Gettin’ lucky / It’s a planet party 🎉 BLACK MATTAH OF HATTAH






“I came to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already set ablaze!”

”And they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, to deliver thee”

”Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down”



Gettin’ lucky / It’s a planet party 🎉


Ok, something is CLEARLY going on here!


18 Jun 2022


”Thence will I bring thee down”




Something Biblical is Happening!! (2022-2023)

Jason A

19 Jun 2022





Author: HATTER


10 thoughts on “Gettin’ lucky / It’s a planet party 🎉 BLACK MATTAH OF HATTAH”

  1. Some massive lineups…all those planets…maybe make the solar system a bit lopsided? That is one helluva Planet Party!

    ”And they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, to deliver thee”

    That pink rose on top is so lovely. Starlight by Muse is a hauntingly beautiful song. Kasabian Scriptvre was good.

    CERN is creepy. Humongous gobs of money spent, I'm sure.

    I like all the flowers and plants waving in the wind. I'll just admire their simple, elegant beauty and give thanks to Nature!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dark mattah is in our head literally. Right now I have located it.
      It’s on both sides where the “Moses horns” are.
      So this machine is a convoluted and complicated way to know dark matter/(mattah).
      So expensive, so electomagnetically disruptive all this CERN hadron stuff, when dark matter is literally sitting so close inside the natural biological head.
      Just because the human head is small they think it’s too simple to have it – so they are looking in all the wrong places.
      But if you magnify the human head it is is creation far more complex and intricate than any hadron collider when enlarged.
      These scientists are so proud and think they will be successful.
      Luckily the Creators are great playing at hide’n’seek.
      So it’ll be case of “now you see me now you don’t!”
      Talk about missing the point.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. I have a question. M said (paraphrasing) that depopulation is that because Yah/ Ra killed Original Creator twin and trapped only certain amount of the other Original Creator twin’s spark, – spark is of limited in quantity inside their copy construct.
    So the more beings there are the more spark gets divided, getting smaller and smaller until at some point it’ll not be there anymore.
    So the deformed rational, logical but on fettered basis in the first place, is that the controllers and captors think that fewer people will moean more spark in those there. —which I suppose relates to the nazi ultraman idea…you try to get back titan-like superhumans and then have far fewer of them, so spark is more illustriously present in them. (But obviously the whole construct got off on the wrong footing in the first place, so everything after that is ultimately doomed and flawed).

    Already today we can see spark is so heavily reduced in size inside living beings – that we have to fight to keep our soul literally now.
    That in the heart soul spark is already now nano-sized, and infinitesimal in the beings.

    So QUESTION please to M, if she knows and wants to share:
    –What please tell, is the critical number of human population that soul spark would be so thinly spread that it would be indetectable altogether? And then eventually gone completely? Is “spark gone altogether” the same number of beings?
    I sense we must be getting pretty close, with the world already feeling increasingly soul-less in certain parts – especially those that have developed away from natural life, love and nature.
    As I say literally now they are soul snatching the kids-right now in real time.
    This is definitely the end of the road for having a mixed population-it’s sadly not really a wholeness time-it’s more a bifurcation time.
    No way can those folk with the last shred of sentience extend friendship to ones who have already decided and committed to the artificial soul-less machine….and when told can’t even start to see it. It’s 99% a lost cause. Better spending precious remaining time with those similar others who also know what’s happening and are not playing ball.

    It is sad but the fork in the road is now. Some are giving up their souls.
    And the effort is being organised to do a massive soul-raid on the remaining healthy ones-from babes in womb to old folk and every stage in between.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I suppose similar thoughts have made me feel sad and kind of chased and trapped …
      A friend of mine told me last week, It’s like a dead-end street …
      I have greatly reduced the number of people I communicate with to a couple or so.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. You talk here to spiritwalker, Latcho, Hatter, M, Mila, Catnap and me, and although we don’t meet physically communication happens and things link up, synchronicities flow and everyone grows. These people are choosing to allign in their free will in an organic direction increasingly, so things happen- because the sounds we emit are together making music, and lifesong. More and more join in and it gets louder-like the schumman…perhaps that’s us all! Soon the tune will carry us away and the singing is fun.
        Now how can we stand and argue with materialistic stuck doubting types who don’t sense anything? We are now busy “making energetic resonance” with many around the world who do, so the best thing I feel I can do is connect more to those that know it….and not bother arguing with the ones who don’t. Then the ones that don’t might feel it and join in, but if not-they were not going to anyway.

        Liked by 4 people

      2. We are with you, dear Antoniatailor. I offer you a hug in spirit, dear friend. ❤ Plus fairy bubbles filled with a special mix of magic for happiness. I wish you every happiness that is possible while here in this world (which is quite dreadful, makes a lot of us feel the way you describe)….and a very bright and happy future for you in the world to come.

        We have just been given notice of an extra special delivery — a new born!!!! Newborn life is coming into BE-ing, courtesy of M and RX weaving their Creator magic! Their CC is available to us all, now, fully preserved in M's memories. The new earth and tree of life has been cleaned and rejuvenated, the diseased/sick/fruitless/sparkless/smokeless fires/parasites/archons/artificials are cut off. Golden apples of his eye (his sparks) being healed/cleansed/restored energetically. Then they will make new sparks….bigger family…more friends! We'll all be together, hearts open, unafraid, living in harmony with Nature. OM

        We just have this last stretch to get through. We're going to merge….then be out of this world xxx forever.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. I love you!

    Rumi, The Image of the Beloved

    As I read Your comments today ( already yesterday ), some moments of John’s Good News* came to me, and at the same time I heard the words in my mind: – ” If the salt is desalinated … ” – And the thought came – Salt does not desalinate when the table is shared. Even robbers once respected the one with whom they shared the salt of the table. … And I share with you my Friends, about this … what has been said, but I will put it in the words-concepts, for which I will add some notes (not all of them notes to your joy :)):
    John 17
    King James Version
    You may read it from King James Version, to compare, with the words – concepts that Jesus* meaning when He said what He is meant to say to His disciples. And I will put a sign – (*) where I noticed a word* of ‘ meaning ‘, that is lost, so to may catch it as it is, ok 🙂
    Yochanan 17
    Orthodox Jewish Bible
    17 These things said Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. And having lifted up his eyes to Shomayim, he said, Avi, the sha’ah (hour, time) has come. Give kavod* to your Ben [HaElohim], that HaBen may give kavod to You,
    2 Vi-bahlt (since) you have given him samchut (authority) over kol basar* for this purpose: in order that all which you have given him, HaAv may give to them Chayyei Olam. [DANIEL 7:14]
    3 And this is Chayyei Olam*, that they may have da’as* of the only Elohei HaEmes (G-d of Truth, True G-d) and Yehoshua*, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach whom You sent.
    4 I have given You kavod on ha’aretz, having completed the melakhah which You have given me, that I should do.
    5 And now give me kavod, Avi, along with Yourself with the kavod which I was having with You before HaOlam came to be [Yn 1:1 3; Prov 8:30; 30:4].
    6 I manifested Shemecha to the Bnei Adam whom You gave me out of the Olam Hazeh. They were Yours and to me You gave them, and regarding the dvar of You they have been shomer.
    7 Now they have da’as that all things whatsoever You have given to me are from You.
    8 Because the dvarim which You gave me, of these I have been shomer, and they received them, and they have da’as beemes that from You I came forth, and they have emunah that You sent me.
    9 I make a bakosha (petition, request) concerning them, I do not make a bakosha concerning the Olam Hazeh, but concerning the Ones You have given me, because they are Yours.
    10 And all things that are mine are Yours, and Your things are mine, and I have been given kavod in them.
    11 And I am no longer in the Olam Hazeh, but they are in the Olam Hazeh, and I am coming to You, Avi HaKadosh. Be shomer over them in Shmecha, which You have given me, that they may be Echad as we are Echad. [Ps 133:1; Dt 6:4; Gn 2:24]
    12 When I was with them, I was keeping them in the Shem of You, which You have given me, and I kept shomer, and none of them perished or was lost, except the Ben HaAvaddon (the Son of Destruction, Perdition, the state of final spiritual ruin, Gehinnom), that the Kitvei Hakodesh might be fulfilled. [TEHILLIM 24:22; 41:9; 109:4,5,7,8]
    13 And now to You I am coming, and I speak these things in the Olam Hazeh that they may have my simcha made shleimah in themselves.
    14 I have given to them the dvar of You and the Olam Hazeh has had sin’as chinom (hatred without cause) of them, because they are not of the Olam Hazeh, just as I am not of the Olam Hazeh.
    15 I do not make a bakosha that You take them out of the Olam Hazeh, but that You keep them from HaRah.
    16 They are not of the Olam Hazeh, just as I am not of the Olam Hazeh.
    17 Set them apart for a use that is kodesh in HaEmes (The Truth). [1Kgs 17:24; 2Sm 7:28] Your Dvar is HaEmes.
    18 As You sent me into the Olam Hazeh, so also I send them into the Olam Hazeh. [TEHILLIM 119:142, 160]
    19 And for their sake, I set myself apart as kodesh that they also may be set apart for use that is kodesh in HaEmes.
    20 However, I do not make a bakosha concerning these only, but also concerning the ones becoming ma’aminim in me [as Moshiach] because of their Dvar,
    21 That all may be echad, as You, Avi, are in me and I am in You, [YIRMEYAH 32:39] that also they may be in us, that the Olam Hazeh may have emunah (faith) that You sent me.
    22 The kavod which You have given me, I have given them, that they may be echad just as we are echad.
    23 I in them and You in me that they may become tamim (perfect) in Achdut (Unity) that the Olam Hazeh may have da’as that You sent me, and had ahavah for them, just as You have ahavah for me.
    24 Elohim Avi, as to that which You have given me, I desire that where I am, those also may be with me, that they may behold my kavod, which You have given me, because You had ahavah for me before the hivvased haOlam.
    25 Avi HaTzaddik*, indeed the world did not have da’as of You, but I knew You, and these ones knew that You sent me.
    26 And I have made known to them the Shem of You and will make it known, that the ahavah with which You loved me may be in them and I in them.
    from ‘ Yochanan (The Good News According to John) Introduction & Chapter 1 ‘
    Yaakov Brown
    Spiritual leader of Beth Melekh Community, Auckland, Aotearoa, N.Z.
    [ Note: I don’t know this person’s work, I share what I find close to what I’m looking for at the moment as information. So, whatever I share, see it through yourself, because I share it with you, and with myself, I talk to myself all day and argue with myself and I’m glad to be able to talk with you :), sorry it came as dictionary and I try to shorten it… ]

    Q: ” Author:
    ” Compilation of the complete manuscript and scribal transmission aside, the author of this scroll is almost certainly Yochanan (John) the Shaliach (Apostle, sent one) and Talmid (Disciple) of Yeshua (Jesus) the King Messiah. Yochanan was present and instrumental in the development of the early body of Jewish believers in Yeshua, “the disciple whom Yeshua loved” (13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20, 24). He was the son of Zebedee (Mark 1:19-10), and is also the most likely choice for authorship of the 1st through 3rd letters of John and the Revelation of Yeshua given to John: making him a significant contributor to the collected works of the Brit HaChadashah (New Testament).
    Yochanan (John) is not mentioned by name in this work (Nor in the 1st through 3rd Letters of John, where the author is simply referred to as “The Elder”), which would be natural if he were the author but entirely inexplicable were he not the author. This fact alone refutes all the other theoretical assumptions made to the contrary. ”

    Notes on John 17

    * ha-Tzadik = ” the Rabbis attributed to Joseph the appellation, “ha-Tzadik” (the righteous). No other character in all of the Tanakh is given this attribute by the Rabbis. ” – here:
    25 Avi HaTzaddik*, indeed the world did not have da’as of You, but I knew You, and these ones knew that You sent me.
    — And Joseph relates to Yesod – fondation – position before Malchut – kingdom – from the Tree of Life
    * ECHAD = One – As unity of parts – ” There are twelve tribes that are bonded into their father Israel (Yaaqov). Israel is the thirteenth. The meaning of the number thirteen is the bonding of many into one. ”
    Echad = 13 = 1 = Ahavah = Love / as in words – “ ….Elohim Echad. “

    1 Yochanan (John) 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not HaShem; for HaShem is love.
    . . . .
    Joseph represents the Oneness among the brethren, as brother and father in one with Jacob – Israel, as represented by Jesus and the twelve apostles.
    Joseph represents the father here on earth, just as Egypt represents the Garden of Eden on Earth, in which Adam and Eve was settled. In Jesus* words – “ Avi HaTzaddik* , indeed the world did not have da’as of You, but I knew You, and these ones knew that You sent me. “
    – Joseph’s represents Avi HaTzadik here on Earth – The Righteous one, that passes trough all his life obstacles clean of sin, and who becomes king. And his distance – completeness is Messiah ben Joseph = Jesus*, who didn’t fulfill to be the earthly king. And hence parts with his beloved one to fulfill his mission – to send His Spirit trough times*.
    – The distance of David and his completeness is the Messiah ben David = XX – King Messiah
    These are 2 parts of One, and these 2 are One that became 4 & 1, what are 8, where the 8th one = 5th one. As they go one after another in Menorah channels – lights. As the light of soul, that came from one, but is lightened one after another [ incarnations ], as are these Seven days – candles – … As these are partes of One and the same Personality with their inner opposites that are manifested outof…

    Adam – Abram – Isaac – Jacob – Joseph – Moses – David – Jesus – Today XX,
    Jewish calendar today = Shabbat, June 25, 2022
    26 Sivan, 5782
    “ According to classical Jewish sources, the Hebrew year 6000 (from sunset of 29 September 2239 until nightfall of 16 September 2240 on the Gregorian calendar) “
    7 days = 7000 years

    “ 22 The kavod* which You have given me, I have given them, that they may be echad* just as we are echad*.
    23 I in them and You in me that they may become tamim (perfect) in Achdut (Unity) that the Olam Hazeh may have da’as that You sent me, and had ahavah* for them, just as You have ahavah* for me.

    * da-as – Knowledge

    * Yehoshua [ fullness of the name Yeshua is Yehoshua as the go: Yesh – Yeshu – Yeshua – Yehoshua ]
    * Kavod – “ the word כָּבוֹד (God’s honor and glory) “
    * Kol basar = all flesh
    * Olam hazeh and Olam haba

    – The olam hazeh עולם הזה is this world age
    – olam haba הָעוֹלָם הַבָּא is The World to Come

    *Olam Haba (“The World to Come”):
    The Sages distinguish between two phases of redemption:
    1) Yemot Hamashiach (“messianic era”) when the present laws of nature will still apply.
    Olam Haba (“World to Come”) in which the nature of reality will be transformed.

    Olam Hamalbush (“The World of the Garment”):
    Olam Hamalbush is a figurative idiom, used by several disciples of the Arizal, to refer to the Divine “superplan” for all Creation before thetzimtzum of G-d’s infinite light. In the Zohar, this level is alluded to in the phrase: “He engraved an engravement in the higher brilliance.” InChassidut this is elucidated by the phrase: “He conceived within Himself in potentia all that was destined to become actual.”
    For further explanation see: Ten stages of G-d’s Infinite Light
    before the beginning of the creative process–Kadmon.

    Olamot (Worlds):
    Olamot are the four primary realms of Creation that emerge out of G-d?s infinite light and culminate in our finite physical universe.
    For further explanation see: The Four Worlds (Atzilut, Beriah, Yetzirah, and Asiyah).

    “ The soul possesses three means of expression–”garments,” in the terminology of the Kabbalah and Chassidut: thought, speech, and action. The higher garment, thought, is the expression of one’s inner intellect and emotions to oneself. The process of the intellect and emotions becoming conscious through thought is similar to giving oneself (the essentially unconscious domains of the soul) to another (one’s state of consciousness). The two lower garments, speech and action, express oneself to others.
    The three lines which compose the form of the hei correspond to these three garments: the upper horizontal line to thought; the right vertical line to speech; the unattached foot to action. “

    * Life Modes: Chayei Sha’ah and Chayim Olam
    The ideas about Olam Hazeh and Olam Habah are cosmic and metaphysical – they pertain to the universe outside of ourselves in terms of the LORD’s overarching goal and plan for His creation. From the point of view of the human soul, these are experienced as Chayei Sha’a (fleeting life) and Chayei Olam (eternal life), respectively.

    1 Chayei Sha’ah (חיי שׁעה) – Fleeting life; life in this world (olam ha’zeh). This mode of life is absorbed in this world and its physical and social structures: working, eating, pursuing pleasures, etc. Chayei Sha’ah is the life of “vanity of vanities” and is a vapor that soon dissipates in the winds of time. It is sometimes called Olam HaSheker (עוֹלָם הַשֶּׁקֶר), “the false world.”

    2 Chayei Olam (חיי עולם) – Eternal life; life in the world to come ( Olam Habah ).

    “The pious live even in death;
    the wicked are dead even in life.” (Berachot 18b)

    – Chayei Olam The Wonder of Eternal Life by John J. Parson
    ” … for everything—including both heaven and earth—is within the dimension of space, which is utterly nullified in the Ein Sof-light,
    which clothes itself in it through [G-d’s] attribute of malchut that is united with Him.
    In relation to the Ein Sof-light, which totally transcends time and space, there exists no difference between heaven and earth; G-d is found equally in heaven and upon the earth. This being so, why are time and space not totally nullified?

    [They are not nullified] because [G-d’s] attribute of malchut is the attribute of tzimtzum and concealment, [whose function is] to hide the Ein Sof-light so that it will not be perceived by created beings,
    so that the existence of time and space should not be completely nullified, and there will be no dimensions of time and space whatsoever, even for the lower worlds.
    I.e., it is only because of the concealment effected by malchut that time and space exist for created beings. ” – Daily Tanya
    Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah, middle of Chapter 7
    Tuesday, 22 Sivan 5782 / June 21, 2022

    ” The term “world” can be applied solely to [that which possesses] the dimensions of space and time,
    “space” referring to east, west, north, and south, upward and downward,
    and “time” referring to past, present, and future.
    Only with regard to entities that are subject to the limitations of space and time can the term “world” be applied.

    All these dimensions of space and time have no relation to the holy supernal attributes of the World of Atzilut because those attributes are infinite. ” – Daily Tanya
    Shaar Hayichud Vehaemunah, middle of Chapter 7
    Monday, 21 Sivan 5782 / June 20, 2022

    So my final question to all my friends here on Earth, that I start asking from yesterday is: How come so, that ben Adam is an alien? For ‘ ben Adam ‘ means – human.

    And a song:

    Medwyn Goodall ~ Awakening From The Dream


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