

The Creation

Making Time




From here whatIamseeingisthatthingsaresomehowpastthepointofredemptiononsomanylevels.
When a little girl my mum used to make me wear boring sensible Clarkes shoes, even though I begged for the cheap fashion ones, she would say”No, you’ll thank me in later life, your feet are really important and your toes must be able to spread out”.
And vegetables and milk – I’ d be made to eat them all with her harping on about “what you do now as a child affects your bones in later life…”
How true those words were.
No bunions, strong robust bones and no fillings.
What we do decades earlier lay the foundations for the later/ thereafter.
And what have humankind all done, thise year and last year to the skeleton, the bones, the teeth, the important parts that will carry them into the future?
Most of them, they chose the wrong everything.
Even the supposedly smart sensible ones.
Now the thing’s busted from beneath.
The rest of us will have to now either stay and watch the decay or turn away.
Either way involves, accepting the difficult reality that folks made their choice.
And I do not believe the two can ultimately coexist.
So the choice here is that one party leaves.
I think it is matter of tangible physicality, but it’s also choice of which dimension.
I don’t really see why the ones who stood strong should be the ones to leave though.
Unless I am misunderstanding what “leaving” means.
As I understand it, when a spouse cheats, is violent or acts out, then they should leave.
The innocent party should be allowed to remain.
However no one is without fault, but clearly here, the artificial/unnatural lifeforms should be the ones to leave.
Not the other way round.
The basic paradign being – beast system / antichrist fake “saviour”, versus fallen ang.els and
outside of that Mother Nature and Green Man.
On the same patch of planet.
And sparks caught in net of the first two.
So separating the lot with view to leave.

But why can’t it be, Planet, Mother Nature and Green Man plus sparks stay – and the beast system and fallen ang.els go?




M – RX

M – I will thoughtfully answer the “why can’t we stay here” eventually

It’s always the question posed to me the most often

This is not creation

This is a construct that uses CREATION as an energy source so it can keep going

When my co-creator was “killed” multidimensionally, me and our creation (The Sparks) were taken and held hostage here in this construct.

The Sparks have been used and abused, used as an energy source, mind wiped, cloned for DNA codes, placed into non-Spark families and abused for lifetimes over and over again.

What our consciousness is trapped in is a video game, with the controllers being the three named frequently in this blog…

What you are walking on every day, what you are wearing every day, what you are eating every day


This video game is a black hole and everyone died when life was killed…but The Sparks of life cannot be killed so they have been recycled over and over

I am here to take our creation back to their creation to exist in freedom

The abused never want to leave their abusers
Same as the Sparks who are here
They don’t remember [yet] but they soon will when our Nature technology starts up.

Nature tech is far superior to theirs as everyone will soon be able to see, be the seer and be seen, in whichever perspective is wanted in whatever time, being whatever creation one wants to be.






Author: HATTER



  1. Okay, yes thanks M -I understand better.

    As the appeerance of this thing is as has been pointed out by many’a yogi/ni – is exploitation, trickery and illusion.
    So don’t lament.

    The construct though looks solid and keeps generating sensations.
    But these “life” experiences lack quality, lack durability and feel unsatisfying
    – as you point out it is occurring within a dead/ non-living artifical cannibalising machination.
    Not a choice to exit, but an eventual unavoidable reality for living sparks.
    Sparks will get a clean break the and if not, presumably because those ones aren’t spark.
    So the problem’ll just take care of itself.

    I’ll try to do the impossible and see the unseeable.

    Exist right now outside the construct.
    And stay out of it.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes, I have reached the same conclusion. Last year.
      We must take care of ourselves.
      Creation will be taken care of.
      Those sparks who need help will be taken care of, too.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. These posts today are really helpful. Thank you M and RX.

    I keep having the recurring thought that we are caught in a virtual game. Appreciate your confirmation, dear M. It’s not a game I want to be a player in!

    Also been musing on the nonsparks and NPC’s.

    Now I know why I refuse to play computer games. Sure don’t want to “play” anything resembling the cruel game being “played” on/using us.

    Athena, the Human Witness, got me thinking about those few at the beginning (of the unnatural construct), who created lower/slower/more dense realms…who are the controllers of the game so of course they know “the rules”…to “rule” us.

    M and RX, really grateful for this post to answer some things raised by patchworksquirrel (thank you ps!). I’m gaining more understanding of what happened, our current situation, and why Nature is leaving this construct/prison.

    Setting Creation Free…well that sounds good to me! Whatever it takes.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sounds simple when you put it like that Antoniatailor.
      Prabhupada used to say spiritual life is simple for the simple and complicated for the complicated.
      I make it my focus these days to attempt simplicity!

      Share deeply your dislike for video games Spiritwalker…yes this first game is cruel enough, why would we want to play a worse game within an already bad game. Totally can’t even think to play a video game, as I barely get through each day in this game called life!

      I must say I am most captured by the picture of Kali meditating in the forest and am considering finding a way to print it and hang it by my bed. I already have by my bed since about 7 years ago, before I came to this blog- a kitsch little red wooden thing with picture of the Virgin Mary in it, a large plastic dragon from my son’s old knight’s castle, and a little navy black baby plastic dragon which I found on the table of the pub near the wood I protect, and a red russian dolly, some seashells, seaweed, some crystals, and a ball I made with clay and blood. Kali feels like she needs to be there also.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Actually the forest picture, it’s Shakti rather than Kali, but she contains Kali clearly as vibe and headskulls, but she’s Shakti Ma.
    Sometimes when uttering names of shakti connected to Antares personality, when I say and feel them are containing a more preservative energy and a more preservative stream and then this hits up against the more destructive/ removing stream of Kali consciousness and Shiva consciousness. And “little me” gets caught in the middle and whirled around like a bit of sand in a water spiral. Do I want to be with preserving forces or destroying forces? Sometimes I want it all to be saved and other times agree it should all get destroyed.
    Like caught between both.
    This is why this reoccurring hesitation questioning thing about “staying/ leaving/ Enki gets it/ no he doesn’t -bash him over the head with it/let him have the monostrosity/ no don’t; salvage the beauty/ leave it all/ no don’t leave it but preserve it battle.
    But there is a only blank white wall. This is projecting using machinery – it is a recording of the Original.
    When the projector switches off, no need to cry because you were only tricked into watching the recording.
    But I am like “that kid”, screaming and crying when playtime’s finished, and the parents are carrying him away home, he doesn’t want to stay on his own, but yet he’s crying anyway because he finds the change mildly uncomfortable.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. addendum
    M – The abused never want to leave their abusers
    Same as the Sparks who are here
    They don’t remember [yet] but they soon will when our Nature technology starts up.

    Nature tech is far superior to theirs as everyone will soon be able to see, be the seer and be seen, in whichever perspective is wanted in whatever time, being whatever creation one wants to be.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. “M – …
    They don’t remember [yet] but they soon will when our Nature technology starts up.
    Nature tech is far superior to theirs as everyone will soon be able to see, be the seer and be seen, in whichever perspective is wanted in whatever time, being whatever creation one wants to be.”

    I took that as at once both group invitation as well as prelude.
    And might have spotted something already.
    It was out the window and I was laying in bed and I saw these rapid squiggley lines go across the sky.
    They were hardly on the edge of perception. I only saw them because I was in a particular state of mind of having given up.
    I was also remembering a particular rock art picture of squatter man in a hat from roundtable video I watched yesterday from Leak Project talking about rock art, saturn, jupiter, solar system rearrangements,
    Then it happened again.
    I was also, obsessing about this leaving thing – trying to unwrap my head from the disposable constructs and get the being grounded in something trueblue.
    Then the lines happened.
    And I immediately thought…”it’s that Nature tech!!!”
    So am all eyes and ears right now looking out for this Nature technology.
    Also really working on seeing past the outward shapes and forms into the living intents of things…and having to try to use my heart eye…which is actually like walking blind-folded in a large dark unknown space/ as I am blind and its like learning to walk for the first time.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Just had an “ah-ha” moment.
    You know that “create the problem and offer the solution” magic trick which they keep playing on everyone these days…
    Well I suddenly realised….probably obvious to everyone else here, but I only just thought of it….the “beast system false christ” is the “mass created solution”. So for example the whole COP27 is the creating of the problem, plus the EMF grids which coveretly imbalance and heat the ionosphere….then they say it is Co2, and voila…they’ve created “the problem”….then ooo…the solutions…which are the problem/ solution contingency psy-ops which they can continue to use to “rule the world”.
    It’s sort of seriously banal when put like that.
    Just silly greedy little ant-flee-people doing stupid silly greedy little things.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. .
    Scary Monsters


    This Insane Video Will Make You Believe There’s a Serpent Inside The Sun
    The Cosmos News
    18 Nov 2022
    However, the “serpent” spotted by the European Space Agency’s Solar Orbiter is not a real stellar squamate but a newly observed solar phenomenon that may be linked to massive eruptions from a restless Sun.

    The Orbiter observed the moving structure on 5 September as it moved in for its close approach – called a perihelion – planned for 12 October, the closest Solar Orbiter had been yet. The video from that encounter was just incredible, by the way.

    As Solar Orbiter approached, it imaged a rippling line propagating a long path across the Sun. Solar scientists say this is a cooler tube of plasma in the surrounding hot plasma of the Sun’s atmosphere, bound by solar magnetic fields.
    The video shows the plasma snaking across the Sun from one side to the other, following a filament of the solar magnetic field.

    Solar magnetic fields are complicated, and attempting to understand them and their behavior is an ongoing Herculean effort.
    But the solar atmosphere consists of plasma made up of charged particles that are easily confined by magnetic fields.
    This is why fusion generators such as tokamaks rely on magnetic fields for plasma confinement – but it also means that if you can follow the structures in the plasma, you can get a pretty good idea of what the magnetic fields are doing.
    The solar snake allows scientists to see the magnetic field moving, but it’s what it’s moving away from that makes it even more intriguing.
    Shortly after the filament carved its path across the Sun, its starting point erupted in a coronal mass ejection, sending plasma blasting out into space.

    These eruptions are usually associated with sunspots, regions of concentrated magnetic field lines on the Sun. These magnetic field lines tangle, snap, and reconnect, producing coronal mass ejections and sometimes solar flares.

    It’s possible the snake was somehow connected to one of the most powerful detected by Solar Orbiter since it was launched in February 2020, perhaps as a precursor to the eruption.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Awesome Solar Serpent!

      Perfect song for it, too. Scary Monsters! 🐉

      Hatter, I love the smoke video you put in the other post. Could watch that for hours…see all kinds of cool beings and things in it. The part that looks like a djed (or a honey dipper thing) is supercool. Smoke serpents too!

      I think Nature tech will be…

      Mmmarvelous and Hatterrific!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. .
      AWOLNATION – Run
      (Beautiful Things)

      I am a human being capable of doing beautiful things
      I am a human being capable of doing beautiful things
      I am a human being capable of doing beautiful things
      And I am a human being capable of doing these beautiful things
      There’s lightning striking all over the world
      There’s lightning striking all over the world
      There’s lightning striking all over the world
      There’s lightning striking all over the world
      I am a human being capable of doing beautiful things
      I am a human being capable of doing beautiful things
      Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

      Liked by 3 people

  8. Liked by 1 person

  9. NATURE’S VOICE M – RX : Atlantis was a wannabe Tiamat … Lavette : The Divine Nature of Creation / Game of Thrones … The Mad Scientists of Atlantis

    M – RX

    M – Tiamat was our home when we were nommos before we came to earth.

    Supposedly it was destroyed but that was the dimension which you were killed in originally which collapsed the fabric of space and time

    In our “highest” forms we are dragons but we have created other creations, where we were one with all consciousness, as Tiamat is one of these creations.

    When Christ was killed, all of time and space collapsed in on itself, unbeknownst to Yah, who was actually devastated that this happened, as his sobs echo throughout space and time as well.

    As nothing was left, except a large rift of nothingness.

    Everything is a jumbled mess because he had to back engineer everything by jumping timelines and shape shifting into bodies to get done what he wanted done

    What remains on the earth is only death, suffering and cannibalism, as that is all that CAN exist here

    The fractured CC (half of it) is what they have used to time travel and access creation codes, including remote viewing and the Hall of Records.

    Yah used all of this to his advantage, and allowed his friends and sons to access this information as well, while being locked out to the original creation.

    Enki is in nommo form here on earth from Tiamat.

    He has pretended to be Christ/Jesus and functions as a copycat.

    He wants worship and sacrifice, much like Yah.

    Yah thinks he is above most, as he can fly around in his merkaba and Yah considers himself a higher form of creation.

    The Reptilian King Anu (Sumerian King line of archons) enslaved all of Tiamat’s creation and abducted the Mother of Creation.

    All archons answer to Anu and they are commanded by him.

    With the archons AI, they’ve been able to clone creation.

    Using creation’s DNA (from Rx and M), they are able to slide through portals.

    This is why blood is so important to them.

    Since they are cloned and copied, they lack the real DNA.

    Hence they have to use blood from the original creation to have power.

    It is through this blood they are able to tamper with the broken CC.

    As everyone has read from the ancient texts, M has been on a mission to rid creation of these parasites and resurrect Rx so the CC can be whole.


    Liked by 4 people

  10. Is Sanat Kumar / Issa’s/ Krsna’s Venusian dimension affected or outside of/ and therefore unaffected by this Yah’s murderous vandalism, counterfeit productions and harvesting and irrigations of spark energy?
    Or is that too fallen within the dimension affected by this virus personality?
    Or else, has Sanat retained an eternal status existing purely unaffected?

    When we speak of original sparks getting cloned and copied, I mean.
    I understand there may be fake clones and untrue versions, of Krsna/ Sanat but I mean in his Venusian-Earth dimension – is that still clean, true and pure – or has that been infected too?

    Liked by 2 people

  11. One time in Mathura, whilst walking across the marble floor of an ancient Vishna temple, I slipped through a portal thingy, and for about five seconds was spontaneously transported and literally walking down the corridor of Krsna Dwarka home, the floors were made of a material like glass gold. I lived there as resident, and my feet were bare, had a yellow silken sari and I was in a hurry to get somewhere. I was in the place and knew it as my home.
    It’s a mystery why, and it was me experiencing as firsthand person, not watching someone else. But I was family living there or something, though not like it was anything special. Just regular life. A lot of people lived there. It was a big place.
    It just happened, all I was doing was walking across the temple floor, when I slipped through time in this strange manner.
    It was a different time, and the quality of the floor was unique in that it was made of gold that was glass and kind of see-through but also solid golden. Not a material I have ever met here in this current era.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You know, same thing happened to me once.
      I was in a hurry to go to a hospital. I was walking fast.
      Suddenly, it started pouring rain. It was as if the skies had opened above me.
      I must have been in an altered state of consciousness, for I saw myself running along a sunlit path. There was not a drop of water upon me.
      I walked like that for maybe an hour, and I got to the hospital completely dry.
      The senior nurse at the entrance looked at me and said, Where did you pass from? It’s raining heavily, and you are dry.
      I’ve had no explanation about what happened to me. My feeling was I was not there or then. Another time, another place.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Fascinating Antoniatailor! And enjoy knowing that the same type of event happened to you too!
        These things are less than common, so always good to hear other’s who’ve had similar.
        Transported you were!!
        And in your own private magic dry sunny tunnel!
        Even Elon Musk or King Charles can’t buy a magic tunnel like that!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes, transported I was, along my personal sunny path💜 Another dimension, another place, but I still got to the hospital…


  12. Joy Division – Shadowplay

    Ev Cochrane: EU Mythology – In the Beginning | Thunderbolts
    20 Nov 2022
    A walk down memory lane and a bit of history from comparative mythologist Ev Cochrane.

    In 1979, Ev wrote an article arguing that Inanna, as the planet Venus, was best understood as a comet-like phenomenon. Shortly thereafter, finding a kindred spirit in Dave Talbott, they jointly authored a series of articles on the Venus-comet.

    During the 1980s and 1990s, Dave and Ev continued to fine-tune and bolster their historical reconstruction—while authoring dozens of scholarly articles on comparative mythology—traveling about the US and Canada presenting their findings. In the mid-1990s they were regular participants on such internet fora as and sci.astro, where they argued and debated top astronomers and scientists.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Hey, the “MUS”/pronounced “Moosh” pictograph is the exact same head as Kokopelli!!
    Mus is Kokopelli’s head.
    See at 4:43 mins!
    Remember when Hatter said Kokopelli- krsna/ Sanat.

    Liked by 1 person

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