NATURE’S VOICE M – RX : Tack marks from Marduk using tacks or nails to secure the dragon skin to form Earth “Crust” – There Are Holes on the Ocean Floor. Scientists Don’t Know Why … Massive Chinese Rocket In “Uncontrolled Descent” Expected To Crash Into Earth Within Days … NEBU – MARDUK


Imagine Dragons

Whatever It Takes

Falling too fast to prepare for this
Tripping in the world could be dangerous
Everybody circling, it’s vulturous
Negative, nepotist
Everybody waiting for the fall of man
Everybody praying for the end of times
Everybody hoping they could be the one
I was born to run, I was born for this
Whip, whip
Run me like a racehorse
Pull me like a ripcord
Break me down and build me up
I wanna be the slip, slip
Word upon your lip, lip
Letter that you rip, rip
Break me down and build me up
Whatever it takes
‘Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do whatever it takes
‘Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains
Whatever it takes
Yeah, take me to the top I’m ready for
Whatever it takes
‘Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do what it takes
Always had a fear of being typical
Looking at my body feeling miserable
Always hanging on to the visual
I wanna be invisible
Looking at my years like a martyrdom
Everybody needs to be a part of ’em
Never be enough, I’m the prodigal son
I was born to run, I was born for this
Whip, whip
Run me like a racehorse
Pull me like a ripcord
Break me down and build me up
I wanna be the slip, slip
Word upon your lip, lip
Letter that you rip, rip
Break me down and build me up
Whatever it takes
‘Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do whatever it takes
‘Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains
Whatever it takes
Yeah, take me to the top, I’m ready for
Whatever it takes
‘Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do what it takes
Hypocritical, egotistical
Don’t wanna be the parenthetical, hypothetical
Working onto something that I’m proud of, out of the box
An epoxy to the world and the vision we’ve lost
I’m an apostrophe
I’m just a symbol to remind you that there’s more to see
I’m just a product of the system, a catastrophe
And yet a masterpiece, and yet I’m half-diseased
And when I am deceased
At least I go down to the grave and die happily
Leave the body and my soul to be a part of thee
I do what it takes
Whatever it takes
‘Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do whatever it takes
‘Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains
Whatever it takes
Yeah, take me to the top, I’m ready for
Whatever it takes
‘Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do what it takes







M – RX

M – Tack marks from Marduk using tacks or nails to secure the dragon skin to form Earth “Crust”

It didn’t work-the skin kept curling so he decided to use water to hold down the skin


Mid-ocean ridge along the floor of the Atlantic, part of the longest mountain range in the world


There Are Holes on the Ocean Floor. Scientists Don’t Know Why

Similar openings on the sea floor were first spotted 18 years ago along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Their origins remain unknown.

Scientists are asking the public for their thoughts.


While researchers explored the Mid-Atlantic Ridge on July 23, they noticed sets of holes in the sediment that they couldn’t explain. The laser points in the image are 10 centimeters. or about 4 inches, apart.
Credit…National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Deep in the waters along a volcanic ridge in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, sea explorers using a remotely operated vehicle to examine largely unexplored areas found a pattern of holes in the sand.

During the dive, north of the Azores, near Portugal’s mainland, on July 23, they saw about a dozen sets of holes resembling a track of lines on the ocean floor, at a depth of 1.6 miles.

Then about a week later, on Thursday, there were four more sightings on the Azores Plateau, which is underwater terrain where three tectonic plates meet. Those holes were about a mile deep and about 300 miles away from the site of the expedition’s initial discovery.

The scientists don’t know what the holes are, but they have encountered similar markings before and consider them to be “lebensspuren,” German for “life traces,” referring to impressions in sediments that could be the work of living organisms.

The question the scientists are posing, to themselves and to the public in posts on Twitter and Facebook, is: What is creating those marks, with the holes spaced 4 or more inches apart and the lines extending from 5 feet to more than 6 feet, on the ocean floor?

“The origin of the holes has scientists stumped,” said the post on Twitter from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Ocean Exploration project. “The holes look human made, but the little piles of sediment around them suggest they were excavated by … something.”

Nearly two decades ago, just about 27 miles away from the location of the current expedition’s initial sighting, scientists spotted similar holes during an exploration, Emily Crum, a NOAA spokeswoman, said.

But the passage of time has not provided any clear answers, said Michael Vecchione, a NOAA deep-sea biologist who participated in that project and is also involved in part of this latest expedition.

“There is something important going on there and we don’t know what it is,” Dr. Vecchione said. “This highlights the fact that there are still mysteries out there.”

The holes are but one of the questions that scientists on an ambitious ocean expedition are probing, as they explore the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which is a section of a massive deep-ocean range of mountains and stretches for more than 10,000 miles beneath the Atlantic Ocean.

A colony of bamboo coral, measuring nearly a meter across, among deep-ocean life seen during the fourth dive of Voyage to the Ridge 2022 in the Atlantic Ocean. The coral is believed to be at least 100 years old.
A stalked glass sponge, observed at a depth of 1.62 miles in the Atlantic Ocean. The long stalk extends into the water for feeding.

Experts with NOAA are seeking answers during three expeditions that they are calling Voyage to the Ridge 2022, which began in May and will conclude in September, in journeys that are taking them from the waters off Newport, R.I., to the Azores and back to Puerto Rico in the Caribbean.

Explorers want to know what lives along the continuous range of underwater volcanoes and what happens when geologic processes that create life-supporting heat are halted.

They are paying close attention to deep-sea coral and sponge communities, which are “some of the most valuable marine ecosystems on Earth,” said Derek Sowers, an expedition coordinator aboard the NOAA ship, the Okeanos Explorer.

Dr. Sowers said that expeditions such as the Voyage of the Ridge projects were “fundamental” to establishing an understanding of the biodiversity of the planet and “the novel compounds produced by all of these life-forms.”

And they want to know more about areas where seawater is heated by magma, with deep-sea life deriving energy from this source and chemicals, instead of the sun, like most life on Earth.

“This has expanded our understanding of under what conditions life on other planets may occur,” Dr. Sowers said.

After the agency turned to social media in an effort to engage the public, dozens of comments streamed in, with some delving into speculation. Are the holes man-made? Could they be a sign from extraterrestrials? Are they tracks left by a submarine? Could they be the breathing holes of a “deep-sea creature that buries itself under the sand”?

That last guess wasn’t necessarily so far-fetched, Dr. Vecchione said. In a paper about the holes spotted in 2004, Mr. Vecchione and his co-author, Odd Aksel Bergstad, a former researcher at the Institute of Marine Research in Norway, proposed two main hypotheses for why the holes exist. Both involved marine life, either walking or swimming above the sediment and poking holes down, or the inverse scenario, burrowing within the sediment and jabbing holes up.

The holes seen on Thursday appeared to have been pushed out from underneath, Dr. Vecchione said.

The remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer over the ocean seafloor during a fourth dive of the Voyage to the Ridge 2022 expedition on July 23.

The remotely operated vehicle’s suctioning device collected sediment samples to examine whether there was an organism inside the holes, Dr. Sowers said.

Dr. Vecchione said that while he was pleased about encountering the ocean floor holes again, he was “a little disappointed” that scientists still lacked an explanation.

“It reinforces the idea that there is a mystery that some day we will figure out,” he said. “But we haven’t figured it out yet.”

One last dive, which will be livestreamed, remains to be carried out in the second expedition of the series, NOAA said.

The third expedition begins on Aug. 7.



Massive Chinese Rocket In “Uncontrolled Descent” Expected To Crash Into Earth Within Days


29 Jul 2022

China’s largest rocket, the Long March 5B that delivered the Wentian laboratory module to the new space station, is expected to deorbit and fall back to Earth. The Aerospace Corporation’s Center for Orbital Reentry and Debris Studies (CORDS) said the Long March 5B is set for an uncontrolled descent into Earth’s atmosphere on Sunday (31 Jul 2022 00:24 UTC ± 16 hours)












When Yahu was Bal, and Eli/ Hari/Heru Was Still Supreme


House of King David and Solomon

of Jerusalem


Anunnaki god of Wisdom – Nebu | You Won’t Believe What It Means

Ancient Mystery

29 Jul 2022

Nebu of the Anunnaki gods. The name gives us insight, it is the key to knowledge and with it the wisdom of understanding. But what does Nebo mean? Researchers have made a grave mistake. The meaning of Nebu lifts the veil upon the worship of Nebo.


The Anunnaki god Nebo or Nebu is the son of Merodach; Marduk; Marutuk, he is the god of wisdom and the inventor of writing in the ancient Mesopotamian religion.





🔭 The Eye of The Jaguar – Ancient Observatory 👀 – S.TONE FLOWERS … Ancient Temples Were Gigantic Circuit Boards … EU warned about ‘TWINDEMIC’


Close to the Edge


[I The Solid Time Of Change]

A seasoned witch could call you from the depths of your disgrace
And rearrange your liver to the solid mental grace
And achieve it all with music that came quickly from afar
And taste the fruit of man recorded losing all against the hour
And assessing points to nowhere, leading every single one
A dewdrop can exalt us like the music of the sun
And take away the plain in which we move
And choose the course you’re running

Down at the end, round by the corner
Not right away, not right away
Close to the edge, down by a river
Not right away, not right away

Crossed the line around the changes of the summer
Reaching out to call the color of the sky
Passed around a moment clothed in mornings faster than we see
Getting over all the time I had to worry
Leaving all the changes far from far behind
We relieve the tension only to find out the master’s name

Down at the end, round by the corner
Close to the edge, just by a river
Seasons will pass you by
I get up, I get down
Now that it’s all over and done
Now that you find, now that you’re whole

[II Total Mass Retain]

My eyes convinced, eclipsed with the younger moon attained with love
It changed as almost strained amidst clear manna from above
I crucified my hate and held the word within my hand
There’s you, the time, the logic, or the reasons we don’t understand

Sad courage claimed the victims standing still for all to see
As armoured movers took approached to overlook the sea
There since the cord, the license, or the reasons we understood will be

Down at the edge, close by a river
Close to the edge, round by the corner
Close to the end, down by the corner
Down at the edge, round by the river

Sudden cause shouldn’t take away the startled memory
All in all, the journey takes you all the way
As apart from any reality that you’ve ever seen and known
Guessing problems only to deceive the mention
Passing paths that climb halfway into the void
As we cross from side to side, we hear the total mass retain

Down at the edge, round by the corner
Close to the end, down by a river
Seasons will pass you by
I get up, I get down

[III I Get Up, I Get Down]

In her white lace, you could clearly see the lady sadly looking
Saying that she’d take the blame
For the crucifixion of her own domain

I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down

Two million people barely satisfy
Two hundred women watch one woman cry, too late
The eyes of honesty can achieve
(She would gladly say it amazement of her story)
How many millions do we deceive each day?
(Asking only interest could be layed upon the children of her domain)

I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down

In charge of who is there in charge of me
(She could clearly see the lady sadly looking)
Do I look on blindly and say I see the way?
(Saying that she’d take the blame
For the crucifixion of her own domain)
The truth is written all along the page
(She would gladly say it amazement of her story)
How old will I be before I come of age for you?
(Asking only interest could be layed upon the children of her domain)

I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down

I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down

[IV Seasons Of Man]

The time between the notes relates the color to the scenes
A constant vogue of triumphs dislocate man, so it seems
And space between the focus shape ascend knowledge of love
As song and chance develop time, lost social temp’rance rules above
Ah, ah

Then according to the man who showed his outstretched arm to space
He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human race
I shook my head and smiled a whisper, knowing all about the place
On the hill we viewed the silence of the valley
Called to witness cycles only of the past
And we reach all this with movements in between the said remark

Close to the edge, down by the river
Down at the end, round by the corner
Seasons will pass you by
Now that it’s all over and done
Called to the seed, right to the sun
Now that you find, now that you’re whole
Seasons will pass you by

I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down
I get up, I get down




The Zealot Gene

Jethro Tull

Half of us are in the apple
Half of us are in the pie
All of us are in the pudding
When the last bus has gone by
Someone has to take the high road
Someone has to make the bed
No-one has the right to tell you
To lie down when all is said

The black and white, the stereotype
The polarising pitch at play
While some of us sit in between
Interminable shades of grey
No need to walk the tightrope
Set out on that great divide
The balance scales may tremble
But the featherweights are on our side

Carrying the Zealot gene
Right or left, no in between
Beware, beware the Zealot gene
Naked flame near gasoline

The populist with dark appeal
The pandering to hate
Which xenophobic scaremongers
Deliver on a plate
To tame the pangs of hunger
And satisfy the lust
Slave to ideology
Moderation bites the dust

Bee buzzing in your bonnet
And a wasp right up the bum
A V-8 under hood
A cocked hammer under thumb
Ear-splitting twitter thunder
And a screaming banshee wail
You got too many opinions
And a tom cat by the tail

Carrying the Zealot gene
Right or left, no in between
Beware, beware the Zealot gene
Naked flame near gasoline

Carrying the Zealot gene
Right or left, no in between
Beware, beware the Zealot gene
Naked flame near gasoline

Half of us are in the apple
Half of us are in the pie
All of us are in the pudding
When the last bus has gone by
Someone has to take the high road
Someone has to make the bed
No-one has the right to tell you
To lie down when all is said

The black and white, the stereotype
The polarising pitch at play
While some of us sit in between
Interminable shades of grey
No need to walk the tightrope
Set out on that great divide
The balance scales may tremble
But the featherweights are on our side

Carrying the Zealot gene
Right or left, no in between
Beware, beware the Zealot gene
Naked flame near gasoline




How did they fit such huge stones with that level of precision? Never mind the sheer volume. Mainstream historians had better consider some serious self-examinations before continuing their self-proclaimed “expert” status. Would one come on to this humble chat and explain what went on here? It’s a catch 22 question so I expect no replies. This is because nobody will ever come close to understanding and explaining sites like this until there is an open and uncensored discussion between any and all curious humans. I hope to have that conversation one day with millions of you, including the self-proclaimed experts.




🔭 The Eye of The Jaguar

Ancient Observatory 👀

Mystery History II

17 Jan 2022













Ancient Temples Were Gigantic Circuit Boards

Michael Tellinger

25 Oct 2021

This is an exert from my presentation in 2013, Boulder, Colorado – at the Breakthrough Energy Conference.


M – Have you heard about 


RX – Double whammy


EU warned about ‘twindemic’

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has issued a warning about the twin threat of Covid and influenza across the EU


EU warned about ‘twindemic’

The spread of influenza across Europe has sparked concerns about the risk of a prolonged ‘twindemic’, as the high Covid transmission rate raises fears about the pressure on already overstretched European health systems.

A combination of Covid lockdowns, enforced mask-wearing, and social distancing requirements throughout the continent helped to almost eradicate the flu last winter, experts said.

However, the ECDC believes relaxed restrictions are set to result in a resurgence of influenza cases. The European organization has reported that the flu virus is spreading across the continent at a higher-than-expected rate, with cases in intensive care units rising at the end of December.

Speaking to Reuters, the ECDC’s influenza expert, Pais Penttinen, expressed “big concern” about influenza as countries “start to lift all measures,” warning cases might “shift away from normal seasonal patterns.”

Removing Covid restrictions before the end of spring could see a prolonging of the twindemic with Covid and influenza beyond May, according to the ECDC, putting extra pressure on health services that are already overstretched.

Concerns have been exacerbated by the flu variant that has become dominant this season, as the H3 of the A virus usually causes severe cases of the illness among elderly patients, potentially impacting hospitalization rates.

Six regional countries – Armenia, Belarus, Serbia, France, Georgia, and Estonia – have recorded seasonal influenza activity above the normal threshold in primary care. A further seven nations have recorded widespread influenza activity and/or medium flu intensity.

Amid the number of influenza cases, France has seen three regions already declare a flu epidemic, according to French Health Ministry data, with the department warning there “is still large room for improvement” in the uptake of flu shots to limit the impact of the virus.

WHO warns we’re not ready to treat Covid like flu


Read more 


WHO warns we’re not ready to treat Covid like flu


The fears of a twindemic come amid reports of ‘flurona’, with an Israeli woman becoming the latest individual to be infected with Covid and flu simultaneously.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently called for continued vigilance against Covid due to the spread of the Omicron strain providing a “huge amount of uncertainty.” 

Addressing the situation, the WHO’s regional director for Europe, Dr. Hans Kluge, warned there is a “closing window of opportunity” to prevent health systems from being overwhelmed.


Stone flowers - Sempervivum




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