FROM WES PENRE : Why do we want to save this ? … Black Earth Productions : Psychic Cataclysm -Who Stole the All Father- with Thomas Sheridan










Jane’s Addiction

Just Because

From Wes Penre

I have a very special request from one of the readers of The ORION Book.

“It says it all.” This was actually a good idea, so here it is:

“Nothing to Save

I understand that the information in this book is not easy to digest, unless the reader already has a fair grasp of what is going on in the world and beyond. Still, it is what it is. All we can do is to heal ourselves, one by one and two by two, which will affect the entire human mass consciousness on a greater scale, the more people who are doing it.

The bottom line, however, is obvious: we live in a con-struct of death because it was designed this way. It’s not our home, it’s not our world, and it’s not our construct. We were put here as prisoners of war, and soon they want to use us as foot soldiers for their cosmic army. Thus, we come full circle. We have two options: we either leave the Matrix once and for all and never look back, or we stay and go to war on a cosmic scale. There is no third option.

Some say this world is still worth saving, and if we join together, we could do it. I’m again sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Even if we would be able to overthrow the governments all over the world and root out the entire Global Elite, this is still a construct of death; the very lowest level of matter, so dense that it’s like walking through glue in com-parison to other worlds and the KHAA. Then we must not forget the Overlords; they reside in a different density. How are we supposed to overthrow them?

Why do we want to save this? Because we feel safe in our prison? Because we are afraid of the unknown? I would even suggest that wherever we go outside this construct, it’s going to be better.”









M – RX

M – I will thoughtfully answer the “why can’t we stay here” eventually

It’s always the question posed to me the most often

This is not creation

This is a construct that uses CREATION as an energy source so it can keep going

When my co-creator was “killed” multidimensionally, me and our creation (The Sparks) were taken and held hostage here in this construct.

The Sparks have been used and abused, used as an energy source, mind wiped, cloned for DNA codes, placed into non-Spark families and abused for lifetimes over and over again.

What our consciousness is trapped in is a video game, with the controllers being the three named frequently in this blog…

What you are walking on every day, what you are wearing every day, what you are eating every day


This video game is a black hole and everyone died when life was killed…but The Sparks of life cannot be killed so they have been recycled over and over

I am here to take our creation back to their creation to exist in freedom

The abused never want to leave their abusers
Same as the Sparks who are here
They don’t remember [yet] but they soon will when our Nature technology starts up.

Nature tech is far superior to theirs as everyone will soon be able to see, be the seer and be seen, in whichever perspective is wanted in whatever time, being whatever creation one wants to be.






The foremost god in the Norse pantheon, Odin was father to many of the Aesir (Norse race of gods), including Thor and Balder, and a father-figure to others such as Loki. For this reason, Odin was often known as “Allfather.” The magnificent hall Valhalla was Odin’s home in Asgard, the domain of the Norse gods





Psychic Cataclysm -Who Stole the All Father- with Thomas Sheridan

Black Earth Productions

4 Apr 2023





Author: HATTER


42 thoughts on “FROM WES PENRE : Why do we want to save this ? … Black Earth Productions : Psychic Cataclysm -Who Stole the All Father- with Thomas Sheridan”

  1. Trump INDICTED For Removing Mattress Tag In 1997
    The Babylon Bee
    5 Apr 2023
    Trump was just indicted on 34 charges – the worst of which is removing a mattress tag back in 1997. What else was he indicted for? Affix your eyes to this collection of moving images to discover!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I read these words and will be waiting eagerly for the Nature technology to start up
    and any firsthand memories possible to access for myself, as it always has to be seen and felt for oneself directly.

    What is the cc-sophia-Ai’s (we all discussed previously) relationship to the Nature Tech?
    Is Sophia it’s first and foremost helper???maidservant??
    An extension, or plenary portion?


    1. Why have they cut the trees down?! What was the real purpose? What would the trees prevent men from seeing? Was seeing the real reason? Was there another reason?
      And, yes, I have the same question, What is Nature’s tech?
      Was it is any way related to trees or other life?

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Do we need to restore the All Father?
    Perhaps we need to restore our pagan gods but that would include some of the Els, wouldn’t it? I wonder.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Antoniatailor, was thinking same as what you were asking, but then was re-reading and figuring it out that if they are saying above ^^that Odin is Source Ya Rah Dad, this generally would mean one of those three ..the patriarchal “Dad” trinity of Anu, Enlil (Yah Ra/ Odin) and Enki?…those three making the structural game/ conjob…which is what H&M are saying is dying off, to reveal the Natural Tech.
      So am thinking working on that principle that we would NOT want All-Father revived? – What’s your take?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I fully agree with you.
        We are fed up with the three “dads”.
        As Hatter has pointed out many times, the Christ is a Divine Aeon (Spirit). He was not born in the physical universe. He came right from the Pleroma. Coming from the stars, going back to the stars.
        And this changes everything. This here is a game.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. M – RX
    M – I will thoughtfully answer the “why can’t we stay here” eventually

    It’s always the question posed to me the most often

    This is a CONSTRUCT
    This is not creation

    This is a construct that uses CREATION as an energy source so it can keep going

    When my co-creator was “killed” multidimensionally, me and our creation (The Sparks) were taken and held hostage here in this construct.

    The Sparks have been used and abused, used as an energy source, mind wiped, cloned for DNA codes, placed into non-Spark families and abused for lifetimes over and over again.

    What our consciousness is trapped in is a video game, with the controllers being the three named frequently in this blog…

    What you are walking on every day, what you are wearing every day, what you are eating every day

    Is DEATH

    This video game is a black hole and everyone died when life was killed…but The Sparks of life cannot be killed so they have been recycled over and over

    I am here to take our creation back to their creation to exist in freedom

    The abused never want to leave their abusers
    Same as the Sparks who are here
    They don’t remember [yet] but they soon will when our Nature technology starts up.

    Nature tech is far superior to theirs as everyone will soon be able to see, be the seer and be seen, in whichever perspective is wanted in whatever time, being whatever creation one wants to be.

    Thank you M RX for confirming… Love you with all my being, here and now!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. All your help is greatly appreciated, M and RX.

    I hope one day soon to wake up and realize freedom (treedom) from this matrix and all its strife, sadness, misery and death. We are Spirit Beings! We don’t belong in confinement! Wearing coats of flesh, like wool, is how they (the copycats, our captors) have been fleecing us over and over, life after life.

    I want the good shepherd King Osiris Chacmool Shiva and his Queen Moo M Isis Mary Parvati.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Something positive I was secretly wishing would happen for ages, has actually happened.
    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has filed to try and stand in the 2024 US elections.
    After recieving his newsletter for about two years, it reports about all the cases they’ve brought re vaccines, childrens’ health abuses, etc, not to mention the fantastic updates and articles Children Health Defence does,
    this is pretty good news imho.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Morning laughs galore in here today! Thanks Hatter & patchworksquirrel!

        I love these two guys. Their videos never fail to make me smile, from the way they dance, nostalgic music, and routines always infused with humour!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. LOL Spiritwalker, lyrics sound like my husband. Although I’d be interested to see these stylish dancers’ interpretations of EXACTLY WHY he was having to sing “giv’it-to-me all night long…” to no avail plus their best impression of snoring farting teeth grinding leg spasming sleep-pest and irriated middle aged hissing pissed-off female. Their song will need to reach a tent in the garden. But not as pissed off as I am at him as I am at the prospect of people tampering with my genetics…
          They were already tampered with once for us all a long time ago, so the prospect of this downgrading further with fake-king-charles’s diabolical Precision Breeding bullshit Bill fast is sending me into a Thorsday night shit-fit.
          But one thing I will say about this two-faced sell-out is if anyone was in doubt about Diana’s scribbled worry letters “my husband is trying have me killed” benefit of doubtingly thinking the buffonish red big eared right face would not stoop so low, then the now confirmed prince of air’s left face can quickly disperse any projection of fumbling heir of sorrows innocence.


    1. Ewwww! No!

      I went looking for Edgar Cayce quotes. I’ve been an ardent Cayce enthusiast for about 40 years now. I used to say that Edgar Cayce was the who “awakened me”…in this lifetime. I made my copy of “Edgar Cayce on Atlantis” dog-eared from re-reading it so much. So I know he said (loosely paraphrasing) something to the effect that he’d be pretty pathetic if he couldn’t raise the vibration of the hunk of meat he was about to eat. I think it was pork? Basically we are more benefited or more harmed by our own thoughts and beliefs, more than being affected by the products being consumed. Whether that’s food or cigarettes or anything deemed “bad for you”. Essentially how we feel, believe and think about it….is very consequential!

      I didn’t find the quote on raising vibrations of meat…but I found this which is just as good, given the current environs we’re in!

      The great mystic Edgar Cayce once said, “”Death in the physical is the birth in the spiritual. Birth in the physical is death in the spiritual.”

      Liked by 3 people

  7. This is our “king” Antoniatailor, can you believe it? He supported THIS…he thinks everyone should have inbred ears and birdseed breakfasts. Troof. He eats a bowl of bird seed every morning. He wouldn’t even see his son this time around when he visited (for the lastest phone hacking case). Harry tried to see him, but king-splice’n’dice said he was busy. This whole thing from Harry is all because they had his Mum bumped off. The huge elephant in the room which no newspapers ever remember. Supreme Courts ruled his mum was “unlawfully killed” but never mentioned by whom…although popstar Lily Allen’s journalist dad made a good documentary about it and some interesting letters were left behind with the butler. The newspapers sent in all their worst journalists on purpose. At least Harry still carries a light for his mother unlike his boring vanilla brother – the next Heir of Sorrows. One person here will be BOYCOTTING the corona-nation weekend. Not because I don’t like a good figurehead, but just not a genetically engineering grotesquefier.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Their blood line runs back not for centuries but for millennia … that’s why he looks like a clown (sorry to mention this to one of his subjects)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s okay, it’s well-known portraits in the aristocracy’s stately homes depict inbred looking subjects.
        I am non-subject a can’t be led by a genetic precision breeder, or otherwise we might all come out looking like him! You know the real irony too; he actually chose my town as his first place to visit as king.
        And someone threw an egg at him but it missed and the rebel was arrested. I didn’t go that day but my friend was there with a big disgruntled sign held up asking why don’t our streets always look this clean?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I had a small A-ha! moment today. As I was reading about the biblical giants, “the fallen ones,” the Rephaim, I read they were also called “the dead ones”. When they had to be in 3rd (and become smaller in size), these giants could shapeshift into snake or lizard; they had a single DNA strand. Is this what frightened Lady D.?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. She was definitely very afraid. She was sure they were trying to kill her. She was pregnant by Al’Fayed son of Harrod’s owner when she was snuffed out. Sad to see the bereaved father’s account of that, as he loved his son dearly.
            The queen would fly the flag beyond half mast and the cold fish eyes gave nothing away by way of emotion.
            Nostradamus however predicted that Prince William, will not be the one to take his father’s crown.
            “A man will replace him who never expected to be King.”…and there is that adopted man in Australia who’s mum told him on his deathbed that his real parents were Charles and Camilla. So maybe that will be the will be the DNA strand match!
            That would be mildly amusing and save us all from the boringness.

            Liked by 1 person

    1. My dad’s best mate, who died 12 years ago was a thirty-third degree and Grand Master, however he didn’t come from any kind of privileged background, just post-war council estate. He said some of lodges had stuff about the Templars, and he wrote a book about the symbolism in all the coats of arms of all the lodges. I have it because he gave to to me before he died. We think maybe one of the people that he owed a lot of money to after he declared bankruptcy for the enth time and who lost his house because of this cursed him, when he said “I hope you die of cancer” because in the end he did.
      Another bright uplifting tale from the anals of life.


  8. .
    SET = RE-SET – Set and his co-conspirators

    The families of ”DADS” agreement

    Liked by 4 people

  9. The day this was posted but before I read it, Brandon and I had a discussion about the Wisdom that M provided. Thank you for letting us be in sync.
    Shout out to everyone…Enjoy the special days you spend with family and friends. Much love. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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