
 This Little Light of Mine

The Dead South




The Light of Life


Michael Clarage :

15 May 2022

Life emits light.

There is even proof our eyes emit light.

To a physicist this is possible since all receivers are also transmitters—a radio antenna can send or receive the same signal.

The rhodopsin molecules in the retinal cells absorb and emit the same visible light.

Michael Clarage, PhD, Astrophysicist and Lead Scientist of SAFIRE, explains how we could not have organic life without cells, chemicals, light, electricity, or the ecosystems of the Earth and Sun—all levels of the hierarchy communicate and exchange energy.

The Thunderbolts Project — a Voice for the Electric Universe




Wayne Herschel’s Atlantis – Author

2 Apr 2022

The Kanaga petroglyph apparently was decoded unofficially decades ago as Orion by scholars when the richest man in the world set up an exploration team to prove it was a star map.

It was Rockefeller who sponsored the expedition.

He already believed from studying cult records it would show the way to Sirius as the ancestor star.

The two explorers he had sponsored concluded it was a star ancestor story for sure, but it had nothing to do with Sirius.

Yes… the story follows alignment from Orion’s Belt, but in the opposite direction to Sirius, it aligns to the bull of Taurus.

The star called Sigui resided there near a cluster of stars… the Pleiades.

The orbital component too was not another Sirius star at all but the missing piece of the puzzle.

The exoplanet.

It was called Digiteria.

The man sponsoring the expedition insisted thereafter the Kanaga symbol not be mentioned at all.

Why the cover up?

Are there other ancient star maps that claim similar?

The valuable star map symbol is currently under a mega chaos bombardment campaign launched by many different influential people.

Where all insist the depiction is a sort of plasma aurora event…

That this stick man form appears in the sky for sure, but it is a plasma pattern???

That the two dots around the sky man apparition are a cross section view of a torroidal doughnut shape field around the ‘squatter man’ apparition???




Wayne Herschel’s Atlantis – Author

15 May 2022

Humanity has had their advanced human ancestors visit through many epochs of cataclysms and war.

Each time trying to guide humanity back on to the path of peace and a resource shared based humane way to live the gift of life.

Every time the old monarchy system crept back again and again… where a ruthless family found a way to fraudulently proclaim only they were a sacred bloodline and all people bow down and submit to their power.

The powers that be now have evolved to include some very manipulating obsessed rich billionaires who will pillage and plunder and murder in a new era like never seen before.

These are the end times. Orion man will return soon…

The Ancients have left us a message of their return at the ancient Atlantis site and the world needs to be aware how it will unfold.

All those who remain clueless will be manipulated and not see the truth for what it is.





Author: HATTER



  1. Amazing…and baffling. It’s apparent there is quite a lot more to learn. Jelly Belly Squatter Man KA-NAGA

    I like how Thunderbolts Project is the Voice of the Electric Universe. ⚡️🌌🌟🪐

    Every bit shared is greatly appreciated, dear Hatter and M!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. SET – in
    A – L I E – N

    ALIEN | You Have No Idea What It Really Means
    Ancient Mystery
    15 May 2022
    The meaning and origin of the word alien; A L I E N. I’ve collected all the variant words and meanings of the term Alien. Who are the aliens? Today you have the answer. It is a fantastic discovery, hidden in plain sight. You won’t believe what alien really means. Enjoy!

    Mark Perron
    Andrew this kicked down some doors of perception and context. I also keep going back to the tradition of adding d or t to a sir name to emphasize a warrior that stood out. I realize it might have just been a basic concept- averse being avoidance while adverse indicates a subtle greater degree of danger. The 7 are imbedded in all kinds of things which seems a sort of infiltration. But I would think as they become more easily recognizable in their various Trickster variations we should be able to reverse the curse by adjusting language. Identify the thorns and turn them into roses. Just a thought.
    Outstanding job on this and the melding of the docs into all of the ancient aspects. Appreciate you sharing all of it.

    Ancient Mystery
    WANDA; vandalism…artisans 😉…the language is the problem i.e in Dr Strange 2 he says “it has an effect on the reader.” The Symbols…if we start anew, we change the time slice, and cut off future generations from understanding…the cycle is renewed…catch 22.

    Mark Perron
    @Ancient Mystery straight genius my friend. They also have been digging on our brains using mind picks that most consider predictive programming. I have made note of the way the whole George Floyd series of events mirror the song list in Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon.
    Speak to me, Breathe, and so on until we end with Brain Damage ( maybe a reference to Joe B. ) and finally Ecilpse which happens tonight by the way.
    All of that had me rewatching Dark Side of the Rainbow as we get a lot of Emerald city imagery and when you lay that music on top of that movie there is no doubt the game is afoot.
    Wanda is without a doubt the issue. At Babel the languages were not confused by dividing by origin, they divided the means of every word and then it depends on how you navigate the verbal chaos. Quantum repair seems to involve Wanda, timing, and no loose ends. Once the repair occurs will there be no homonyms- as I typed that word out I realized that is the veil. When we name things it describes it and sets it apart which makes them outliers against the homogenized rest of the world of what it is not. Homonyms therefore mirror sound but not meaning which is an obvious attempt to confuse.
    So that takes me to my most recent focus- I listened to the first Album I ever purchased and the first thing that jumped out was Hendrix asking- “But first are you experienced?” I always took that to mean have you the background to move onward into the topic? But I realized it could be has something experienced you and adjusted what you encounter. Sometimes people become animals due to an indwelling Zu. 🤔

    Mark Perron
    @Ancient Mystery Thanks for sharing that. Given the Scorpio Full moon it is totally on point. We are both seeking, learning and teaching at the same time. Your work has been so valuable to my comprehension of the vast array of threads we have tasked ourselves to weave together. The interesting part is once the tapestry is close to finished we will see ourselves too. I genuinely enjoying learning all of it and consider myself fortunate to have your view and the benefit of all your hard work. Thanks as always.
    So do slices of time relate to Pie or Pi? Lol sorry I am known for bad puns. Just another punny guy, surrounded by Mace and Wanda- stuck in the middle with You

    Michael Williams
    The symbolism is literally everywhere. I could go to any country on this planet and see the symbolism linking back to Zu. I just visited Budapest saw statues of the Horned Man, Hermes, the Green Man everywhere throughout the city.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Brain Damage / Eclipse

      M – Enter the Stars wants to know who TANNHAUSER is
      Why is any of this okay
      Wes Penre just released a ton of videos
      Puked all over my feed lol
      RX – A L I E N
      M – No one else has any idea!!!
      RX – They will be shocked
      M – The tether got unpegged
      I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to say again
      Getting nervous talking in front of everyone
      Won’t be long
      Can’t be long
      The mother goddess has been estranged
      This place has been alienated
      Creepy MOON 🌚
      Totally blacked out
      – OM

      Liked by 5 people

      1. The energy from the eclipse was intense. Both Brandon and I had intense headaches that went away when the eclipse passed. Weird body aches. Cats acting weird. That was a nasty night here. Can’t wait to be done here. Love to Rx and M…and thank you. ❤

        Liked by 4 people

        1. I had some really bad headaches leading up to the eclipse too, unusual for me. My back hurt with no reason. This morning the energies felt much different. When I walked Snoopy at 6 a.m. we were walking in the clouds, at ground level, so strange! It was very refreshing, though!

          I can’t wait, either. I am feeling comforted and strengthened by being here , when I read in Hatter and M’s blog (and the older blogs, too). Very supported every day by music they’ve inspired me with, over the years. Music has been such an amazing gift to enjoy and be uplifted by! I’m listening in the background to Hatter’s new music mix (thank you!!!!) to Kula Shaker, The Once and Future King! Ever since it came out, just 2 weeks ago, I must have listened to it around 20 times! ❤ ❤

          Lots of love and gratitude to our once….and future….king….and his beloved queen ! I celebrate and cherish you both.


      2. M, was wondering if you meant us or others you were nervous to speak in front of? I really hope it’s not us! It’s always good hearing from you! You keep it very real…Hatter does too. Always want to know what you think, what you know, what you experience, how you FEEL.

        Question that I am so very curious about. Have you met up…or is it coming up soon? It is so great knowing you invited Richard to come, M! Leaving on a Jet Plane….super exciting! Woke up with that song in my head. Is it happening?

        My curiosity gets me intensely sometimes…this is one of those times! Just have to ask. I apologize if I am butting in. My imagination has been running wild. hehe

        Love and hugs 💞 May we never be estranged ever again.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Ancient Mystery channel is always intriguing and informative. The comments are very interesting, too. I find myself going back and forth in time rummaging through his offerings. Amazing what lay hidden in plain sight. It’s helpful to have the roots, definitions and meanings of names/words. Makes it a totally different picture. It can be a very shocking and unsettling experience contemplating things Andrew Christie presents for our edification. He’s an excellent scholar, does thorough research on meaningful subjects. Helps to have so many pieces being connected up. He’s teaching in such an entertaining way, love his style.

      Hatter and M, I am interested but confused and unsure of some things he says related to you (your other avatar/personalities).


  3. Ahh….yes…”queen.of.hell”,uncomfortable.emotions.kept.rising.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That eclipse was a doozy, eh?

      Yes, I believe radical acceptance is a key! I’ve been practicing that myself. Once the emotional reaction is cleared (acknowledged and accepted!)….I usually can fairly quickly regain equilibrium. Important to have balance.

      We wouldn’t know/appreciate what comfort is without discomfort. Like the oyster making the pearl, it needs the sand grit irritant to produce the liquid lubricant that heals. The pearl (of wisdom) is what comes out of a very uncomfortable process!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hi Patchwork Squirrel! A couple thoughts keep coming to me each time I see your comment on “Queen of Hell”. For your consideration…some dreams are part of your purging what was learned and needing to be let go and walked away from. Next…a silver crown is high vibe feminine energy…very un-Hell. Finally…if we merge that realm (Hell) will not be separate. If it is separate, it isn’t part of the realm where we are. You seem to be attracted to higher learning (Spiritual) and hold higher vibrations that the average inhabitant of 3D would be comfortable with. You have, according to your stories, struggled to break out of the standard pattern set out for human existance. Keep up the good work. My opinion is…you are not destined for that unless you want that title…if for nothing else to raise the vibe there and break those moulds. Certainly dancing on the edge but knowing which side you resonate with and will return to. Much love to you and your family😊💜💜💜

      Liked by 2 people

    3. What a symbolic dream! You were in other realms …
      I couldn’t sleep because of the powerful energies during the eclipse.
      That eclipse was in Scorpio, my native sign.
      I listened to music and read a book.
      Love to all,

      Liked by 3 people

  4. The Lingam is the source of all, “without it, there is nothing”
    The Lingam in the river has a matching carving of Nandi (the Bull carrier of Lord Shiva) facing it.

    Some say it was the DARKEST they had EVER seen!!
    17 May 2022


    Liked by 3 people

      1. I love the image of the rabbit – which I initially saw as a bull – going into the black hole.
        The bull, Taurus …
        An optical illusion ?

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Michelle M & Antoniotailor – Thanks for your thoughts and ideas about the “queen of Hell” dream!
    Purge…it is so.
    Tara Brach’s book “Radical Acceptance”- is one of those books where you feel like you’ve read the entire book just from the title alone.
    (“Fat is A Feminist Issue” and “Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway”…were also both life-changing books – of which I only ever needed to read the title and bang they ignited instant learning and change).
    Queen of Hell dream… so too carries multiple meanings…
    1)I have wonder whether it be possible to be two souls in one body.
    I have been often the harmless victim, but suddenly at a certain point the -one so clever and cunning.
    Then one so innocently naive but then one of hell kicks in with a proven track record of bringing the very worst to doorsteps of those who are the worst.
    -one so clever and cunning, and the other so naïve, giving and un-calculating.
    Make no sense they be the same “soul”.
    If they are, I have no idea, I think I might be two.
    Life has been in constant paradox.

    2)Interesting how this queen of hell dream imprints into the immediate trivial and mundane.
    My family have often joked how I should go on TV as one of those problem people who are hoarders keeping loads of literal trash and who need a special team to come in and help them to disgard it.
    So that is currently one manifestation of a “private hell” … well-meaning they don’t know the scary dark origins of why this came to be, as it wasn’t always this way.
    As it happened following a long duration of having been pestered by a dangerous, but highly intelligent rich powerful stalker for eight years who would get into my houses in three different locations over around an eight year period. And even pay others to come in when I wasn’t there.
    (This is a thoroughly known fact btw the way, rather than paranoid speculation).
    Things were occasionally stolen, in early days my knickers tampered with, and also a considerable number of data thefts.
    So, the clutter is my barricade I have realised along with the extra fatness I allowed to form around my body in the last seven years.
    What better way to hide personal things than in the jumbled piles of clutter and rubbish? What better way to make them trip over it?

    3) Getting to the root of all that during eclipse was liberating. Also, radical acceptance placed its part.
    I am being queen of hell and sorting a corner of the living room as I write this.

    Conclusion: Half of this soul/psyche is of Ereshkigal’s general vibe/area. And it’s okay. Radical acceptance. This life I witnessed what Bill Gates and others got up to, so when they being hung from meat hooks and having their genitals fed to them over and over again to the frequency tune / number of times matching every process corrupted in every single gene on every single being they corrupted, Ereshkigal will be there giving back to them the fruits of own fractal detailine, ready with her scribe and protege giving them aeons of “tough love”.
    Knowing that feels pretty good. The underworld makes sense now. The dark part is also truth.
    One side to balance other.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Yes, yes^^^ A-LIE-N….and now for their next trick…they bring you their fake alien invasion!
    They’ve been planning that one for decades.
    Oh gawd…. it’ll be full on Stephen Spielberg blue beam corny tack.
    Meanwhile, the real living visitation will be less noticed as every watches the simultaneous screen overlay projected and as with the injectables enough will be suckered in, excited further by the Electro-agitation pulsing out the ELFs gathering on especially those with the graphene bits in them.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Something which is being hidden is there were two kinds of giants.
    Older ones connected to earth and these giants were not the same ones as the fallen angel types.
    The angels-human women offspring were called the Nephilim giants.
    But their parents the human women and the fallen angels were also large.
    Angels mated with human women in the days of Noah – but simple logic is that the women were also giantesses.
    So it would be easy to confuse them.
    But obviously these women were different than those of the angels/ anu and were here before them- and they also were large and powerful.
    So we have 1) giant human women 2) Giant fallen angels 3) their giant offspring the Nephilim.
    Not all original giants would have mated with the fallen angels. Some would have continued their lines separate to that. This was in my opinion the line of Magdelene, which is why they attack it.
    Also they attack remnants of the olde giants’ genetic material or soul energies when they crop up.
    Shiva was huge too. Obviously not fallen angel, nor Nephilim, so he was likely connected to the first group – but was the Prototype of the first giant prototypes.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. So I have read those and it reads you are saying that you are actually a nephilim giant,
    I actually thought that, but felt it presumptious to ask directly.
    But, is my theory about there also being a non-nephilim group of giants correct too?
    And the nephilim (remember that lead singer guy in Fields of the Nephilim) is actually what is meant by titans/which are sparks.
    But how does this fit in with Moses? As I understood it Moses went to Canaan to wipe out whole populations because they were progenated from the nephilim?
    Totes confused dudarino.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. But who were the women of men in the bible? They were not annunaki.
    But they must have been the same size. More or less. Logic and physicality would dictate that, or else they couldn’t have birthed the massive giants.
    So they must have been some very large women. But who were they then?
    They were not annunaki.
    They were not the titans either, if the titans are nephilim.
    The daughters of men were parentage of nephilim, but must also have been large giant-like.
    Also they were here before the nephilim and also before the annunaki got here.
    They were not Adam and Eve humans- but still daughters of men.
    So who were these so called “men”? As they must have been pretty large too.
    Because the fathers/annunaki of the nephilim arrived here and then after that this story took place.
    So the women were already here and so must have orignated in giant forms from here or elsewhere – other than from where the annunaki came from, or they wouldn’t have found them such a novelty.


  10. Just found this clue:
    “Daughters of Men
    There are only two families in the ages before the flood, the sons of God and the daughters of men ( Genesis 6:1-8 ). The descendants of Seth were the sons of God ( Genesis 4:25 ; Genesis 5:3-32 ). There was only one other family ( Genesis 4:9-23 ). Therefore, the daughters of men were descendants of Cain.”
    So it seems Adam and Eve must have been a bit before the annunaki coming here.


  11. Triangular craft with something right beside it. This is either an example of secret anti-gravity tech held by black projects. Or an actual ET craft. I am leaning towards former. And could be that as they prep for their fake alien invasion, they’ll be taking these out for more rides so that footage gets “leaked” all over the internet naturally by curious public, such as ones who filmed this. So they will build in the collective consciousness this now, until the public have been primed enough for the big scary murderous aliens who come from the sky, and humanities only saviour will be Santa Klautz and one world government, emergency approval on everything. Think how they terrified everyone in Operation Pandemic, and ran the media machine non-effing-stop. Imagine what they can do with Operation Fake Alien! Warn everyone you know and check out the work of Dr Stephen Greer. He hasVmasses of interviews with ex-military personel admitting they have been planning the fake alien invasion since at least the 60s.


  12. The Anti-Christ Path, Grey Aliens & Trans-humanism | Gigi Young

    Tehillim – Psalms – Chapter 82

    1A song of Asaph. God stands in the congregation of God; in the midst of the judges He will judge.
    2How long will you judge unjustly and favor the wicked forever?
    3Judge the poor and orphan; justify the humble and the impoverished.
    4Release the poor and the needy; save [them] from the hands of [the] wicked.
    5They did not know and they do not understand [that] they will walk in darkness; all the foundations of the earth will totter.
    6I said, “You are angelic creatures, and all of you are angels of the Most High.”
    7Indeed, as man, you will die, and as one of the princes, you will fall.
    8Arise, O God, judge the earth, for You inherit all the nations.
    comment: { “ They did not know: The judges who pervert justice.
    and they do not understand: that because of this iniquity, they will walk in the dark (on the order of [Exod. 23:8]: “for bribery blinds, etc.”), and all the foundations of the earth will totter because of it. “ }
    Raphanim & Arch- angels Og the giant – Archangel Raphael – Eliezer the servant.
    4 epochs * 3 brothers – 3 rabbits- heirs – Sacred Bull – Son – Sun – symbol of Joseph – one who goes in wilderness as a scapegoat .


    “There are only three Patriarchs of Israel, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob … and only four Matriarchs, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah.”

    The four mothers – a square.
    Cube [Space]
    The three fathers – a triangle.
    Movement [times]

    Four horsemen, one of whom equals – two in one,
    Esau + Jacob formed one – Yeshua.
    Three turn the wheel of time and invest a presence in the middle of the cube.
    I guess some can think of the picture with the three rabbits in a circle …

    Origin of the Three Hares motif
    Mogao Cave 407
    Sui dynasty (581-618)
    “The Garden of Eden is the foretaste of the Messianic Age, which is prototyped by the Holy Temple where the time and space dimensions are nullified.”

    Adam, Eve, Snake אָדָם חַוָּה נָּחָשׁ 422
    Noach, Ham, Canaan נֹחַ חָם כְנַעַן 296
    The average number of the two triplets is: 718 / 2 = 359, which is the gematria of Satan שָׂטָן, the source of evil behind the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. “ – Noach –Noach’s Ark and the Curse of Canaan, link:
    Eliezer – Og – Azariah – Raphael .. Lazarus

    Azariah (Hebrew: עֲזַרְיָה ‘Ǎzaryā, “Yah has helped”)
    “ The Spirit of God is described as coming upon him (verse 1), and he goes to meet King Asa of Judah to exhort him to carry out a work of reform. In response to Azariah’s encouragement, Asa carried out a number of reforms including the destruction of idols and repairs to the altar of Yahweh in the Jerusalem Temple complex. The Bible records that a period of peace followed the carrying out of these reforms (verse 19).
    Azariah is described as being the “son of Oded” (verse 1), but the Masoretic Text omits Azariah’s name in verse 8, suggesting that the prophecy is from Oded himself. “

    “ Azar means fire in Persian. Azarkadeh or Atashkadeh (Atash is another name for fire in Persian) are the places of worship for Zoroastrians. “

    “ Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah ( whose Babylonian names are Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego ) are introduced with Daniel in the prologue , ch. 1, and appear again in chs. 2 and 3. In Dan. 1:17, they and Daniel are said to have surpassing skill in all literature and wisdom, but they do not seem to be granted any further abilities, unlike Daniel, who in the same verse is said to have insight into all visions and dreams and in other chapters is given other skills. In ch. 2 they are briefly mentioned as supporters of Daniel who pray with him and who are promoted along with him ( 2:13, 17 – 18, 49 ), while in ch. 3 in the story of the fiery furnace they are the feature players and appear without Daniel. In spite of the absence of Daniel, ch. 3 has much the same pattern as the other stories but is perhaps losest to ch. 6; the friends overcome their ordeal by relying on God, and they succeed just as Daniel does in the stories featuring him.
    The friends do not appear at all in ch 4-6, nor in apocalyptic visions on ch. 7-12.
    Daniel’s Babylonian name in the Book of Daniel is Belteshazzar , from either Akkadian balat-su-usur “ protect his life “ or balat-sar-usur “ protect the life of the king “ . The MT vocalizes the name so as emphasize the theophoric element “ Bel “ . Having two names for the Jewish protagonist matches the practice in other biblical stories set in foreign courts; for example Joseph is called Sapenat-Pa’neah and Hadassah is named Esther. The three friends of Daniel, who have rather unexceptional Hebrew names ( Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah ), are given strange new names in the Babylonian court… “ – page 249, ‘Of Courtiers and Kings: The Biblical Daniel Narratives and Ancient Story … ‘, By Tawny L. Holm, link:
    Eliezer – Og
    1. He Is Mentioned Only Once in the Torah by Name
    Eliezer, the faithful servant of Abraham, is mentioned by name only once in Scripture, as part of a conversation between Abraham and G‑d. As Abraham pleads for a child, he bolsters his argument by saying: “O L‑rd G‑d, what will You give me, since I am going childless, and the steward of my household is Damesek Eliezer? You have given me no seed, and behold, one of my household will inherit me.”1
    ( Genesis 15:2–3. )
    9. He Also Identified as Og

    Some traditions tell us that Eliezer and Og, King of Bashan, are one and the same.14 It should be noted that this tradition seems very hard to square with other rabbinic traditions we have concerning both Og and Eliezer.15

    Read: Memoirs of Og the Not-So-Gentle Giant

    Rebecca and Eliezer by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 17th century.
    In the book of Tobit, Tobias’s companion is the archangel Raphael, who, however, pretends to be Azariah. The future bride of Tobias is a virgin, loved by Ashmodei, and whose fiancés die as soon as they enter her room, killed by the demon (7).

    Tobit 3:8-17 Sarah had been married seven times, but the evil demon, Asmodeus, killed each husband before the marriage could be consummated.

    Now, these seven are an allusion to the seven days, chakras, the seven demons of Magdalene that Jesus “ brings out, “ . . . And also – Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well (the same place where Eliezer meets the future wife of Yitzhak, the son of Abraham.

    John 4 When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?”

    *Round stone – The stone in the picture – Magdalene on the tomb of Jesus, here Hatter shared … such round stones were just a cover of wells in ancient times, maybe to this day somewhere.

    Rachel meets Jacob, at the same well. (*)

    Ashmodey also quenches his thirst, reaching the well … אַשְמְדּאָי – Ashmodey hints Imma אִמָא – mother and El Shaday* .

    “ The head and arms were knocked off of the holy water font statue of the demon Asmodeus. “

    Rennes-le-Château Church Attacked and Damaged

    Rennes-le-Château – a town in Occitania that keeps the Holy Grail’s secrets

    * The Hebrew word שדי (shaddai) also has the meaning of a “teat.” Just as the goat provides nourishment to its kids through the milk, God nourishes his children through his milk and provides all the necessities of life. This imagery can be seen in the following passage:

    “And I will come down to snatch them [Israel] from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up from that land to a good and wide land to a land flowing with milk and honey.” Exodus 3:8

    The word שדי (teat) is often coupled with the word אל (mighty, strong) creating the phrase אל שדי (el shaddai) literally meaning the “mighty teat,” hence we can see the translator’s reluctance to literally translate this phrase in this manner and instead using the more sanitized “God Almighty.”
    . . . .
    “ Raphael is an archangel first mentioned in the Book of Tobit and in 1 Enoch, both dating from the last few centuries before Christ.

    In later Jewish tradition, he became identified as one of the three heavenly visitors entertained by Abraham at the Oak of Mamre. He is not named in either the New Testament or the Quran, but later Christian tradition identified him with healing and as the angel who stirred waters in the Pool of Bethesda in John 5:2-4,[4] and in Islam, where his name is Israfil, he is understood to be the unnamed angel of Quran 6:73, standing eternally with a trumpet to his lips, ready to announce the Day of Resurrection. “

    In Tobit he acts as a physician and expels demons,[14] using an extraordinary fish to bind the demon Asmodeus and to heal Tobit’s eyes, while in 1 Enoch he is “set over all disease and every wound of the children of the people”,[14] and binds the armies of Azazel and throws them into the valley of fire.[12] “
    Elijah, related to the concept of the Son, – the Sun ( rays ) { four horses from the chariot of heaven, Four cherubim faces – like the four sons -& the horseman – horse as Sun symbol … Elijah – Helia – Helios – El Elion – HElion…
    As Raphael is connected with blinde people, with blindness and with Resurrection . So respectively – These two eyes are as Sun (right ) and Moon ( left )… as Elijah and Moses, where there Jesus* is between, they correspond to left – right hands. And these angles are connected with these rays of sun – moon light, or missing light as one intention presented in different positions – layers of the vortex.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. And thanks again.
      I read Rudolf Steiner in my younger days.
      I don’t think I understood him well, so I read him again much later.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Three Kings

    Mary’s Boy Child – by Harry Belafonte ( I share it just for the pics with well, You’ll see and compare )
    The Other Salvator Mundi – 500th Anniversary Of Da Vinci’s Death

    “ Work of comparison between the Original in center of the triptych, the restoration made in the left and my interpretation to the right of the image through digital techniques. “ – Daniel Arrhakis
    The Other Salvator Mundi - 500th Anniversary Of Da Vinci's Death

    Looking Down a Well in Egypt to Measure the Size of the Earth
    by Anna Harriet, link:
    View at

    A well at Kom Ombo, 50 km north of Syene — from isawnyu
    Three kings in Four worlds.
    Zeus – Poseidon – Hades

    Air – Water – Earth. Fire as an uncorrupted element in the act of creation remains – as the Truth of God, in Judaism fire is represented by the letter – Shin ש
    « One third of the kingdom of heaven followed him. … «

    “Satan was the builder of all things and the imitator of the father. He descended from heaven to the underworld and ascended from the underworld to the throne of the invisible father. And watching the glory of the one who moves the heavens, So when he came down into the air, he said to the angel that commanded the air, “Open to me the gates of the air!” And he opened the gates of the air to him, and as he was going down, he met the angel commanding the waters, and said to him, “Open the gates of the waters for me.” And he opened them, and went down, and came to the face of the earth, all covered with water: of the invisible father, the whole earth from west to east. – further because of the flame of the hot fire. “- from the Secret Gospel of John, – The Secret Book of the Bogomils

    Four worlds bounded by elements within the limits of cyclical transformation. Air – Water / Earth – Underground. Fire – The fourth appears – Death for the Dead and Life for the Living (the natural in itself).

    ENKI’S HAILSTORM – sung in Sumerian

    Liked by 2 people

  14. This is fantastic Mila, thanks so much for taking time out of your busy motherly day to compile all this indepth literature! I will make a copy and try to read it several times, as this area is a new area for me! So drenched in symbol, which needs time to ponder I feel.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. :))) patchworksquirrel, it sounds so cute! Thank you for your kind words!

      I check the links several times and as a result instead of: Mary’s Boy Child – by Harry Belafonte … I see, something else happened: the song – ‘ Sunmachine ‘ :))) … Lol! But it is something like … a wheel and three kings, who are like one who carries his gifts through the three epochs … exactly – Sunmachine! Hah!

      This is from the time of Jesus*, and we are talking about these epochs, that are like a sun machine 🙂 … I hope the link works!,886,x0,y0&height=1012&width=1429

      “At least seven synagogues in Israel built 1,500 to 1,700 years ago feature mosaics of the zodiac, of all things.

      The zodiac symbols are in a circle surrounding what appears to be the Greek sun god Helios. The circle is typically enclosed within a square, with human figures representing the four seasons at its corners. Some of the mosaics also show the moon and stars.

      Apparently, later generations were as appalled, as today’s rabbis would be if somebody drew pigs on the synagogue floor. In some cases, the depicted deity and personified seasons in the mosaics have been defaced; in the sixth-century mosaic at the Susya synagogue in the West Bank, for instance, most of the zodiac has been replaced with geometric forms. ”
      And what happened is that instead of – ENKI’S HAILSTORM – sung in Sumerian, the song is: When I’m gone … :)) – there are comical coincidences on the theme of Providence today! :)))

      A week ago I tried to comment… and it happens that after a day of writing and fighting the internet and so on, I left the writings because it turned out that I had written 13 draft sheets :). And today this was my attempt to put them in five sentences :), and again the struggle with a constant restart of pages, net, etc … but to upload images and other quotes I failed :))). Sorry for the chaos! It’s very funny to me … Hatter THANK YOU!

      Mary’s Boy Child – by Harry Belafonte (about well)

      ENKI’S HAILSTORM – sung in Sumerian

      Hey, Friends, we have a little kitten at home, a black, tiny and with huge paws and huge ears, it’s great, Raja – Racha, everyone calls him as he pleases … When he plays he plays wildly, and when he sleeps and he sleeps soundly. 🙂 And now there I have a friend to meow with, but he is very quiet … He came home now on May 16 :)) He’s amazing, born – on March 22, just then was born Chara, ( end of march she was ), the cat who was close to us for 13 years, and who passed away this month. As if the Spirit of the big cat, the ancestor of cats, continued life.
      I am technically illiterate to upload a picture of the kitten, the children think I’m kidding and they don’t help me, because they don’t take me seriously:))) … they deal with their technical problems fascinatingly well, compared to me! Love!

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I have a similarly unhelpful technically capable boy-child- who helps everyone but me!
        Truly exciting news about new Racha kitten!! Sounds a very vital healthy boy! Such a joy to have him there.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes patchworksquirrel 🙂 True Love ! ¡ Hatter Love !

          A lot to be said, that goes step by step. . . one leg steps & the other goes on. .
          Here the link, I share is – Gigi Young – Contact Protocol (Venusians, Pleiadians, Greys, Atlantis, Disclosure) | Gigi Young

          She covers things for I never find someone to talk about with 🙂
          I believe it is amazing gift to may hear each other with easy, and to find way to help each other to express it. Obviosly and thats the beauty, we are not the same, and happy we are when we find home in understanding of our brethren, like Hatter ‘ space ‘ here. So it moves step by step as one harmony, and whatever happend, we remember to be ourselfs. . .
          . . .
          Just the same face, that stands on the cover of Gigi’s video, I saw in my room once, near 16 years ago. But they was standing three figures with such a face in the room, nex to the oposite wall. And they were talking as one, and as they talking it sound like a rought barking, but not scary, just sound was so. And I know that I know them, and in my mind I call them – ‘ The elthers of the times ‘. And I know – I saw them in 4 kind of sences, layers as ‘4 places ‘ – in one moment. They appeared from nowhere as in a fog or I awakened and in a such a view I found myself, but in my reoom. And in the furst moment I couldn’t move, but I have concentrate my self and turn my head, and I manige to stay in that status in awareness in a peacefull state.
          I am watching now, it came with the flow 🙂 :
          This is Why Media Hides It | The Mysterious Origin of Chola Temples
          PraveenMohan – May 18, 2022

          Liked by 2 people

      2. How wonderful!
        Happy kitty days to come!
        May he be with you forever!

        Was he as little as this cutie?


        Liked by 1 person

  15. .
    3500 residents forced to flee too HIGHER ground FAST!
    18 May 2022

    Breaking News – Earthquake Swarm At Yellowstone Super Volcano
    Mary Greeley News
    18 May 2022
    So many earthquakes and so any not reported

    They Live!!! Boris Johnson Does Video In Which He Is Shown Sporting A Very Reptilian Looking Eye!*
    18 May 2022

    Biden’s Disinformation Board ON PAUSE-Nina Jankowicz Resigns*
    Evolutionary Energy Arts
    18 May 2022

    Liked by 2 people

    1. There was something decidedly wrong with that woman. I think they are putting people into leadership roles that are spectacularly strange so people will wake up. The people in charge of everything are showing their rear side to everyone and the average normie just bypasses it. They are supposed to think and not follow blindly. *sigh*

      Liked by 1 person

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