NATURE’S VOICE M – RX : Lions Gate is coming … THUNDERBOLTS – Night Linguistic = No + Eight … Schrodinger’s Other Cat – Glitches, etc … LISA HARRISON Anchored in 2023







Sheet music for 'Jack in the Green Quadrilles' by Warwick Williams, published by Francis Bros. & Day (colour litho)


Happy Jack wasn’t tall, but he was a manHe lived in the sand at the Isle of ManThe kids would all sing, he would take the wrong keySo they rode on his head in a hurry on Quay
The kids couldn’t hurt JackThey tried and tried and triedThey dropped things on his backAnd lied and lied and lied and lied and liedBut they couldn’t stop Jack, or the waters lappingAnd they couldn’t prevent Jack from feeling happy
But they couldn’t stop Jack, or the waters lappingAnd they couldn’t prevent Jack from feeling happy
The kids couldn’t hurt JackThey tried and tried and triedThey dropped things on his backAnd lied and lied and lied and lied and liedBut they couldn’t stop Jack, or the waters lappingAnd they couldn’t prevent Jack from feeling happy

Cat Stevens – Wild World

Now that I’ve lost everything to you
You say you wanna start something new
And it’s breakin’ my heart you’re leavin’
Baby, I’m grievin’
But if you wanna leave, take good care
Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear
But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there

Oh, baby, baby, it’s a wild world
It’s hard to get by just upon a smile
Oh, baby, baby, it’s a wild world
I’ll always remember you like a child, girl

You know I’ve seen a lot of what the world can do
And it’s breakin’ my heart in two
Because I never wanna see you sad, girl
Don’t be a bad girl

But if you wanna leave, take good care
Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there
But just remember there’s a lot of bad and beware




M – RX

M – I’ve been watching video after video but nothing pops up

Everything seems irrelevant and out of touch

I have been seeing LOADS OF 911 numbers everywhere

Lions Gate is coming
Eye of the needle 🪡

If the program is ending this year
It will end on 8/15 at midnight 🕛

I did have a dream I was setting up tables and chairs in a huge banquet hall.



Medieval Feast at Borthwick Castle, Former Refuge of Mary, Queen of Scots



Michael Armstrong: Night Linguistic = No + Eight | Thunderbolts


During the end-phase of the Golden Age mankind lived under the glory of the Saturnian polar configuration. Looking north one could see the reddish Mars in front of the larger blue-green eight-spoked Venus in front of the golden orb of Saturn. In the EU Model of the Saturnian Reconstruction, the linguistic pattern for the word “Night” being equal to “No Eight” presents stark and telling support. Its influence on the development of verbal sound-symbol language is dramatic. In twenty or more languages there is an undeniable pattern where the word for “night” is a contraction of the two words “no” and “eight”. Most of these languages are derivatives of Indo-European or Sanskrit—and even in those languages where the words and sounds are changed significantly, their reference and pattern is obvious. Natural Philosopher Michael Armstrong challenges the plethora of the world’s variations of Saturn worship—especially the modern mythology of mainstream academic conception of ancient times.


The CAT(s) That Lived

Schrodinger's Other Cat

Schrodinger’s Other Cat

Glitches, etc


Remember this “jump” from a few days ago?

We looked at that gap… then we looked at it again. It wasn’t a jump. And only a few meters corroborated it. But between 6 pm and 11 pm PDT on 31 July, 2023… we all had something happen to us. CATs recalled (or tried to recall) the time in question, what we were doing… most remembered that they felt like some energy thing happened/was happening… but we didn’t pay much attention because some energy thing is always happening. This one was different, though.









Anchored in 2023

An Event has been Anchored in 2023 and it doesn’t feel far off. Has the ‘Alliance’ with Home been in charge since 2013?

unknown artist; Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587)




Author: HATTER


24 thoughts on “NATURE’S VOICE M – RX : Lions Gate is coming … THUNDERBOLTS – Night Linguistic = No + Eight … Schrodinger’s Other Cat – Glitches, etc … LISA HARRISON Anchored in 2023”

  1. Awesome to see a new post this morning! Thank you Hatter (both of you!)!

    Every time I started to get a bit anxious, since it was me who had last commented several days ago, well I’d go outside and it has been such beautiful weather and I’m just really happy. I’d “tune in” (well, try to anyway) and it just felt fine, like enjoy the days, enjoy Nature, cast aside fear/worry/anxiety/doubt, all that crap. So that’s how I reassured myself over the weekend.

    Happy Jack in the Green! YAY! Glad for him to be hopefully enjoying a well deserved break and being happy!

    Maybe naught is another word related to night = no eight? All for naught, all for nothing. That was a very interesting video by Michael Armstrong at Thunderbolts Project. I love to learn, there was a lot there, not nought.

    I’m glad when they make more visuals, so we can see the way Saturn, Venus and Mars used to be configured, and where the 4-and 8-star symbols originated.

    M, thank you so much for sharing like you have, with what’s going on, what’s meaningful and coming through (August 15th could be a super great day!) and how videos weren’t seeming relevant. I was watching a lot over the weekend and felt kind of the same except I finally found one yesterday with so much meaning I typed up a transcript. It was of a video that Greg Jay shared 1 month ago, with lots of inserted videos which I’d seen before, but it just started all clicking into place and I was getting things I’d missed the first time. I tried to share it here, after 3X I gave up as WordPress was having none of it go through. I may share it later.

    M as Mary Queen of Scota is absolutely beautiful, with her lovely red curls and porcelain skin.

    I’ve got to get back to work. Just dropping in to share a few things. Feeling so happy still, and now also feeling relieved!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I cannot find any connection between “no” + “eight” in most Slavic languages. Maybe this is due to bifurcation and/or mixing of languages, as Michael Armstrong suggests. Very interesting, overall.
    And thank you for the songs!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Okay, will try sharing this again. It won’t go through, so I will break it down into smaller bits. First is the link to the video, then I’ll try to post another comment with the transcripts.


  4. Oh good, got the video link to post! LOL

    Now trying the transcripts all together in one comment.

    Anthony Peratt:

    Plasmas are found virtually everywhere. They’re found in solid state matters at very low temperatures, a flame of a match, a fluorescent light, is a plasma, a fire in your fireplace is a plasma, the aurora obviously is a plasma, the sun and all of the stars are a plasma. Lightning is a plasma. In fact 99.999% as Alven used to say, of all observable matter in the universe is matter in the plasma state.

    Krystoffer Rypdal:

    A plasma is an ionized gas. It means a gas consisting of charged particles rather than neutral particles. Which is the (incidence?) of a normal gas. The charged particles are electrons and the atoms that lack electrons so it consists of negative and positive particles that interact with each other by means of electric and magnetic fields.

    At 44:48:

    Wal Thornhill:

    Of course this kind of communication between the subparticles within normal matter has meaning for biology too because it means that every complex system of atoms will have a kind of a resonance about them which is communicated to nearby and even distant molecules of the same configuration. So, in other words, you can start to see how the mind body connection might work. And you get the impression also, that the idea that nerves carry the signals around the body about what’s going on in the environment, is totally inadequate. I mean nerve signals travel at speeds measured in meters per second. If we had all the mind and the body connected at near infinite speed we begin to understand how the amazing complexity of consciousness and so on may work. When we go from that level and we go up to space and we’re looking at the interaction of charged particles in plasma

    (my note: he’s referring to Anthony Peratt who is in the audience)

    this of course is Tony’s area of expertise — and of course we hear about some of the amazing formations plasma may adopt. So that’s a very quick vision of how it works at the most fundamental level. In the big picture approach of course there are many aspects which have to be plugged in and fitted like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. So it embraces plasma cosmology because I think that’s the most complete description of what’s going on in space. It embraces Halton Arp’s discovery of the birth of galaxies in the form of quasars from the centers of active galaxies. This electrical model of matter, the structure of matter, also explains gravity and magnetism because if you have these charged particles in an electric field that would be distorted and form tiny electric dipoles. One form of the dipole, at the atomic level, creates magnetism. Gravity is the distortion of the subatomic particles themselves….the electron, the proton, and the neutron. That explains why gravity is such a weak force because the distortion of these subatomic particles is absolutely miniscule.

    Quantum weirdness now has an explanation, instead of using probabilistic mathematics to describe what goes on in the world. And I’m reminded of Douglas Adams with his Infinite Probability Drive. Yeah, with that kind of mathematics underneath your physics it means that almost anything can be said and explained away as being, well, you know, there’s a finite probability that it will occur. And I think that’s hopeless physics. If you give this substructure to matter you then have the possibility of explaining quantum effects, that is jumps from one energy level to another, as simply jumps from one resonance state to another. Of course, discard certain things along the way, if you take this view. Genetic determinism goes away because we’re in contact with something outside, beyond the body. And also the plasma physics view also shows us that we have a dramatic history of the earth. It’s nothing like what we believed before. And it seems to be offering a coherent big picture. Because all the discoveries that keep pouring in almost on a daily/weekly basis have no trouble in fitting this model as far as I can see. And I am also encouraged by others who look at this theory and then look at the news reports and come to me and say, well, you know, it makes sense.

    We come to plasma. On the screen there you see the simple plasma ball demonstration which you’ve seen in novelty shops and museums. And you can see there that the electric discharge in the plasma takes a filamentary form. And if you look at the ends of the filaments you can also see that they seem to be twisted pairs of filaments. And this is important, plasma physics and plasma cosmology, in my view, are extremely important because plasma comprises almost 100% of the visible universe. Now we live at the bottom of an ocean of atmosphere where we don’t have to deal with plasma on a daily basis. Oh, well, occasionally we get an electrostatic shock when you get out of the car and grab the handle and that kind of thing. But in space the charged particles do tend to be separate and form this plasma which then, unlike any solid, liquid or gas which we’re familiar with, it is conductive like a metal. It forms these filaments and bubbles and sheaths and has an electromagnetic field associated with it, generally, if it’s moving. Also, it can be recognized in space even though it may be invisible to the visible spectrum telescopes. It produces prodigious electromagnetic radiation over large parts of the spectrum which means that it can be detected by radio telescopes and, in intense examples, by x-ray and gamma ray telescopes.

    You can almost see why we’ve gotten in this predicament of not recognizing the importance of plasma effects in space by the fact that we’ve grown up in this electrically effectively neutral environment. But that’s no reason to continue this way once we’ve discovered plasma in space then we should’ve been looking at electrical effects in plasma to help explain strange objects like this in the center of the Crab Nebula. Now that has all the characteristics of a homopolar or Faraday disk motor or generator. In other words, you have current moving along the axis and also in the plane of this disk and we see this formation almost everywhere we look.


  5. Alright, finally! Quirky WordPress!

    Now to comment some more on today’s post. I’m appreciating getting more familiar with M as the amazing Mary Queen of Scota. I was rather astonished reading the wiki page about her.

    M, do you do embroidery in this lifetime? I think either you or Richard do…or maybe you both do? What a great talent to have, too. I saw on the Wiki page an image of Mary’s embroidery of a cat, spelled catte, but of course it would be a cat!

    She was just a baby when her king father died, so she really didn’t spend much time in Scotland (for her safety). As a teenager being married to the French dauphin, who died a very young king. I felt sorrow about all the losses she endured, including her secretary David Rizzio being murdered in front of her at a dinner banquet, with her husband Lord Dornley and other conspirators likely committing the heinous act. She must’ve been very traumatized by that, I imagine. Sad that it happened while she was pregnant. She only got to know her son briefly, until he was 10 months old. A royal, but a prisoner. She lost twins in a miscarriage while held captive. So much courtly intrigue involved with her cousin Queen Elizabeth I. Her admirable bravery just before her execution, her last words committing her soul into the hands of Christ.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The Who and Cat Stevens brings back some happy memories for me! I had a foster sister named Jackie when I was in the 7th – 9th grade who had the Tea for the Tillerman album. I got my love for rock ‘n roll from her! My parents were into country music mostly but they liked some pop and rock ‘n roll too. Jackie had a lot of albums, I was exposed to some great stuff thanks to her. I enjoyed Meatloaf, especially Bat Out Of Hell. My father loved and sang along in a goofy way (rare for him to sing, unless it was sheer silliness, none of us in my family could carry a tune!!) to the song All Revved Up and No Place To Go. My mom loved ABBA and the Grease soundtrack. My father is why I love Johnny Cash, too!

    It’s interesting to read SOC once in awhile. I go there once or twice a year, used to read there regularly many years ago. I remember getting mad at how Hatter (commenting as Tann Hauser) was being treated, so I quit and wouldn’t go back for the longest time. I like the graphs that show some crazy shit, eh? I didn’t notice anything night of July 31st, myself.

    I’ll check out the comments videos and music next.


  7. .
    Aether – Debris

    The night will eat the day,
    the stars will lead the way
    They’ll take you to a place
    only you can see.
    When everything you’ve made
    is taken by decay.
    You’ll know your on your way,
    follow the debris.
    Follow the debris.
    Follow the debris.
    Take another step, you can be free.
    Take another step, you can be free.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Who was the lady in the Chris Bledsoe’s case? From what I’ve heard about his case, the lady is an apparition of an ancient goddess that appears in all religions and is connected to the ‘Primordial Tradition.’ In my opinion, he saw 3 bright orbs because the lady represents the highest feminine energy known as the Tridevi.

    The Tridevi in the ancient Vedas is a personification of the three goddesses: Parvati, Lakshmi, and Saraswati. Three orbs, three goddesses. The bull that he saw before the lady appeared is a personification of the bull Nandi, which was initiated as a deity by Parvati and Shiva. The owls that Bledsoe saw before his encounters represent Lakshmi.

    The same goddesses appear in Sumer and Mesopotamia, and the Tridevi represent Ishtar with the bull of heaven, she is often celebrated with her sister Ereshkigal which is represented by owls.

    In Egyptian mythology it’s Hathor the mother of the bull Apis which later merges with Osiris. The tridevi are Isis and Hathor which share same characteristics and Nephthys.

    In Greek mythology, especially in the secret Eleusinian Mysteries, the lady is Hecate, the three-faced goddess.
    In Celtic mythology, she is called Brigid, the triple goddess. She even became Saint Brigid due to her apparition curing many diseases of the people among whom she appeared. Bledsoe was also cured by the lady.

    In Christianity, she is Mother Mary, but she embodies the same divine feminine energy that is linked to a specific aspect of our reality. From Shiva and the Vedic Tridevi to Ishtar and Dumuzid, Hathor/Isis and Osiris, Hecate and Dionysus, Brigid and The Dagda, and Mary and Jesus – all of them are connected to themes of resurrection, destruction, and rebirth.

    They also represent one ‘God’ or energy and there is a reason why in all cases this apparition showed visions of destruction and salvation. I will talk more about the God in my video, but in my opinion is connected to the cyclical event…

    If you are interested, I will create a video sharing my opinion on this case and all the apparitions of the Lady (there are more). I will also explain what the triangle below her chest represents; there is an explanation for that, and it’s all interconnected.

    I will also show you some sculptures placed around important institutions in the USA that depict the Lady. Follow me if you don’t want to miss my video; it should be up by the end of this month or the beginning of the next month. First, I will publish the video about the lost advanced civilization.

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