ROYAL TRANNIES – Post Queen Exit Announcement Energies … Portals, ‘Stairway to Heaven’, Buddhism vs ET History w Dan Winter … Blue Origin spacecraft mission aborted




(In Search of Sunrise Remix)

Post Queen Exit Announcement Energies



Defining terms and the post Queen Energies




M – RX

M –


Got a need for speed?

See angry ENLIL at the top?

Leaving!!! BUH bye



The Duke of York’s humiliation at being stripped of his royal duties was laid bare yesterday when he was the only one of the Queen’s children not dressed in military uniform as they followed her coffin.

The Falklands war veteran has been barred from wearing his navy uniform because he was in effect sacked as a “working” member of the royal family after he was disgraced over his relationship with the paedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein




M –

Princess Andrew?!? Huh????

I guess that really is a thing?

That family is a bunch of trannies


Copy of a

Portals, ‘Stairway to Heaven’, Buddhism vs ET History w Dan Winter- Merkaba Chakra’s Interview

Dan Winter

12 Sept 2022

Portals, ‘Stairway to Heaven’, Buddhism vs ET History w Dan Winter- Merkaba Chakra’s Interview – Podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. with host, Von Galt. Today, we talk with Engineer, Dan Winter. Mr. Dan Winter spent his life researching how portals work and engineering its technology into a variety of energy healing equipment, sacred geometry architecture, high frequency water purification, and more. Mr. Dan Winter, welcome to Merkaba Chakras!


Blue Origin spacecraft suffers launch failure, mission aborted

Sky News Australia

13 Sept 2022
Billionaire Jeff Bezos’ spaceflight company Blue Origin has aborted its latest New Shepard mission after it suffered a launch failure on Monday The spacecraft is the same series used for crewed flights to the edge of space. No crew were on board the failed flight and there were no reports of injuries.





Author: HATTER


16 thoughts on “ROYAL TRANNIES – Post Queen Exit Announcement Energies … Portals, ‘Stairway to Heaven’, Buddhism vs ET History w Dan Winter … Blue Origin spacecraft mission aborted”

  1. Great post!

    I don’t agree with Lisa Harrison’s definition of terms.
    Dan is brilliant, as usual. I admire his knowledge.
    I don’t always understand him, he is too technical for me.

    I read somewhere CERN had stopped. What’s next?
    And why did the Pope dissolve the leadership of the Knights of Malta?
    Thank you for all.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Isn’t that the truth Antoniatailor—I too love Dan and have been listening to him since 1991, but understand so very little of it!
      Recently very very small progress was made, when a couple of his key technical terms started to make sense.

      For me most of what I read and watch is way over my head, I just keep listening, understanding none of it.
      Or so I think…
      But keep listening anyway accepting it makes no sense to me but listening anyway… then one day, suddenly, the penny just drops.
      All the pennies at once.
      It’s weird how that happens.
      Because it seems counterintuitive to keep on learning something that you absolutely don’t understand.
      Especially when its almost all of it!!
      But I do love that because it means my brain cells simply can’t deal with it, but then suddenly they are forced to sprout!

      I love that Copy of a Copy song. I also liked two others Hatter posted recently; Vision Thing and Come As You Are.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I love that song, too.
        And you are right about Dan – I somehow believe his knowledge accumulates in me, and one day I will suddenly see … blind no more …

        Liked by 2 people

        1. yeah…1991..and I’m still waiting, but I know what he knows is worth waiting for.
          So I know he knows, but am yet to know what I know about what he knows.
          In the 4th category of knowledge called “things we know, but which we don’t know that we know”!

          Liked by 2 people

  2. I looked up CERN to see why they are stopping and yes, you are right, they are halting, the headline claims its the energy crisis.
    Stupidity crisis more like.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s a long blackout….got to be something more than just energy crisis for sure then!
        I haven’t been able to focus all day long….feel typically frizzle-frazzled.
        And my phone service was on-off-on-off all day long.
        And Bezos’ flying rabbit didn’t jump over the moon.
        Mercury went retrograde or something.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes, Mercury is retrograde.
          But I am really worried about the Schumann resonance. It’s the heartbeat of the Earth. Has Mother Earth’s heart stopped? Is she dead?
          Hatter will perhaps say she’s been dead for a long time now …
          Oh my! … I feel out of time …

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Antoniatailor, I think they’ve blacked it out because the activity is too mental to reveal.
            Whatever is coming in is extreme and intense, maybe the monitors can’t even keep up.
            It’s off-the-charts. They probably are blocking the feed.
            It’s not feeling dead right now, rather like an elevator reaching ever higher pitches.
            Soon the fabric of reality is going to morph before our eyes.
            It’s already happening. It’s reminding me of the point where you’ve just drunk your ayahuasca and there is no going back, but your reality has already started to melt, and the walls between you and endless time have just dissolved, so you’re laying on the floor wondering if you can escape but knowing it’s too late,
            and you’ve just got to trust the process and trust yourself.
            After the worst imaginable hell, even hell breaks into morning and what comes out feels extremely good.
            It’s always good which comes through in the end. And it’s always alright in the end, much much better after the corrections.
            A purge from the high energies, is uncomfortable. Will get messy. Alot of people are really going to loose it.
            The controlling elites are still going to try to maintain grip, and it will get even more ugly.
            But the walls and floors are dissolving, things are unravelling quickly and their own heads are also melting in the sun.
            Going to get very interesting.

            Also Chris Kaba the shot-dead-by-police young black man. The crowd carried much gravity and sobriety. This is a turning point when a change of heart is felt by an ever-growing number of people. The police have shot several people in recent years, all without any reason. But this time, it’s going to fester on and on and all over them. It also disgusts me how they won’t comment on his murder right now, murdered by police but because of the queen’s death no comment. Because he is not as an important death as her’s right?
            It’s sickening and the feeling of hate towards all that is wrong is going to grow and grow.

            Liked by 2 people

          2. Antonia…you always ask such great questions. Interestingly enough, I also asked about the many graphs that are out there. As you might know, I used to be in the cardiology field for many years as someone who monitors heart rhythms in a hospital as well as a paramedic. I know my heart rhythms. Some of the graphs and charts I was seeing showed rhythms, if on a human, would be life endangering if not potentially lethal. So, I posed the question, was the Earth experiencing such rhythms. I was told that the condition is quite the opposite. The rhythms were, according to the person who answered, more of an anticipatory excitement. We have been in a multi-day …something. I saw Pictures (?) of a portal opening, Earth plane passing into it and the portal closing behinds it with the explanation that the negative and disagreeable cannot pass. How they obtained the pictures, I cannot answer. So much info and disinfo. I choose the believe it is anticipatory excitement that is off the charts and our challenges with the negatives will soon be a distant memory. ❤ ❤ ❤

            Liked by 3 people

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