly spoke outside the courtroom, including Tuesday, when he repeated refrains slamming the trial and complaining about the courtroom temperature.

While he called the trial “election interference,” saying it was impeding his campaign, Mr. Trump did squeeze in rallies on weekends and off-days, as well as some golf.

But after teasing an appearance on the stand, he declined to testify. And after violating a gag order 10 times, he carped carefully, particularly after Justice Merchan threatened jail time.

Trump’s entourage exhibited his pull over his party.

Republican politicians might not normally flock to defend a person enmeshed in a trial prompted by a porn star’s story of extramarital sex. But Mr. Trump has a tight hold on his party, and right-wing luminaries came to support their presumptive presidential nominee.

Donald Trump Jr. speaking into a group of microphones.
Donald Trump Jr. and other supporters of the former president spoke to reporters outside the Manhattan court throughout the trial. Credit…Dave Sanders for The New York Times


Throughout the trial, visitors included several potential vice-presidential candidates — including Senator J.D. Vance, an Ohio Republican, and Vivek Ramaswamy, who was once Mr. Trump’s primary opponent — and a brood of Republican lawmakers. Mr. Trump’s son, Donald Jr., also attended Tuesday; another son, Eric, was a regular. There was also a former leader of New York’s Hells Angels chapter.

Many visitors then attacked witnesses, something Mr. Trump could not do because of the gag order.

Perhaps the most notable attendee was Mike Johnson, the speaker of the House, who called the trial “corrupt” and a “sham.” It was a remarkable attack on the legal system by a staunch conservative who is second in line to the presidency — and an indication of Mr. Trump’s sway.

Some key figures were never called to the stand.

Notable as some witnesses were, absences were also interesting. One big name: Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model who says she had an affair with Mr. Trump in 2006 and 2007. Mr. Trump denies this, and she was not called as a witness, though she indicated she was keeping an eye on the case.

Other unseen characters who were frequently mentioned included Keith Schiller, the former president’s bodyguard, and Dylan Howard, a former editor of The National Enquirer, who had a medical condition that prevented him traveling from Australia.

Both might have told interesting tales: Mr. Howard helped buy up and bury unflattering stories about Mr. Trump, including Ms. McDougal’s. He also participated in discussions about Ms. Daniels’s story.

Mr. Schiller was close to Mr. Trump, and fielded a call from Mr. Cohen in which Mr. Cohen says he discussed Ms. Daniels with the former president. But Mr. Schiller was not called by the prosecution or defense.


Who Are Key Players in the Trump Manhattan Criminal Trial?

The first criminal trial of former President Donald J. Trump is underway. Take a closer look at central figures related to the case.

It will be at least a week before the jury starts to deliberate.

Jurors will return May 28 for closing arguments, which Justice Merchan predicted would last the entire day. On Tuesday afternoon, lawyers argued over jury instructions, an important part of any trial.

After several hours of debate, with both sides seemingly winning some points, Justice Merchan said he would provide a final version of those instructions on Thursday.

Justice Merchan said he hoped deliberations would begin May 29. And after sitting silently through 22 witnesses over 16 days of testimony, the jurors’ verdict will be unprecedented: the first in an American president’s criminal trial.

Testimony started April 22 with a tabloid publisher called by the prosecution, David Pecker, and ended with a lawyer called by the defense, Robert Costello. In between were a porn star, Stormy Daniels; Mr. Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen; an erstwhile aide of Mr. Trump, Hope Hicks; and a bevy of lesser-known witnesses, mostly for the prosecution.

The former president is charged with falsifying 34 business records to hide Mr. Cohen’s reimbursement for a $130,000 hush-money payment he made to Ms. Daniels, who says she had sex with Mr. Trump in 2006. Mr. Trump, 77, has denied the charges and the encounter. If convicted, he could face prison or probation.

Here are five takeaways from Mr. Trump’s 20th day on trial.

The defense’s big witness may not have been a great idea.

Mr. Costello, once Mr. Cohen’s informal adviser, continued on the stand on Tuesday, after a reprimand Monday from Justice Juan M. Merchan, who said he had been “contemptuous.”

Mr. Costello had been called by the defense to attack Mr. Cohen’s credibility, but during cross-examination, prosecutors sought to portray him as an agent of Mr. Trump, suggesting he was trying to prevent Mr. Cohen from cooperating with federal investigators. That included reading an email from Mr. Costello saying he was trying to “get Cohen on the right page.”

The defense had hoped to damage Mr. Cohen — a key prosecution witness — beyond repair. Mr. Costello’s choppy performance may be remembered, too.

Jonah Bromwich

May 21, 2024, 4:46 p.m. ETMay 21, 2024

May 21, 2024, 4:46 p.m. ET

Reporting from inside the courthouse

The judge tells the lawyers that he will get them a final version of the jury instructions by the end of the day on Thursday. We won’t know his final rulings until then, but court is adjourned.

Jonah Bromwich

May 21, 2024, 4:49 p.m. ETMay 21, 2024

May 21, 2024, 4:49 p.m. ET

Reporting from inside the courthouse

Testimony in the case is over. The next time we see the jury will be a week from now, for closing arguments. Thanks for reading.

Jonah Bromwich

May 21, 2024, 4:27 p.m. ETMay 21, 2024

May 21, 2024, 4:27 p.m. ET

Reporting from inside the courthouse

The week before the trial began, Emil Bove, one of the defense lawyers, worked hard to delay it at an appeals court. He mounted daily arguments that it should be postponed, all of which failed. His work in this conference is similar — he has offered numerous arguments, most of which the judge seems inclined to rule against. Bove is making a valiant effort to affect the jury instructions. But I haven’t heard him make many gains as this crawls to a close.

Jonah Bromwich

May 21, 2024, 4:32 p.m. ETMay 21, 2024

May 21, 2024, 4:32 p.m. ET

Reporting from inside the courthouse

Justice Merchan finally expressed impatience as Bove continued to argue. But Bove insisted it was important, and Merchan gave him one more chance to speak. Now, though, the judge is describing his past decisions on the matter at hand: Michael Cohen having been Trump’s lawyer when the charged conduct took place.

Jonah Bromwich

May 21, 2024, 4:32 p.m. ETMay 21, 2024

May 21, 2024, 4:32 p.m. ET

Reporting from inside the courthouse

“My answer hasn’t changed, and honestly I find it disingenuous for you to make the argument at this point,” Merchan says, instructing Bove not to stand up again. “I let you speak,” he says to the defense lawyer. Now, the judge says, it is his turn to speak.

Jonah Bromwich

May 21, 2024, 4:36 p.m. ETMay 21, 2024

May 21, 2024, 4:36 p.m. ET

Reporting from inside the courthouse

Bove says that he is not being disingenuous, after clarifying that he is making his argument for the record — meaning if the defense appeals and other judges evaluate this case, Bove wants them to see this. Merchan tells him again he’s repeating himself. He appears to have lost his patience, as he says that the defense lawyers continue to try to make this argument to the jury, and that they will be barred from doing so.



Here comes the T Man campaign

25 May 2024

Fox News co-host Kayleigh McEnany says former President Trump is gaining large leads ahead of the 2024 election on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’

Donald Trump’s

Greatest Escape





Author: HATTER


35 thoughts on “NATURE’S VOICE M – RX – The birds are changing … Enochian: The Mysterious Lost Language of Angels … Donald J. Trump is accused of falsifying records – Here comes the T Man campaign”

  1. My favourite topic, Queen Elisabeth 1st spy John Dee and his angelic language. He who traveled across Europe and found magic everywhere. He who created a storm against the Spanish armada. I have been searching for Dee’s original manuscripts. I intend to read attentively the information in this post.

    Sorry to say, I am not interested in Trump, he is a marginal issue. So many people swear by him as if he is Jesus himself. What a pity.

    There is an interesting interview with Julian Assange in Twitter. He says he went to 37 different different schools, on the run from a cult (@Perpetualmaniac).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. .


    Secret of the Sword

    Help us make a 40th Anniversary Cinema Re-Release of ”He-Man and She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword” a Reality!

    It was 39 years ago when this animated film featuring the most powerful man in the universe and the origin of his equally powerful twin sister, debuted in theaters worldwide on March 22nd, 1985.




    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, another new post! Thank you RX and M!

    This looks very interesting, especially the Enochian/Anunna-ki-an language of angels John Dee and Edward Kelley stuff. Already got a lot on my plate from the last post. Watching Wayne Herschel’s newest video on Anunnaki Secrets Revealed, and listening to Green Day Nimrod XXV off and on too. Plus I want to read that text “The Great Pyramid and the Bible (Antediluvian ship near Viminacium)” I didn’t know that Nimrod was the great grandson of Noah. The way so much ties together is mysterious and intriguing.

    I really like that avatar you’re using, RX, as Nature’s Voice, of the eclipse. I noticed before how the overriding sphere makes the sun become even more dazzling brilliant after. It’s kind of got a scrubbing effect happening when it’s hovering over.

    Oh that reminds me! I found something interesting about RX the Bat Cat the Crop Circle, in your sidebar collage in your previous blog Planet Earth Vortex. I finally see it! LOL It’s like your bat cat wings are creating an eclipse over what I suspect is our current whirld, encircled by your/our New Earth? It seems invisible or translucent, too, which I think is your Red Kachina? Plus your cat ears remind me of a pinball (wizard!) machine where it sucks the ball (planet) right in? I kept looking at that for quite awhile last week when seeking your SSS SSSSHIVAAA playlist. For years I’d thought, oh that’s just a COOL CAT crop circle. LOL So MUCH hidden in plain sight, right, dear Osiris!

    Look at it, see what you can see! Hatter’s last blog before this one (link below), the image of RX Bat Cat is about halfway down. It’s underneath the wonderful images of Kalki Avatar The Man With No Name; Richard X Dogon Christ; Djed Eye of HATTAH (Blondie); Star Walker HATTAH Inspiring Cloud People (HATTAH, I LOVE to see you in all your various styles, and M too, with her light virgin eye on us!) then just after Golden Lion Dogon of Fire….is RX Bat Cat! I love all those images, so glad you put them in the little montage that scrolls through on your new blog here. Sometimes I just watch them all. hehe

    Can’t wait for UK Crop Circle season this year!!!


    I’m going silent for awhile, so I can get my mundane (yet Zen!) housework stuff done and then focus on learning here!

    You really HAVE been busy bees, dear Hatter and M!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. .



    Monas Hieroglyphica (or The Hieroglyphic Monad) is a book by John Dee, the Elizabethan magus and court astrologer of Elizabeth I of England, published in Antwerp in 1564. It is an exposition of the meaning of an esoteric symbol that he invented.


    FractalU:Jim Egan – John Dee’s Mathematical Cosmology from Monas Hieroglyphics.. Nexus vs Implosion

    Dan Winter


    How Pin Hole Camera’s, Nexus Points, Consumed Perspective presaged Implosion , Phase Conjugation and Angel Phone calls (what Dan calls Longitudinal Interferometry).


    Liked by 1 person

  5. .



    God = Source Ra Yah

    Copycat AN.G.ELS

    “Therefore the LORD God expelled the man from the Garden of Eden so he would work the ground from which he had been taken. After he had expelled the man, the LORD God placed winged angels at the eastern end of the Garden of Eden, along with a fiery whirling sword, to prevent access to the tree of life.” –Genesis 3: 23-24


    Planetary Gods, Egypt, Saturn cosmology

    Greg Jay

    17 May 2020

    Video schedule 1. Saturn theory EV Cochrane, 2. Saturn in Astrology, Hermeticist , they say Saturn is the true judge, ancient sages say Saturn highest and most noble generated all other planets, the angel of Saturn is Michael, astrologers say Saturn endows man with profound thought, law, spiritual sciences, prophecy, sorcery, prognostication, esoteric knowledge, 3.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. .


    Matt Finn: Big Banging the CMB Drum


    SOURCE MATERIAL – August 23, 2006 TPOD: The “Science” of the Big Bang


    The “Science” of the Big Bang

    Astronomer Halton Arp has called it “science by news release,” and some of the most disturbing examples come from statements “confirming” the validity of the Big Bang.

    Many critics of modern theories in the sciences have noticed that science editors (newspaper, magazine, and television) appear to have lost the ability to separate fact from theory. When discussing the trademarks of popular cosmology, such as the Big Bang, the science media incessantly report that new discoveries confirm them—even when such reports are far from the truth.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Matt Finn is very witty, as well as wise! Love his snarky remarks. hehe

      “We are too far in, financially and intellectually, to question those major premises that keep this rolling scam on wheels. But the facts show that space is not charge neutral, it’s ALIVE and interconnected with electric charges in motion.”

      Gotta love Alton Harp’s take on it, “science by news release,” 

      Another excellent channel for those who seriously want to learn! Thank you Hatter. You feed us well, your blog is very edifying.


  7. .



    19 May 2024


    I personally believe this will be in my favorite decode of ALL TIME🔥 WE will be looking into the location of Atlantis, how to get there, and why many are obsessed with finding its true location! The Kraken and Leviathan will also be discussed and what I truly believe happened April 8th during and after the eclipse!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, that was an incredible video, Release The Kraken. I’m blown away. I got super pissed off about halfway through, I did not appreciate how he spoke about you M! I was livid, but stayed cool enough to finish watching. I liked how he has made many connections like you’ve shown us here.

      No wonder you shared, there was a lot to be gleaned and deepening understandings. RX and M, I really do appreciate how you will share stuff that’s informative, despite if it’s flawed or takes stances opposed to you.

      I knew it! Well, my higher self knew (words) that’s a biological being, what we’ve been seeing in the south Atlantic anomaly on Ventusky! I’ve been hoping for years that you/your dragon would rise up!


        1. Hey Antonia. Thank you for commenting! Yeah, I was so riled up! I tried to calm down and then decided to finish watching. I think it was worthwhile. A lot of the last part was more on the sea monsters and on Atlantis.

          I just have two long videos left to watch, one of them is what you watched by Dan Winter at Fractal U about John Dee and Mathematical Cosmology from Hieroglyphics, Nexus vs. Implosion. Haven’t seen anything by Dan in half a year I think! Thank you for suggesting that one, which Hatter shared above.

          Hatter and M, you are missed!!! I know you’re tending to massively important things. Just really hoping to see you soon!


  8. .


    The UnFuckIt Discussion, May 22 2024

    26 May 2024

    Well there are only two main topics in this weeks discussion, and if you watch The Joe Rogan Experience, you know exactly which two I’m talking about!! This week Rogan put out two pod casts- the first one with Rizwan Virk, a computer/game programmer and author talking about Simulation Theory, and the next day a pod cast with Terrence Howard, who basically breaks physics and our brains at the same time!  We discuss both pod casts, which each have some very very insightful information- the types of conversation that I love:  That make you think.  That opens your mind to new possibilities and new aspects of reality that perhaps we haven’t thought of before.   Both podcasts are in the category of “MUST Watch” in my opinion. Thank you for watching this clip from this weeks UnFuckIt Discussion.

    The entire show is available to everyone to watch for free on several Uncensored video platforms, and on RTS.Earth as usual.



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Terrence Howard is an ACTOR.
      Most of what he says is artistically presented old postulates, and was known by the philosophers of ancient times. His talks are interspersed with some truths which contemporary science could incorporate.
      To support my observations, I invite you to watch Ben Davidson’s Q&A session (Suspicious Observers) of May 22 where Ben mentions T. Howard’s theories, among other topics raised by participants. Sound reasoning is what we need.


    2. Whoa. Fucking good UnFuckIt with the UnFuckers discussion! I’m going to watch The Joe Rogan Experience #2152 with Terrence Howard. Flying spaceship earth….by pyramid power! Poli-ticks (and nonsparks!) not allowed!

      Excuse me while I’m off watching (about 8 hours worth, including 3 Hatter just shared) “must-see” videos!!!


  9. .


    Queen Nefertari Being Led by Isis


    M – Our old friends 3663


    Old Sunspot AR3663 That Created 5 X-Flares Is Back And Renamed!

    World News Report Today

    27 May 2024


    Liked by 1 person

  10. .


    Now for Something Completely Different


    27 May 2024

    We had some fun before the world goes F&%#@N nuts Open Q & A, no subject off limits. We covered Hitler and the WW’s, an Ancient Russian Calendar, going backwards through time, Jesus, our ‘coronation’ and the snake and more And there was music to dance to.



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well that was a great conversation by Lisa M and members, they shared many interesting thoughts. Surprised to hear another Vermonter. I found the end convo (about the perspectives on “end” of this construct) was most fascinating.

      That PDF from your last post, antedeluvian ship and pyramid measurements and language overlaps was also good to read.

      Good stuff, thanks Hatter! Making my way through it, slowly but surely! 😽


        1. Hi Antonia, yes I watch the full (paid) videos now. I’m finding them very interesting. The full length conversations run about 1.5 hours. Have seen 3 so far (1 was from early April).

          Okay, back to finish watching Wage’s World on the newest X flares! I’m skipping around, but got them all saved in their own YTube windows, UnFuckIts, Atlantis Rising, Thunderbolts, FractualU Dan, Greg Jay Planetary Gods. All look like they’ll be awesome!

          Hatter, I loved that Robert Plant song! Also in your other post, that monochrome photograph montage is so cool!!! The black and the white crystal skulls, mmmm hmmm. I watched Ra Castaldo’s other new video 2 days ago, with a guy I used to know way back when in my very early spiritual journey years, Joshua Shapiro the Crystal Skull Explorer! That was a great interview. I hadn’t seen Joshua doing interviews before, really enjoyed it. When I first found him it was around 2003 and my friend White Feather got me into the ancient crystal skull found by Anna Mitchell Hedges father, in Belize I think. White Feather got to meditate with that one time, in the 1990s I think, and he said it was an amazing, surreal, very spiritual experience. When we adopted our dog Max from the humane society litter of Great Dane/German Shepherd puppies, I pre-named him before we got him. I decided he absolutely had to be named after the crystal skull named Max. hehe

          I don’t have a link handy for Ra’s interview 3 days ago of Joshua Shapiro but if you can find it, that’s a good one. I really liked how he described the special crystal ball that was more like a computer with a programme, not like the crystal skulls which are living entities. He talked about the crystal ball still feeling like it was in his hand after the guy took it. It had activated somehow and was still with Joshua. Well he waved his hand in front of the computer screen….and I definitely felt that energy. That was pretty wild. I think he’s right, it’s some type of AI, albeit very ancient.

          Back in the early 2000s when I was really into crystal skulls, I printed out Joshua’s early years “book” and still have it in a couple of 3-ring binders in my bookcase. He had pictures of a lot of the ancient crystal skulls he’d “met” over the years, and just looking at their photographs….does something energetically to those watching.

          I thought I once was an ancient caretaker of one, I think it was in Lemuria or possibly Atlantis. RX and M would know more than me about that subject, I’m sure! My ears and eyes perk up big time whenever Hatter shares his crystal skull, whether a new post or an old post I’m finding during my blog archive sleuthing. I used to do this thing of going out to the highest spot in our meadow below the mountann, and I’d hold my (invisible/spirit) crystal skull in both palms in front of me. Then I would turn and face each direction N/E/S/W, then back to North last. I think it’s one of the originals that in ancient times integrated with me. I haven’t thought about it in a very long time. I’d like to get one of the Geronimo ones from Joshua, or one of the ones Ra Castaldo offers, but Geronimo is connected with M and RX so that sounds best to me.

          Oh I found it! Here’s the video on the Crystal Skulls:

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    M – We’ve had another blowout







    Superstorm Sunspots Have Returned


    27 May 2024


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow, more blowouts! Thanks for the heads-up M. Do you feel it physically when these humongous X flares and related CMEs occur?

      I remember when Wages World was Blue Koolaid Oh Yeah, and I got quite an education from him, back when I first started coming here to your blog, Hatter. He’s a good teacher about all things solar, and gave me a good start! Hadn’t seen his videos in a long time, so I resubscribed.

      So that’s why the moon looked funny the other night! It was full and huge and had this wonderful multi-layered halo around it! It must have been what Wages said, the pollen conditions were just right for making that special effect? It was rising as I walked Snoopy for our last walk before bed (maybe Saturday night?) when I saw the beautiful moon halo.

      RX, I love this statue of you as Osiris!!! Someday we’ll be in the place 2B where nobody is copying you, or abducting or killing you or M (never ever again!!!) and all imitation is simply sincere. Someday sooner, than later, I hope!!!

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    Wow, more blowouts! 



    Millions of chickens killed in Marion County 5-alarm fire: Police

    FOX 2 St. Louis

    30 May 2024

    Farina Farms Inc. Poultry Farm was engulfed in flames Wednesday evening and has resulted in millions of chickens being killed, according to the Marion County Sheriff’s Department.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, huge loss 🐦. Birds changing ☑️ Crossing over to get to the other side. 🐔

      Peregrine falcon playing peek-a-boo?! 🫣

      In your cartoon birds on a wire, one of those does not look like the others! 🐀


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    We may rationalize that the quetzal bird represents heaven and the serpent represents earth. Christ is both a god (from heaven) and a mortal man (from earth). Mayan writings such as in the Popol Vuh is further explored and developed. These ancient writings include several stories that coincide with the stories of Christ in the Bible, such as the creation and the resurrection. The role that both Quetzalcoatl and the Maize God played in bringing maize to humankind is comparable to Christ’s role in bringing the bread of life (Sanat Kumara / Horus / Adam / Isa / Jesus / son of Christ) to humankind. Furthermore, Quetzalcoatl is said to have descended to the Underworld similar to Osiris and Christ. These congruencies and others like them suggest that these three gods are, in fact, three representations of the same being.


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