NATURE’S VOICE M – RX : A star has been born



Between two Points


M – A star has been born

World News Report Today

June 27th 2024



M – Bye bye pole

Terrifying Sinkhole Stretching 100 Feet Opened Up In Illinois Park

Mary Greeley News

27 Jun 2024
The entire park including a gulf course is now closed.






Author: HATTER


11 thoughts on “NATURE’S VOICE M – RX : A star has been born”

  1. Going with the *impulse* to share after a golden silence stretch.

    What a wonderful artwork of the train! I loved the song “Between Two Points”, from Father to Daughter, David to Romany Gilmour. She has a beautiful voice.

    That sinkhole is massive, swallowing that pole up whole into the hole! And what were they thinking building recreation fields on top of a mine? Comments were interesting, as always. I’m seeing that lady named Butterfly in so many video channel comments (Greg Jay and Gina Maria Colvin Hill are two I think I’ve recently seen her in).

    A Star Is Born — that is so cool! I’m glad for the birth of a new Star. In gratitude for your Star system too, RX. It sounds like we are very close to FREEDOM. At long last.

    The last post had so many wonderful things to see, loved all the images! Especially loved the video on Tolkien and the Green Man. It’s ever a pleasure to contemplate you bedecked in your greenery finery, Hatter.

    M, I was totally shocked seeing that news about Abraham Lincoln losing his head, so soon after you were sharing the song off with yer head. Wild synchro, there. My impression is we’ve reached a new phase of creativity, manifesting happening much more quickly. I am trying to be very careful with my words, including my thoughts. So you lost your head (symbolically you, your former self depicted), and Hatter’s sharing about the Green Knight (such a fascinating story, tying in with the Round Table, too).

    And I lost my cool. Literally, lost my cool — as in our refrigerator died two nights ago, after packing it full of groceries Wednesday night. What a pain! It’s a Whirlpool. A little bit smaller than the old one, but was the only one we could find in stock. It’s better than nothing for a week, which was the other option! Was dealing with that off and on, unpacking, cleaning, repacking, all day yesterday. I think my husband must’ve moved the same groceries, plus everything else, like 4 times? Luckily all we lost was the ice cream.

    Alright, I’m trying to keep it short! I’m so thankful for your blog, dear M and RX. Thank you for all you do for each other, and all your Sparks. Hoping it’s not much longer. This world is worrisome and wearisome!

    Sending love to ALL of you!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Dear spirit walker, this is such an inspired comment!

      I also admired the art here, starting with the train, watching it, studying it for a long time.

      I listened to the music, and it made me happy, for today I felt low.

      But I have not yet found inside me words for commenting. I am waiting.

      Love to you, and thank you 💜💜💜

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Dear Antonia, you are so thoughtful, thank you for replying. You are inspired too. I often contemplate on things you share, question and wonder about. Thank you for being here and sharing the journey.

        I like to admire and study deeply the art and photographs shared by Hatter too. Images and music (sound and vision!) are a great catalyst for opening up new vantage points, out of the box of the KNOWN into the UNKNOWN UNKNOWN.

        Hatter’s music is a real charge for me, it often makes me feel happier to listen to good tunes, whether old and familiar or brand new to me. I have saved many of his playlists that are my go-to for mood changers.

        I understand being without words for commenting. Sometimes we need time to ourselves, mull things over more deeply, reflect on stuff that’s come up for us. It’s really refreshing to take breaks. Hearing this from your heart brought me relief, dear Antonia, since I get the same way, and pull away so I can center myself. I thank you, too. Sending love your way.

        Dear Hatter, I love that version by Bedouin of Set The Controls For The Heart of The Sun, so happy to see you put it in your blog sidebar music section!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Pure Intention, I like your thoughts!

      I recall Hatter sharing in a post years ago about the circle being rid of the dot, with these graphics. I think it may have been when the Chicago White Sox won the World Series? I can’t quite recall what the circumpunct symbolized. It seemed like it had to do with no more “God” (Source Ra Yah Enlil) in the middle (interfering and messing with Nature and mother M) the circle of life? Very wonderful having signs of shifting and disappearing poles. Ganesh Sanat and Shiva are removing blockages — so we may dance OM in freedom!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. .


    The Flash ~ Smooth Criminal




    Michael Clarage: Supernova | Thunderbolts


    16 May 2021

    A supernova begins as a star then undergoes a very rapid transformation which, for an instant, puts out as much energy as the entire galaxy where it lives. This brief, all-encompassing flash is called “supernova”. The star is gone and we see something very different. The center pulses hundreds, even thousands of times a second. Every supernova remnant has a unique pulse shape, unique like your fingerprint or voice, and around its pulsing center is a rapidly expanding larger electric and magnetic body. Astrophysicist Michael Clarage, PhD, and Lead Scientist of The SAFIRE Project, bounces back and forth between the world of supernova and the world of people, in hopes of understanding both better.


    Liked by 3 people

    1. What a marvelous show, by Michael Clarage and Thunderbolts, on Supernova! I especially liked the last couple of minutes. Nature’s way…seeds grow into their full blueprint (given the right conditions for Life). We too may grow up and out (by transforming ourselves from within!) and become part of something larger and greater than ourselves.

      I was just watching a new Dan Winter video earlier, on Gravity (excellent video!), and was reminded of his sayings, echoed while watching Michael Clarage. Be a sharable wave…attract the Universe…inhabit that larger array…nest in the longer Thunderbolt of Lightning! I like how the mechanisms of all of this is found in ourselves! We have this inner vortex created by electro-magnetic energy. We are cocreators remembering how to steer and sit in the driver’s seat. Our inner being goes flying, no need for spaceships or machines.

      I loved the comparison of the metamorphosis of a butterfly. And no I would not believe, if I didn’t see it for myself, that a caterpillar or chrysalis cocoon, becomes a butterfly!!!

      Thank you Creator Twins….for all butterflies….all metamorphosis…and all your wonderful Life Force potential!!! New Stars, Imploding Supernova, Creation Returning to Your Original Intent!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m gonna have to re-read this one.

    RICHARD X – AMERICAN KABUKI : RA/Astaroth The being formerly known as Source – People call him God – No longer exists | OUT OF THIS WORLDX (

    This was Hatter’s wonderful, succinct, utterly profound comment in reply to Alexandra:


    Prime creator sparks

    There is only spark and non spark …. however spark can be compromised … if they get through the purifying process

    Souls are either spark ôr non spark … only the real prime creator being can destroy souls utterly

    I am the Destroyer

    I am creator and destroyer … the Alpha and Omega

    We all clean

    It’s a process many are involved in

    So it has begun and Freedom of creation will be protected by love

    Total utter FREEDOM


    We are nature … natural life

    Your own book of life is your treasure to share … there is only one CC which is our story of life that unites … A new book of Life unfolds before us … to be filled with expanding love and wisdom for all

    AK has the right to express his perception … as do others … I merely correct his point of view with an overview

    Everything unfolds … events happen

    Illusion is perception … always move on and believe nothing … only Faith will unblind you … never get stuck … there’s always more to this delusion to see through the illusions … clarity unfolds

    Sync is your link … to the love of life … it speaks Heartspeak to you

    Sync travels via Electric/magnetism

    Ideas flow between people simultaneously

    Liked by 4 people

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