NATURE’S VOICE M – RX : That’s what all the silicon is about … light bodies … Mudfossils and Titans of Our World … NASA Warns Massive Solar Storm Will Hit Earth in 2023



One Week




M – RX

M – Roger has new books coming out!

And evidently Roger showed his face today


13.03.2023 at 08:39

08:39 it says on my time


We’re all sick here


Over and over and over

It’s the radiation

Energy levels are high

RX – When does the cc kick in i wonder

M – Anytime

Everyone has to get to that level I think

That’s what all the silicon is about…light bodies

Funny it never says what element that nervous tissue is made of. Did you know that?

Supposedly they are “lipids and proteins” yet it’s funny how silicon is the SECOND most plentiful element on earth

You can’t REALLY find silicon and where it is in the human body

Through internet searches it says silicon “conducts”

Oh conducts electricity like the nervous system does

Oh that’s what FIBEROPTICS consists of….

That’s the whole deal with the Silicon Bank failing…it’s a SIGN


RX – thats a good way of seeing it

M – I can’t find an article anywhere stating where silicon is in the human body

Yet it’s the SECOND most common element??? RED FLAG

They’re blocking that info


Makes you wonder doesn’t it

RX – they wont be promoting it

M – Si 14

Not only will they not PROMOTE
They are blocking the info

NEURONS are made of axons and dendrites…man they have the cardboard copy answer the very time you search


RX – good question

M – I think the answer is SILICON



RX – hahaha

M – Take a bolt to it and it will die

Silicon conducts

So AI WANTS to be silicon but it can’t

Their shit can’t conduct

RX – brilliant

M – AI will be fried

RX – sooner the better

M – They don’t have patience

Clocks a ticking

RX – tick tock

M – Yep

Just a matter of poly tics

Meanwhile Enki is gonna rise as hero…soon…just wait

RX – and some french fried silicon chips

M – Yummy

I like em fresh and hot

RX – yes i see trump is gunning as hero

M – Straight from the POOTER

Oh yes he’s all out

IN IT TO WIN IT and more

He wants everyone’s energy

Burnt to a crisp lol

RX – yummy

M – Haha

Grab your popcorn because it’s about to get even betta chedda

The Entertainment Quality is top notch

I mean really all this craziness makes for interesting you’n me Tube

RX – wonder where we fit in

M – No where as usual

We don’t fit by choice lol

We kinda stick out too

It’s an awkward sitch but we always make out anyway

Make it out
Make out
Same difference 😅

Just how we both like it

RX – It all takes time

M – The signs are all obvious

I’m not worried that we are going where intended

It’s kinda weird that I activated the CC and that flare showed up

I balled up a ball of energy then blew it out into the universe
Told my plants and trees to spread the word the CC is up


Anyone can say it was whatever but it WAS DONE WITH INTENTION


together forever and always

RX – Together forever and always




NASA Warns Massive Solar Storm Will Hit Earth in 2023 | Sun Breaks Off

Now Next

Many of you may remember the eschatological prophecies arising in 2012 about a hypothetical planet called Niburu, also confused with “Planet-X”, which was supposed to wipe out all life on Earth. The rumor was predicated on the belief that the Mayan-calendar, which dates back to at least the 5th century BCE, was scheduled to cease its existence on 21 December 2012. While the world is still spinning, as evident by the rotation of this globe, we did narrowly escape a catastrophic event. An event that hadn’t occurred in December but way back in July. The event was potentially so powerful that it could have pressed the reset button on human civilization, throwing it decades back into the past. How did these solar flares affect our planet in the past? And does the peak of our star’s activity in 2025 threaten the Earth’s destruction?


New Mudfossil Books by Paul Amatucci and Podcasts Planned


Mudfossil University

We are expanding a bit….Great coffee table books on my research by one of the Mudfossil devotees and soon it appears some podcasts and hopefully a documentary. We need more sharing and thumbs up….thank you my Friends.

Mudfossils and Titans of Our World ISBN 9798417438622 The World is a

Mudfossil ISBN 9798831219241

Human skeleton body of The Vitruvian Man





Author: HATTER


43 thoughts on “NATURE’S VOICE M – RX : That’s what all the silicon is about … light bodies … Mudfossils and Titans of Our World … NASA Warns Massive Solar Storm Will Hit Earth in 2023”

  1. Utterly fantastic post! I’m flabbergasted…overwhelmed with surprise, shock and wonder! Things are really ramping up. What an amazing time to be here and witnessing all this. M, your energy ball flicked things into high gear! Thank you for expanding our awareness of what’s up (especially the CC!!!! ❤ ) and what's being blocked. I'm grateful for the heads-up on all you touched on. That was a great conversation you had, dear M and RX.

    Also very happy for Roger finally getting his work recognized in those cool coffee-table books! May they be spread far and wide, in the time left remaining here. And may he carry on being a good teacher in the next world, too! It's going to be so cool to learn about things we've been blocked from knowing here.

    I like your images, resonating and synchronistic as ever.

    It is great hearing you say you'll be together forever and always!!!! I wish you happiness without end.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oops, I’d forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on. 🤪 Wanted to share what’s happening in the physical, here.

    I’ve been sick again, too, with sinus/cold/bronchitis symptoms real bad a few weeks ago, went thru 2 bottles of cough syrup. Began feeling better, just lingering cough. Then the sinus stuff flared again in last few days. Also considered radiation. Hmmm.

    On Sunday I had the most wonderful experience in the morning out walking Snoopy! All kinds of birds were singing their hearts out, like they do in Spring! Bluebirds, cardinals, phoebes, juncos,nuthatches, bluejays, chickadees! Then yesterday rejoiced over 2 red-winged blackbirds, a welcome sign of spring for us. Thank you Mother Nature!

    I liked what you said about telling your plants and trees. They could have conveyed your energy impulse to the birds!!!

    We had a big snowstorm Tuesday, about 14 inches here. Some coworkers got between 30 inches and 40 inches!

    The sign of the Silicon Bank failing is very interesting. I vaguely recall years ago talk about going from carbon to silicon based forms. Liquid crystal light bodies?! Metamorphosis and merge ahead?

    The other night I heard from higher self to try picturing RX and M in cat-sized golden dragon form, and me too. Then to practice flying behind you around just above the garden. Simply getting lift-off was hard,
    not used to using wings. I realized it is one of many gardens, clustered together! I saw a big mountann in the background that I hadn’t seen before!

    I have faith I’m gonna be where intended. 🏞 💓

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for the wonderful info! After having some health issue or other for family members and animals for the past few weeks, just this morning I went outside and declared Groundhog Day over because I am done. Done with evil, done with sick, done with idiocy, done with brainless running the show, done with death. Done. I must have been sensing what M and Hatter were doing. I look forward to what is to come for New, Good and Love…the deep, personal, REAL kind. Time to move past the surface illusions. They are old. ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Got two really loud separate long beeps inside my brain yesterday evening. One was one tone and the following one was another tone. I used to get these from time to time during my life since a kid, but never that long n’ loud. If anyone can enlighten me as to what it might have been causing this, I’d be happy.
    I felt also very frazzled on my thyroid and brain nerves in the last two days. Was wondering if it was anything radiationary, so comforting to hear that it is.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear patchworksquirrel, after reading your comment again, except now that it’s after work hours, I am feeling pulled to respond to you with stichomancy, words from my higher self. Hope you won’t mind?

      The first word was hard to decipher as my fingertip was on two very tiny little lines, hard to tell which word was the correct one. So I asked for more words just to clarify, as they first ones also had completely opposite meanings! Only you can give these words meanings if they mean anything to you. I’m just sharing what I was given, and what questions I asked.

      What was causing patchworksquirrel’s 2 long, loud tones in her head yesterday?


      Cruel; inhuman; merciless


      To release from confinement.

      (Hmmm, these are quite opposite. I decided to ask for another word to clarify.)

      Was it meant to be beneficial or harmful to her?

      *warehouse receipt*

      A certificate issued by a warehouseman, containing a description of goods stored with him. Such a receipt is usually negotiable and must be surrendered to the warehouseman to procure delivery of the goods.

      (Again confusing to me, but I see the pattern about releasing/surrendering something, to get something good/s.)

      What was being released?


      (AS Anglo-Saxon Bathian)

      1. To wash by immersion, as in a bath; to subject to a bath. 2. To lave; wet; as, the lake bathed the foot of the mountain. 3. To moisten with a liquid. 4. To apply water or some liquid to; as, to bathe the eyes. 5. To surround, or envelop, as water surrounds a person immersed. (verb intransitive) 1. To bathe oneself; take a bath; hence, go swimming. 2. To immerse oneself as if in a bath. (noun. Chiefly British.) A swim.

      Hope this helps you? ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, thank you Spiritwalker, I feel most grateful and priviledged you did that for me. The unmerciful meaning, indicates that it was those same bad ones at it again…and warehouse receipt actually yes….that has a meaning too. Again …yes that all fits. Releasing (*them)…yes I hope so. It’s what I prayed for.
        The bathing part, /is the cleaning them off of me, and also the place and energy in which to do that.
        It all made a great deal of sense yes, thank you, and amazing who years later these nasty energies like to return from time to time.
        But get weaker each time.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh I appreciate knowing how these words fit, thank you for sharing so much in return!

          Sounds like a most welcome thing transpiring in response to what “they” were attempting to do, the nasty buggers can bug off!

          Very glad you are gaining awareness, strength and getting help releasing and cleansing. 💚

          Liked by 1 person

  5. British MP Andrew Bridgen Leads An Adjournment Debate On The Efficacy Of The mRNA Covid-19 Booster

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Even some of them were ducking out as they scurried away like rats, who was that grey skinny little toad? They couldn’t get out of there quick enough. Bridgen really is the only MP with any decency. It’s sickening to see them – truly vile and worth nothing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. RX (CHRIST), thank you for doing so much to help prepare us for these days. Thank you for being here with us, an ever present help, a refuge in times of trouble, comforting us and uncovering the untruths. OM

        M, thank you for being passionate, determined, fierce and being Superwoman strong and powerful for all your loved ones!

        I am reminded of this.

        Luke 21:

        7 So they asked Him, saying, “Teacher, but when will these things be? And what sign will there be when these things are about to take place?”

        8 And He said: “Take heed that you not be deceived. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time has drawn near.’ Therefore do not go after them. 9 But when you hear of wars and commotions, do not be terrified; for these things must come to pass first, but the end will not come immediately.”

        10 Then He said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear M and RX,
    Thank you for the amazing info, it just blew my mind!
    Yesterday we had snow, and today is a wonderful sunny day. My heart is full of joy.
    I was listening to the birds singing this morning.
    Nature is in harmony with the universe.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Interesting about the silicon. Sand, crystals and also diatomaceous earth are rich in oxide of silicon, and people use them to make bioenergetic supporting orgone moulds – so they must be supportive of central nervous system too. A german doctor guy on holiday said the parasympathetic nervous system in medical theory IS the subtle energy body in yogic theory.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. hehehe

      I WISH I had that condition! Been longing to belong to a cat again. Been many decades since I last had feline paralysis. LOL I call the channel KitKat Playroom my “kitten therapy”. It really truly is wonderful for setting a better mood. Plus laughter is always the best medicine.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. That is just nuts. How many buildings like that, I wonder? I remember seeing quite a few of these images of Tartaria mud flood stuff, I think Spock shared them often here. It’s bonkers. How have they even managed to conceal it all from the masses? It has to be a complete plan of some sort, to hide all kinds of truth from us?

      I am always fascinated by the megalithic sites around the world, and the ancient machinery that was used in some, and those Hindu temples!!! So many mysteries. I love to explore and learn about them all….but it makes me sad, too, that it has been kept from most people. Even look at Roger at Mudfossil University and what he has dealt with. Just a sad state of affairs on this planet, really. Much more, but this is just the tip of the iceberg, about physical structures.

      It will be so nice to not have to deal with constant attacks and cover-ups….and actually get things good for us and our wellbeing. Whatever it takes. We need conditions where LIFE is good. ❤ Also no more mind wipes, either!

      I agree with Michelle, it is time for Groundhog Day to end, and let the new day begin!

      Love to all of you. We got better days ahead and good things in store for us!

      Thank you to RX and M and all your allied forces!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh that is lovely! Love the colors. The swans are so beautiful and so much love in their adoring gazes. The lovely lilac lady adoring them too. Would love to see this scene come true.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Enki, Trump, says he is expecting to be singing Elvis Jailhouse Rock on Tuesday due to an arrest over hush money paid to porn actress Stormy Daniels.
    Just a small bumpy start to an otherwise wholly successful campain.(joke).;

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Dutch Farmers Citizen’s Party (BBB) wins in Netherlands, becoming largest party. They were being targeted for farm closures so as to place food production in hands of globalists, but the people have voted with their clogs:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tears in my eyes, watching him. Thank you Adrian Walker for your heartfelt speech of what happened to you.

      I am so glad my resolve was strong, and grateful that my husband resisted too. I have you, RX and M, and my friends here in this blog, to thank for that. You gave me a true gift, to resist falling for the lies of the great deceivers. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Quoting Anton Petrov:

      “The true power of this event, and more importantly what exactly caused it, is of course UNKNOWN to us.”

      “Don’t panic. Stay wonderful.”

      Thank you Hatter.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. As I see the Carrington Event like thing which just passed I am reminded of Daft Punk’s Get Lucky song with its guitar rifts.
    I was wondering about this Tuesday thing…if Trump is Enki, then maybe Stormy Daniels was one of his ancient female relations Ninsar, Ninkurra or Uttu who have decided to to get even!

    Liked by 2 people

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