NATURE’S VOICE M – RX : What is going on??? 😆 It’s all mad BAHAHAHA


Empire Of The Sun





M – RX

M – And earth is going to be blown to pieces

I don’t think it’s because of stupid leadership? Unless he’s calling the Annunaki (anti-life) the leadership, then he is correct.

What is going on??? 😆
It’s all mad


This Babylion Bee 🐝 kills me



Donald Trump:

‘The world is going to be blown to pieces’

Sky News Australia

27 Apr 2022

Former US President Donald Trump says the world is going to be “blown to pieces” if America doesn’t get some “smart leadership”.

Mr Trump issued the chilling warning during an interview with Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan.

“We have stupid people now running our country,” Mr Trump said.

“Our country’s in trouble – something has to happen.

“If it doesn’t happen, and if we don’t have smart leadership, you’re going to end up with no world – the world is going to be blown to pieces.”



Eccentric Billionaire Accomplishes More

For Free Speech In One Afternoon

Than Republicans Have In Decades




This is NOT what you think it is!!!

Where did it COME FROM?


27 Apr 2022



A Babylon Bee Update

From Twitter Jail

The Babylon Bee

26 Apr 2022

The Babylon Bee is still in Twitter jail.
For now, anyway.
Is there hope for a jailbreak





Author: HATTER


21 thoughts on “NATURE’S VOICE M – RX : What is going on??? 😆 It’s all mad BAHAHAHA”

  1. Beautiful Fade Into You cover – crisper and clearer than the original. This is one of my favourite songs – up there with Knights in White Satin.
    Beautiful pictures today.
    So encouraged to see Empire of the Sun are also riding bicycles and public transport.
    The Hatter Tea Party pictures remind me of the bluebellwood mum and I went to yesterday.
    As I fell asleep last night, I saw the spiritul being of the bluebell revealed and it was glorious. I think Mila’s doorway/ Alan Watts video helped trigger that.
    And lady with the vines growing in her hair is particularly charming.
    If Twitter really does stop banning free speech it would be helpful. Not a massive fan of Elon, but that said he went up in my estimation fractionally when I learned he still kept sleeping on a holey mattress even though a billionaire – according the the Vanity Fair interview with him and Grimes.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Funny Babylon Bee channel as well.

    This was the interview. At first it’s just Grimes, but later Elon joins and they seem to bicker like any couple – though mostly over his plans to emmigrate to Mars. I doubt he will actually do this when it comes to the crunch. Just remember how he took all that money last time and sold the project last minute to the US DOD for their weapons systems.


  3. Pluto is still retrograde, and will stay so until October 7th.
    These are hard times.
    A lot of purging is going on …
    Maybe there are also many reasons for celebration?
    The deeper the purging, the easier we shall breath …
    Giving thanks to the unknown creator … the Neter …

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m a ‘technical idiot’, but I have problems with electricity, and cables, chargers, devices, etc. burn out, at times sparks come out, so was my mother. And my eldest son gave me a small shungite pyramid for my birthday, these days, to help me 🙂 and now the little pyramid is almost always by my side. He tells me that it was quite accurate in size and type and that the material was from Russia, till I keep asking where the material is from. I have a weakness for stones, the most ordinary stones captivate me. And years ago I was looking for some kind of similar material, till I had a dream vision with a little black pyramid years ago … and this vision did not give me peace . . constantly watch for answers. In the dream field they usually looked for – archetypes, psyche-statuses as mythology of human perception, but I try to understanding them ‘technical measures’ 🙂
      I have a small obsidian, which is also nearby, from Mexico. They say that obsedian causes the truth to be told :). Now I keep the stone from my husband because he wants to make arrows out of it … men are children, what sometimes is dangerous.
      Also called obsidian – “Lucifer’s Tears” – Apparently perhaps because lava is like tears that turn into glass, once came into my mind, similar to the story of the Snow Queen – the Devil’s Mirror, that fragments, You know the story :).
      For me, the presence of a stone at home is like having a living being at home. Because the mineral is a small world, whose presence, if I may say so, the perception of the stone, is something like a thought that lasts for millions of years, and here for a moment. But it is also a moment for the stone itself. And on a mineral level, as soon as these interactions and radiations take place, we also communicate with the mineral, but unconsciously. Or we just don’t learn to read the levels of messages and for us they are just radiation. But for me, this radiation is alive. As we say in case of stress or some misfortune, one can see that it is connected to everything as if it were a rays of light, which like branches of a tree are connected to other similar cocoons of light and they to everything … and this is a whole spectacle of consciousness – radiation in all directions and colors.
      My little son says, for example, that he was a stone :)) and that the stones knew everything and God is hiding in them. And by the way till I am writing and he came with another smaller pyramid from amber to give me – to catch me :)… like he knows what I am writing about.
      To tell you the truth, this gift was somewhat prophetic – shungite in March, this year. Year of the Tiger. The Chinese say the Year of the Tiger begins with revolutions. And in fact, as a rule, military operations began in March / Mars … And here we are three tigers at home, which kept – protected house from 3 things: fire, robbery and demons, if only tigers are not demons :), but then they are protected from themselves.. Lol! And hopefully this shungite balances the radiation or may be it depends individually…. But – From the children’s mouth (intention) in God’s ears.
      Now I read … from You about shungite. Because I am as blown away from this world by nature, and I read inconsistently and as the flow of the day came to me, and some things I do not see ‘at their time’, and I read sometimes only after years, forgive me, but that’s how they come at the moment in my time.
      Here is the purpose of the first article I opened:
      “What is shungite?
      Shungite is a rare black stone made of up to 99 percent carbon. It’s mainly found in Shunga, a village in Karelia, Russia.

      The stone has a unique composition. It contains fullerenes, or 3-D spherical molecules made of 60 carbon atoms. These molecules are hollow and sometimes called buckyballs.

      Along with fullerenes, shungite consists of nearly all the minerals on the periodic table. ”

      Interesting, I read and remember that King Solomon kept around him, around his bed – 60 guards, because he was afraid in his dream … dreams and demons and minerals… Demons are as – the mineral kingdom, as nature is relatively different packaging in different realms of life forms … and their perception is not in the same ‘psyche-step’ as ours … as remembering, concentration and composition of elementals strength. And their interaction – > light-material-information-memory concentration, relatively different from ours. So we may interact with them consciously if we are in the same leveling of perception, as in a dream state, but in a self-consciousness state of awareness and stillness. As like yogis slowing the breathing and reaching that peaceful dot of nothingness inside that bring eyes of what it is as it is… thats the same place in mind-body, when reading dreams and dreaming deeply in one sense. As watching without eyes – step up’ ( figuratively ) that realm-reality as we perceive it, – and somewhere there is placed “stone consciousness”, ability to be in a state of stillness and active awareness in one and the same now. Again closer to my perception of Shiva somehow.

      So – >> 60 carbon atoms.. 60 guards. These scriptures always sound to me just like unread technical aids. But this technique is of a different kind.

      However, I wondered what the individual impact is from last of a ‘collection of mineral wealth’ or as single piece causes on people individually. Let’s say we have a common physiological structure, but everyone has a relative iron content in the blood. And lived in different place and needs. But we put psychology the levels of normality and lets say others are some kind of outsiders, completely different, even they look as ‘normal’ one. So – What happens to these people, to electrical influences, and is it relative to others?
      I mean how the individual interacts with a substance individually, cause thats the point – > how this influence is balanced… it is not this creation to be one and the same… it is act of creation, what needs act of creativity – one may need such and such levels of radiation and to differentiate from the other, and to be in perfect balance in him-her-it-self – > what for me mean normal, to be at your own balance. Like in one painting we need more light colors in other – let say winter painting – we need almost one color, but ask the artist and they will tell you he watched 1001 lights-colors in snow.
      Now, the NWO may want the same people because it’s easy to get under control, but that’s not natural, and it will blow in another destructive direction … and that may be the goal. The weakened content-potential at one pole is diverted. And it needs compensation to be complete, to may function(*)

      My mother used to say story when I was a child, 40 years ago :), that the ancients had a coverage structure connected to the energy system that it was loaded with radiation and it all started to melt (*)… and so they self-destructed. And now I’m trying to remember and think about it, only now … because this – “Today”, strongly reminds me of my mother’s stories about that – “Before”, and that they used gold and copper, and in this and from the ray(*?) radiation the problem came. I remember this well, but now somehow it is the closest situation (like backwards going*). The elderly always try to protect the younger – and thats why the ‘older gods’ in mythology are also “bad ones”… and thats why they goes in history demonized. And I do not admire that kind of perception of history as deadly as it is… ruining the connection of relativity in time and times and possibility of awakening of understanding these natural turns in cicles of revealed components of human psyche. Cause the colors faded when they try to make the humans robots and that melt the time-space perception … as that melted mass of earth I see now in my mind (*). And no-one wants to remember such memory… but stones do.

      Thank you antoniatailor. 🙂 …My eye fell on Your comment this morning. I fell asleep over the page last night without reading 🙂
      Have a nice day today Everyone

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Wow! I admire your intuitive way of bringing everything to its original state. It is true, shungite protects against radiation, it protects the water from contamination, and so much more. We self-destructed our body but now we use stones. I love stones, gemstones or semi-precious ones.
        Thank you for the music videos, music keeps me alive in these times ❤️️❤️️❤️️

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Considering to buy this Catnap – thanks alot for the lead. Wednesday 30th November…the signs…then…1 December 2022 -actual appearance………..okay….well..not so long then from now. Part of me hopes, part of me dreads, part of me believes it possible, part of me doesn’t. I guess we will find out in 215 days from now precisely.


      1. Apparently, the Anunnaki that the author M. de Lafayette is representing are not reptilians, but they look like us. Here is their plan in a nutshell:

        “We will bring a bubble of a special substance, resembling anti-matter, but is not destructive, and cause it to touch the earth’s atmosphere. The bubble will be exactly the same size of planet Earth. As soon as the two globes touch, all the humans that have been lucky enough not to be contaminated by Grays’ DNA, and all the animals, plants, and those inanimate material which the Anunnaki wish to preserve (such as beautiful and historic monuments, art-filled museums, and great libraries, in addition to the homes of those saved) will be stripped from earth and absorbed into the bubble. The fish, and other animals who need water, will be taken to an artificial ocean within the bubble. The birds will have plenty of places to perch on. Nothing will be hurt or damaged – the humans and animals will feel nothing – they will be secure and comfortable within the bubble. It is unlikely that they will even retain a clear memory of the event, because we would not wish them to be traumatized.” (de Lafayette, Maximillien. 2022: The Return of the Extraterrestrial Anunnaki (pp. 62-63). Times Square Press. New York. Berlin. Kindle Edition.)

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Shungite saves Bees By Russia Today TV (YT21Nov2018)
    The introduction of Shungite to the beehives resulted in: our bee population grew from about 50,000 bees to over one million bees in a short 11 weeks.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Shungite’s properties are amazing.
      I bought some shungite to protect me and my home (protection for cell phone, PC, bedroom).
      They say soldiers carry shungite pebbles and use them wherever they go to clean water sources. The water becomes pure.
      Here is a link to the factory:


      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thinking that the shunghite mat would be a good buy – to put under the pillow during sleep. Plus the drink mat. And then one pendant to wear. That factory is right nearvthe quarry. It would be really amazing to go there for a visit.
        They are selling book suggested by Catnap on Amazon, for 18 quid paperwork. Seems really interesting, but I am always these days wondering whenever it relates to aliens, if it is being put out there as part of that planned fake alien invasion, so that everyone misses the actual positive streams or panics. But I am definitely very attracted to read it to find out. ACIO are the Wing Makers. The Wing Makers and Ashyayana Deane are not on good terms. Peter the Insider works for ACIO, and directs their PR, and they are based at Pine Gap Australia. The Wing Makers became ACIO and since the inception said they represent the Annunaki. Ashayana Deane was openly critical of the Wing Makers over a decade ago, and never felt them to be positive.
        James Bartley who is based in Australia, was openly critical of Simon Parkes, who claims conections to mantid and reptilian. JB is very public that he doesn’t like SP. JB considers mantids to be involved in the death recincarnation prison.
        Hatter here has spoken that he&M allign with Sirius-are literally from there.

        Has also said Enlil was Pleidian and expressed Enlil not positive. Along with archons, Anu, Enlil, Marduk…all annunaki.
        And they killed Tiamat.
        Enki they said kidnapped and raped Mother Nature, Ki, so he’s on the naughty list.

        M hasn’t liked much Lisa Rene of Energetic Synthesis I felt. But that was just my feeling.
        However how they ultimately consider Enki is less clear to me. As he is also from Tiamat, they once wrote.
        So whilst they don’t like him, they seem to hate him less than Enlil and Anu.
        Now who they DO seem well-disposed towards is Putin, who M said was Uriel.
        Uriel is an archangel. M once said they were working with Russians, one one of the older posts.
        So are M & Hatter sort of saying they consider Uriel alligned?
        What about the Elohim? Are they basically saying Shiva is Elohim? Seeders of life group?

        One name “Annunaki” meaning “from the sky came”….doesn’t tell us much, as there are a lot of them.
        Farsight has just done a deepmind probe on Putin and said their is one man influencing him a lot.
        I think it’s Aleksandr Dugin.

        So different views on it all.
        Clearly, everyone doesn’t get along.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Your feeling about Lisa Rene is correct. I once quoted her, and Hatter made it quite plain he didn’t approve.
          As for Putin’s adviser, I don’t think it is Dugin. It’s another person.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Antoniatailor–“Your feeling about Lisa Rene is correct. I once quoted her, and Hatter made it quite plain he didn’t approve.”…..thanks for reconfirming my own sense of that.
            Who and what is the Rene representing? I am trying to understand everyone in this cosmic drama.
            She talks alot about the Law of One…which I remember H&M consider Ra more or less. So is that it?
            Rene works alot with Ashayana Deane’s ideas, but yet never explicitly says so or gives acknowledgement.

            You mention Putin’s adviser, and you don’t think it is Dugin but another person….any ideas who?
            Farsight kept mentioning the Russian Government officials have off-world beings influencing them in their heads…So which ones?
            Off-world…is a huge place with alot of variation.

            I know Dan Winter considers has a lot of history with Andromeda-as he says so.

            Wouldn’t it be terrible, if almost everyone on earth wasn’t really themselves and were being pushed, pulled and influenced by one thing or another?

            That is why first law of protecting yourself…is protecting yourelf…and not being talked into doing something that is against your own survival interests. Basic law.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Oh my, many questions … maybe more than the questions I have …
              But I don’t think everybody on earth is not themselves.
              Many people are trying to raise their vibrations, and in the process they change, their views and opinions change too.
              I wouldn’t recognise my younger self of, say, twenty years ago.
              I’ll search for Putin’s adviser’s name, and I’ll reply to you when I find it.

              Liked by 1 person

        2. This person, Sergey Karaganov, was adviser to Putin. The fact that he left his official position does not mean he is no longer Putin’s adviser, on the contrary. Also, he developed a doctrine which became known as The Putin doctrine. He is the head of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, the most influential body in Russia. He works closely with foreign minister Lavrov. (link:, the link is incomplete and cannot be trusted as a reliable information source).

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Just want to add, Hitler and Third Reich were supposedly communicating with Breakaway Pleidian group with draco influence from Aldebran.
    So logically, since the US gave many nazis jobs after war and continued experimentation via Paperclip, then the draco, Pleidian mix must have maintained inroads with American governments and military.
    As for the UK. Seems draco influences to me. Just low key so not to be detected, but firmly embedded.
    Seems the Earth was only very briefly sovereign. Seems planet Earth has become infested with parasiticial, demented and argumentative beings.
    Seems we have some big problems.


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