COSMIC RAYS TO HIT EARTH … United Kingdom declares first ‘code red’ heat emergency











Tail peacock feathers (Pavo cristatus)


Break It To Me

Don’t dress it up but don’t beat around the bush
And don’t cover it up but don’t push it underground
And don’t keep it inside and don’t edit and redact
And no dumbing it down
And don’t fake it, just
And I can handle the truth
I can cope with whatever you’re holding back
No need to sugar coat
I know how to mend
I can rise high above the ashes
I’ll re-invent
I will re-emerge
Don’t dress it up but don’t beat around the bush
And don’t cover it up but don’t push it underground
And don’t keep it inside and don’t edit and redact
And no dumbing it down
And don’t fake it, just (break it to me)
I know how to mend
I can rise high above the ashes
I’ll re-invent
I will re-emerge








United Kingdom declares first ‘code red’ heat emergency

Sky News Australia

16 Jul 2022
Schools have closed early and sports day events are being cancelled as parts of the UK struggle through a heatwave. Britain’s chief forecaster, the Met Office, has declared a national weather emergency, issuing the first ever “red” warning.









Author: HATTER


43 thoughts on “COSMIC RAYS TO HIT EARTH … United Kingdom declares first ‘code red’ heat emergency”

  1. I like this album very much

    P̲ink Flo̲yd – A M̲omentary L̲apse of R̲eason (Full Album) 1987

    They say it’s coded …
    Isn’t all music coded?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Been studying scalar today.
    Still don’t understand it, but that’s why am learning about it.
    But starting to see why they don’t want people knowing about it.
    I think that the gold Osiris lingam fashioned to conceive Horus was definitely scalar.
    Imagine what everyone could do if they all knew scalar.
    This place would be implosion perfect.
    They say there are things you know you know,
    …and then things which you know you don’t know,
    … and things you don’t know that you don’t know…

    But there are ALSO things which you don’t know that you DO know!
    Scalar is this for humans. They do know it but they’ve just forgotten temporarily.

    Like Osiris was RE-MEMBERED.

    Liked by 1 person

    Wild bushfires burning across Europe
    Sky News Australia
    16 Jul 2022
    Hundreds of homes have been evacuated around Europe – as wildfires burn across France, Portugal and Spain.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Terrible about the bush fires though, I do not rejoice in those.
      I mean I know we are in the shit, my love of extreme weather certainly doesn’t extend to revelling in serious imbalances nor the engineered imbalances or natural ones.
      Just wanted to clarify.
      Dan Winter has made it clear that human beings can interact with the sun via implosion.
      What we all need to do is learn that and create the harmony we want to see.
      It’s going to take some education and techniques but people are naturally scalar–and this means
      apparently….according to Theoria Apophasis-that nothing travels faster than the speed of light.
      Literally “NOTHING” does it. Nothing IS literally faster.
      It pips light to the post.
      He called it “decausative”.
      Imagine that.
      So scalar, which we are, can do things.
      And do them faster than the being using the operating systems based on the other.
      So that is over-ride right there.
      I lay on my bed today in the intense heat, deeply contemplating scalar and toying and trying out things with it.
      Sirius C is the densest star, so obviously much scalar.
      And many hours passed and by the time I needed to get back to that messy wardrobe, and finish to make tea, I felt like I’d travelled across the universe.
      And that was just the suggestion of scalar.
      So imagine what is possible when you learn this and then apply it in your own unique way.
      The world could change instananeously.
      I tried to apply scalar with my wish that Enki hadn’t killed Christ, and see what happened.
      The room was still there, but the stuff started to disappear.
      What would happen if Enki was made to use scalar, and Christ also.
      They go back and Abzu doesn’t get cross about the noise, and Enki does’t then respond by deciding to kill him.
      With scalar, applied by creators and one obnoxious twatty god, this could literally be smoothed over.
      What is the solution, if it were to be lived again?
      If you had to do it again, what would be different?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s hot weather for sure.
    One thing if you have an attic; is open the attic and leave the flap open,and also the downstairs doors open.
    The air then rises and gets sucked through the house and out of the roof, cooling it.
    Even if you live on one floor, creating a through breeze really helps.
    Another things is have short cool showers many times.
    Also you get those holey cotton baby blankets. Sleep on them or big towels.
    They are way cooler than ordinary sheets.
    I do love a bit of extreme weather though.
    I love it really hot and also extreme cold.
    I go out in the garden in winter in just my vest and shorts.
    So as to get vigour and vitamin D.
    But in summer like this is great for sweating out toxins!!
    But make sure any old waste water goes onto the plants outside.
    I also give the plants seaweed at this time.
    I gather seaweed from the shores and dry it.
    Soak it in water for 24 hours- then use it for watering; the plants really dig it.
    They literally move when it comes near them!!
    Even when it’s dry they sense it nearby!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. One more thing. The day started with a visual of that eight spoked wheel, and I was thinking about how the even the Gospel of Judas speaks of that 72 number!
    Then it hit me.
    8 spokes. 8 directions.
    As the wheel spins…..
    what happens….?
    each spoke ends up moving to different positions of course!
    So we have 8 possible positions for EACH of those spokes.
    The bagua, martial artists secret.
    This old biker I used to drink with in the irish bar in tokyo, was a martial artist, he’d trained “in the bagua”.
    Apparently, it’s really deep teaching in the martial arts. I only know how to use the enemy’s force against them and fengshui.
    But I an thinking bagua is to do with the movement of chi and energy in the 8 directions, then knowing on top of that the 72 subtle variations of each main spoke, being in different chi area on the spin.

    PLUS that crop circle the other day with the three circles….it was standing wave,
    and talking about scalar–two same frequency waves moving in opposite directions.
    Then the scalar standing in the middle.

    It’s saying, “this is the new energy kids”.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. 72 languages were confused to the Tower of Babel.
      72 was the number of the Immortals in Taoism.
      According to the Zohar, the degrees of the Jacob’s ladder were 72.

      I am flattened by the energies.
      It is scorching hot in Europe, in Africa, in Australia …
      I feel strangely energised, though.
      I water my plants with alkaline water, and they feel great.
      The world is changing, maybe not as fast as we wish, but one can feel a subtle change.
      Nothing is what it was yesterday ❤️️❤️️❤️️

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Finally, the real apex is you combine bagua (1+8+72) with applied scalar.
    And do it with blissful energetics.
    And finally encapsulate it with a burst of selfless kindness and love.
    Do this every day.
    It could be a different world overnight.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What a beautiful image of the peacock feathers. Peacock eyes reminded me of the pattern in the last crop circle….weaving an energy ribbon…making circles….or bubbles.

    CHRIST peacock portal 🦚

    Lovely ​butterfly nebula.

    Shiva dances in fire. Fire all over…Europe, UK, western Canada too. Scorched earth.

    All will be made new.

    RX and M, am grateful to be safe in your hands. I’ll relax and try to stop being squirmy. Keep facing my fears and worries, with intent to let them drift on by, empty out. Observe and listen… 💚

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I hope seeing this relaxes and gives you much enjoyment from the magic and beauty of Nature. I’m so glad I took the time to see this to start my day. A wonderful video, numerous short segments with a wide diversity of wildlife, so many awesome moments. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Forget what I said about loving the heat.
    I hate it now, whatever the temperature is now – I hate it.
    I also hate that suddenly there are all these skin biting insects I have never seen before.
    Tiny tiny ones which bite.
    Mosquitos too; as many as in Asia.
    And the birds are struggling for juicy things.
    And everyone’s got plants dying in their gardens.
    Gone very off of extreme weather all of a sudden.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m sorry to hear of your suffering because of all the extreme heat and insects, patchworksquirrel. It sounds very uncomfortable.

      We had high temperatures over the weekend, but nothing like the UK. The little black gnats have been terrible here for awhile.

      I’m keeping busy with watching a lot of videos. Amazing crop circles which are being done in 2 phases now? I think RX is very busy! Miss you, dear Hatter.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah yes Spiritwalker nasty gnats..that’s what they are!
        Yes, because here the fauna is geared for damp cooler weather and the eco-systems hate this.
        Also the people are not used to it.
        About the crop circles, it came to me two days ago, that they are messages from the Earth and this Earth is trying to communicate. I think they might not be from ETs but from actual Gaia herself.
        Which if Gaia is being held prisoner, then technically that could be “off-world” but it seems Gaia is speaking using these diagrams to inform us how to participate in what is happening,…as our participation is very much wanted…
        so these are messages, and meant to equip us with tools we know but have forgotten.
        Upon seeing them they will trigger memories of what they mean and if you go that with process you will be very surprised what you DO know that you didn’t know you know!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. True. This summer is unusually hot.
      By the way, my son’s friend came today and removed the email issue. I sent you an email.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. To the email address beginning with “c” right? -As-that’smy real one.
        The other was just temporary to make initial contact.
        Gggrrrrr…these insect bites…I am covered… and they itch.
        I put white vinegar on them to lessen the itching.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. .
    Julia tells Prince Harry to ‘sod off’
    19 Jul 2022
    Prince Harry has warned the United Nations general assembly of a “global assault on democracy and freedom”.

    The Duke of Sussex appeared to include in that the overturning of abortion rights in the US, where he now lives.

    He spoke of “the rolling back of constitutional rights here in the United States”.

    At a UN event honouring Nelson Mandela, Prince Harry also highlighted the “havoc” of climate change and the “horrific war” in Ukraine.

    Julia Hartley-Brewer slammed Prince Harry’s speech for ‘doom-mongering.’

    “It’s the hypocrisy. Taking private jets everywhere and then lecturing everyone else. Sod off Prince Harry.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It is really good to see you back here, Hatter! Missed you.

      Yesterday I was in a tizzy… so asked higher self for words, which I found extremely interesting.

      ? Why is Hatter staying silent?


      Was worried at first! Then relieved to see in definitions: Wizard! Medicine man in a tribe! That you are!!! 🧙‍♂️

      Then I asked, “What should I do? How can I help make things right?”


      (Greek ogdoad, -ados, from October, eight) a. the number eight. b. a group or set of eight.

      WOW! So meaningful! The ancient Egyptians revered the primordial creators, known as the ogdoad, 4 couples, including Kek and Kekhet! RX and M!

      ? What do I do, in regard to the ogdoad?

      *splendor / splendour*

      1. Great brightness; brilliant luster; brilliancy. 2. Magnificence; pomp; brilliancy; glory. Synonyms: luster; resplendence; radiance; gorgeousness; grandeur.

      Shining my little light ✨️ on you, dear RX and M, of the ogdoad. You truly are great brightness, magniFAEsent, glorious, resplendent, gorgeous, grand and sparkly brilliant.


      Liked by 2 people

  11. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is going retrograde as of today and until Christmas.
    Take special care of your body.
    Turn your weaknesses into power.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. That’s interesting Spiritwalker, because that spinning sun wheel with the eight spokes and little arms bent backwards posted here last week or so; if you look at it is actually four spokes crossing; but each one has two opposite arms. So four pairs.

    I can well believe that Chiron retrograde Antoniatailor as my body feels wasted. Definitely in need of restoration.

    Funny photo of the lynx in the snow Hatter. Two ginger moggies have started hanging out in my front garden, as it’s damp and cool. One always likes to lay under the rosemary bushtree and the other likes it under the buddleia. Bless them. One of them also started walking through my house when the doors were open, helping himself to a shortcut!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Interesting synchronicity here, on this blog … not for the first time,
    Thank you, spirit walker, for the words you asked for❤️️
    Thank you, patchworksquirrel, for pointing my attention to it ❤️️
    Love to you,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Antoniatailor and patchworksquirrel! Nice to hear from both of you. Thanks for your thoughts on the higher self (spark) words. So often you, and a few others, boost my morale when you like my comments. It’s really appreciated.

      Love ❤️ sent back to you, dear Antonia! Thanks for the astrology info you share. Good wisdom on special care needed for our bodies, and focus on turning weaknesses into strengths. I am attempting to improve…on both counts.

      Richard has been a wellspring of inspiration with light…very electrifying and edifying.

      M and her all pervading, creative Nature is love embodied, in all stages of life. It all fits together. Her massive efforts to keep the whole circle of life going…is heroic! The power of love of the spacemom. 💋❤ I am accepting all I can get for help.

      That yellow cat is gorgeous that Hatter shared in his last comment, the one sitting in the snow, very pretty tail and coloring! I don’t think it’s a lynx, though, it doesn’t have a short tail or spots. I laughed when getting my old dictionary off the bookshelf just now…have a postcard of a lynx right next to it! It was Tahoe their rescued lynx on a Christmas card I got from Tippi Hedron, from her animal sanctuary named Shambala Preserve, the Roar Foundation,. They take in big, wild cats, in California. I donate to them annually ever since I first saw their wonderful cause years ago (Valiant is related to her daughter Melanie Griffith’s husband somehow.)

      Patchworksquirrel, you have the most interesting colloquial expressions sometimes! Had to look up ‘moggies’, hah! How bold was the one taking a shortcut thru your house! I would love that, but Snoopy wouldn’t be so glad! We see our neighbor’s big fluffy kitty sometimes, patrolling the lawn and meadow.

      Hatter’s blog is absolutely a mystical, magical place. Lots of synchs, too!!! Boggles my mind.

      Wish you were here, RX and M. Miss you. Hope all’s well. I keep thinking about tips left by you…all the ways you prepare us. Thankful for all you impart….in sound and vision. It helps to go in reverse, to catch those clues. 👀💻💿 🔎🖼🎩🎶

      Liked by 2 people

  14. What if the temperature, precipitation and lightning extremes have a direct correlation to the amount of anger, passion and all the other revolutionary emotions circulating right now? It would be helping things get opened up and cleaned/cleared out. Our only option is to go through it. We must meet the change head on…no avoidance. When the controllers have been removed or neutralized of their authority, people will calm down and weather will likely calm down. In the event it is manmade…that falls into the “controllers” category and will also no be an issue moving forward. Best we can do is tread water and conserve energy until you feel inspired to change something. Many people still don’t realize we are directly connected to Gaia, and She feel and reflects us and we her. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes Michelle M, you are onto something with that I reckon’. That makes sense to me. I hadn’t thought of it that way -but your idea of the feedback loop between us collectively and Gaia and our energies is logical — as we are not NOT connected to her. And chaos theory and sensitivity to inital conditions in non-linearsystems, aka “butterfly effect” means something tiny just just get bigger and bigger exponentially and in unpredictable complex ways. An emotion carries charge, a collection of emotions carry much charge—don’t they say by the square…so 1 person healing has some power, but 2 people healing carries the power of 4 of those individuals. And 6 together would be like 36 of those initial ones! I am sure Dan Winter would have support for you idea too. In fact he did a whole paper proving how drought and desertification followed the removal of the “permission to physically touch” typically found in patriarchal religions. They made maps and he explained it in terms of charge and its relationship to rain and moisture!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Patchworksquirrel…Thank you for the thoughtful extension from my post. Definitely makes sense with regards to the squaring of energies. I like it. Also, you must be intuiting something about my name. May maiden name starts with M, my married name starts with A. It must be out there somewhere that is the true me! lol
        Oh…and I was thinking about the things you said about your son and how it is similar to things with Brandon at that age. Around age 13, the higher knowledge seems to really kick in. A few years later, Brandon was getting the detailed messages and adventures from astral I posted with Hatter several years ago. When your guy gets there, and if he starts to tell tales from dreams you just know aren’t just dreams, write them down. It may have great higher wisdom. The track through the AI nonsense seems to draw them. My thought is because their Spark self knows all about it and they are tested off the Good Red Road of middle balanced ground…for experience, so they can relate to the others. It can be (is) a nail biter for the parents but we also have to learn to trust it will turn out okay. Much love ❤

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Oh! That’s funny about the “M” cause when I wrote it, my thought was “Michelle M” — that’s seems wrong-you better check, then my thought said “no it’s right” and I didn’t check, change and left it.
          I will do as you say re Zade if he gets any inspirations and dreams – I will write them down. I used to write down all the funny things he’d say as a child, and small boy, and keep them in a book.
          The funniest one ever was one evening he came down the stairs wistfully, but stopped halfway, and stood with an expression on his face, and I said, “What?”
          And he said, “Is it just me, or have you just become one hundred times more beautiful?!”-Then he said, “No! I stand corrected – you are one thousand times more beautiful!”
          To which I fell off my seat laughing, as it sounded so funny and I have no idea where he’s gotten it from. Certainly not the interent asvit was before he used it.
          “What do you want?” I promptly asked – knowing well my son…
          The one who at four once said, “You know when you die, and I get your house, I’ll be REALLY sad!”
          laff…note the subordinate clause caveat!


  15. I just read that Sunak has said he’s a Thatcherite.
    Take it from me, who lived through the thatcher years, the atmosphere was truly dark.
    Also the flooded all the coalmines and even privatised everything.
    The poll tax riots marked her demise and she even got summoned by the Queen.
    They had frosty relationship apparently.
    I checked out both Sunak’s and Truss’s voting records and they both voted consistently for mass survellience of peoples’ emails and communications.
    Sunak was one of those who avoided voting and taking any stand on many things, so it was unusually sparse.
    Truss also voted for fracking and badger culls.
    So I dislike them both.
    So it’s gone from dogpoo, to a choice between rat droppings and monkeysick.
    I have said it once and will say it again, our political system’s not fit for purpose.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ANTONIATAILOR!–I DID get your reply Antoniatailor (detailing your efforts re the noise ruffians thus far!)- I was able to read it this morning.
      So it must have gotten through yahoo okay in the end!
      I will also reply back to it.

      Liked by 1 person

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