NATURE’S VOICE M – RX : ENKI/TRUMP program … OHIO Toxic T-Rain in “The Rain” Netflix PreCovid Series … LISA HARRISON – End of Energetic Year (Your electrical system and the Alien narrative)







MYRKUR – Crown

New Label Launch

MYRKUR – Mareridt










M – RX

M – ENKI/TRUMP program

He’s going by APOLLO






Mr. Trump’s

”grand vision”




OHIO Toxic T-Rain in “The Rain” Netflix PreCovid Series


This is a reupload from July 2021, but is eerily reminiscent of current events.

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End of Energetic Year


End of the Energetic Year, Your electrical system and the Alien narrative.


Revelation 1:5

Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth

Revelation 19:19

And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army





Author: HATTER


42 thoughts on “NATURE’S VOICE M – RX : ENKI/TRUMP program … OHIO Toxic T-Rain in “The Rain” Netflix PreCovid Series … LISA HARRISON – End of Energetic Year (Your electrical system and the Alien narrative)”

      1. There is a family in my apartment block. The teenage girl has NEVER:
        – been outside, for a walk;
        – been cycling;
        – been to the park nearby;
        – gone to a concert;
        – been at the movies;
        – been to a puppet theater (or any other theater);
        – been skating;
        – been to the sea, or to the mountains, or swimming, or skiing, or doing any sport.
        – there are no pets in the family;
        I think she lacks Vit. D badly. I think her life is an imitation of life. I think she’s already dead.

        Liked by 1 person

            1. It is beyond belief I would have been shocked to my core to hear that from someone I can only imagine the deathly skin texture a soul bereft a total dislocation from nature. Patchwork mentions gay learning if you don’t participate look out knock knock well I showed you the video of our new minister for it their agendas are moving fast .the girl Antonia talks about. over here if the authorities new this about this girl her parents would likely be charged with abuse and misconduct of parental care unless they are indigenous then we ignore them here to much trouble last time stealing them. Vit D well we get our fair share naturally even winter so what better to make sure you get more sun than you need by applying sunscreen if you’re out in the sun for hours we block vit d transmute skin cells via ultra magnification leaves a toxic residue in water that will eventually gather like little greasy snot balls in the sand and then so it goes on .I had no skin issues prior to using it 30yrs ago i spent the last 10 getting b cells burnt off I have friends never used it they stuck with zinc cream and they have no sun damage and they do not have an olive skin but are very aware of the benefits of proper exposure to the life giving sun always the sun

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Dear Latcho, thank you very much for your comment.
                You are wise, and as you know, different countries have different laws.
                Love, ❤️️❤️️❤️️

                Liked by 1 person

      2. Last year I calculated how much UVB exposure and hence vitamin D one could get if standing outside nakes in months from September to April and actually sad to say if in the northern hemisphere in UK – it’s not possible to get it without supplements. The sun doesn’t even generate enough at high noon. So then i started looking at vitamin D supplements and they can be expensive. However upon lengthy research, top tip: the liquid drops in a bottle can provide 200 drops which for about 12 quid can last 200 days. So went for that. And second top tip: listened to this natural dietician guy who said if you take half teaspoon of diatomaceous earth and vit c in glass 30 minutes before the D, you absorb 40 TIMES more of the vit D. Also DT makes you hair and nails super long and strong. I bought my sister a 10 kg sack of DT for her Christmas present two years ago, but she wasn’t impressed. However I was giving her the gift of life in a paperbag. Only one million years old salts in there, and good for her thinning hair. But ’cause no designer label, or stamp from John Freida or whomever, it got binned. Cheers.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Well, well, what a sync again! I also did my research, and the best solution seem to be the drops, vit. C prior to the drops.
          Well, well, am I not speechless …

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Yeah, so you mentally thought of a moment in here-time to focus on the Galactic Centre, then generated a visual map using software, then I recieved the prompt mentally and opened the map at future time you had thought of when you generated the image of Galactic Centre. So this is a galactic communication system. kinda.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. This is not exactly what I did, for i had done my research prior to yours. But yes, in principle we can communicate instantly, via the intelligent information field that surrounds us.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Your research sounds in depth, sorry to be nosey, but I can’t help it on things like this… how did the map have today’s date and time, did you generate it a long time back, or did the time automatically be that? If so even more amazing.

                Liked by 1 person

        2. Hi. I’d like to add a few things for you to research more. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. There are 2 different kinds, D2 and D3. D2 takes longer to assimilate and is the kind you find in plant based D. D3 is what most supplements are made into and are synthesized but more readily able to be taken into the body and used. A fat soluble vitamin will accumulate into the system so be prudent although you are correct when you say it is difficult to get it naturally in the Northern Hemisphere. Our sun is just not direct enough to do the job. Also, like Latcho (Hi Latcho!) pointed out, Vitamin D protects the skin from cancer. Most likely why they pushed the sunscreen. Vitamin C and all the B’s are water soluble so there is no danger to take too much. You will excrete it one way or the other.
          As for Diatomaceous Earth, I use it on my animals for fleas, ticks, mites and worms. Please make sure it is the food grade as the other kind is not pure enough to ingest. The little diatom shells ar sharp and cut the insects exoskeleton or skin in the case of the tapeworm and dries them out. It can be irritating to the internals so please. monitor yourself. There might be better ways to get minerals. I wish you well! Much love. ❤

          Liked by 2 people

          1. This is true, Michelle, there are two different types of vitamin D, with a different function. And the sun is not enough, as it is screened (on purpose). A friend of mine, a pharmacist, told me to use 1 drop of vitamin D per day only, not more.
            Love to you and Brandon 💜💜💜

            Liked by 1 person

  1. .
    Revelation 1:5

    Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth

    Revelation 19:19

    And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army
    “Heartbeat-Like” Radio Pattern DISCOVERED within The Suns Atmosphere
    The Lost History Channel TKTC

    Liked by 2 people

      1. The moving swirly things look like the human body in energy and bioelectrics as we move around, but missing the heavier dense element bit. Good visualiser tool.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Northern lights seen across the UK
    The Mirror
    27 Feb 2023
    Northern Lights seen over England’s skies
    The northern lights were seen across the UK on Sunday – and could appear again on Monday night, according to the Meteorological Office.
    The Met Office tweeted a series of pictures taken by members of the public which captured the light phenomenon in North Uist in Scotland, North Wales, Cambridgeshire and Shropshire.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. .
    Piers Morgan: Dr. Fauci and ‘the science’ were wrong
    Fox News
    27 Feb 2023
    Fox Nation host Piers Morgan on the origins of COVID-19 and the UK and EU working on a Brexit deal

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Laughing, the last line…”symbolic of his struggle against reality”…hehehe/
    seriously though today my son got this type of indoctrination at his school…they are all getting it. It’s called gender awareness lessons.
    If you were to flag it up and refuse, the school would contact social services and you’d be visited to check for extremist views. Then you’d be at the mercy of whether you got a crazy wokey social worker, or a reasonable level-headed one. It’s mad how this can happen.
    My son calls his classes “faggot studies”. So I am guessing he’s got his own ideas.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They have gender awareness lessons?! Are they not aware of what/who they are?
      Is the UK member of the Istanbul Convention?
      Your son has common sense.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. They are being forced, correct you read that right, forced as in mandated by law – meaning no opt-out clause…to undergo state sanctioned brainwashing. Not only that but the parents are not allowed to see the content of of what is being taught. If you request it they refuse saying it is using materials from an outsourced company, so they can’t share them.!!
        Luckily my boy thinks they’re are idiots.
        However were we – including him – to attempt to refuse the training, they would report us to social services and they would issue an social worker, who could be any number of slap-dash nutcases from the local authority, to investigate for “extremism”/ and if unlucky enough to get a crackpot wokist it could end on a child in need order, and if…we refused intervention could end up as a child protection order.
        So it’s not worth it, as they are all forcing the same agenda…and can’t be reasoned with. However many being forced to force the agenda privately think it’s BS> and so there is an unspoken understanding that they just appear to go along with it…but nudge-nudge wink-wink…we think it’s idiotic.


        1. Are you able to homeschool in the UK? I did it with Brandon and have never been sorry. It was paid by my school taxes as he went to a cyber school that was considered a public school. I hope for the best and I’m glad you were able to provide common sense to your son so he can think objectively. My fear of all this forced nonsense is that it could anger some more than sway them to the agenda causing a potential backlash. I am ready to walk away from society…maybe a nice place off-grid…far away from train tracks! lol

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I thought interesting…there are many towns and townships in western Pennsylvania that are named after planetary bodies. We have Moon Township, the city of Mars and about 75 miles from the East Palestine train mess is a town named Apollo! Sync!…sort of.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Hey Michelle big shout out to you guys.the train wreck had very little coverage here MS all under control like or the little we of see of biden has it all under control and we should all be grateful for that blessing, quoting an abc presenter..yes friend we are about a yr away from getting out of the city and off grid its been hard to organize with the weather mmm the last couple of yrs and Sem decided to finish work this years end if i cant talk her out of it lol. talk soon dear friend soo tired zzzzzzzzzz


              1. Hi Latcho!
                The media has their own version of life that doesn’t resemble anything I see. Biden has not been to the derailment site, he went to Ukraine. The Transportation Secretary took 3 weeks to look at it, dressed like a construction worker from the Village People and scurried away as quickly as he could. They are pathetic. Like him or not, Trump came with pallets of water, food, medical supplies and cleaning supplies for these poor scared people who live in the middle of a toxic ash heap. He paid for it himself. Like my grandmother used to say, “Trust half of what you see and none of what you hear.” Especially now since it is all a show. Hope things go smoothly with your move and Seml happily adjusts to retirement. It is hard for some people to make the switch especially to off grid. It should be a fun adventure. I am retired now but decided to do something I always wanted to do, study to be an Herbalist. I am about half way through the text part of the classes. Also studying the wild edibles for food while I study for medical use.
                Brandon wanted to shout out to everyone and wanted to let you all know is actively writing fiction books. Still needs alot of edits and tweaking. He is letting people read his rough copy for insight. He still visits the astral often but doesn’t get the messages to share like he once did, although he is still helping to move things along to the merge when it presents itself.
                Much love to all ❤️❤️❤️

                Liked by 2 people

                1. Michelle A, Brilliant you are doing herbalism like you always wanted to! You suit that so much. Herbalism is simply the best!!!


                  1. Patchwork Squirrel, thank you for the support! I have two certifications so far but this is the next “big” step. I love that I am able to tie all my experience together with this. When you described your son, it made me smile. You’ve done and continue to do a great job preparing him for life by providing for his needs. His skills will help him now and down the road. Best to him! And Best to you! 💜💜💜

                    Liked by 1 person

          2. I thought once that the dream of homeschooling would be great.
            Then came covid and that godawful experience.
            No he hated homeschooling and its lack of social qualities, because he likes to wheel and deal at lunchtimes.
            He was naughty, ran me ragged, wouldn’t knuckle down to anything and like most parents I just wanted him to go back!
            In school, he sells things and trades cards, sweets, electronics, and what not- like a proper Arthur Daley.
            He truly thrives among people, so I wouldn’t want to block that as he naturally has a talent for the art of the deal.
            Unlike me who is pretty much a hermit by nature, he needs to be out there in the “real world” doing his thing.


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