CERN is powering back up – X MEN / SHIVA LORD OF THE DANCE … The Mystery of Moon Knight and His Apocalyptic Abilities … M NATURE’S VOICE – RX : AND I AM HERE TO THROW A WOBBLY IN 3-2-1 ”There’s ONE SHAKE”





Into The Light

Dance of Shiva



Did you make us

Dear old Janus?

Image of man,us

The Sun will tan us

What a great planus

They think they have us

In labyrinth of Panus

Can we fight it?

I think we can,us










Dance of Destruction


“You’re meddling with powers you can’t possibly comprehend.”

–Marcus Brody, 1989





Creating Black holes

& The ‘God’ Particle


Shiva lord of the dance




Osiris is

The Lord of the Underworld

and Judge of the Dead


The Mystery of Moon Knight and His Apocalyptic Abilities

Ancient Mystery

21 Apr 2022

The Moon Knight: Today, we peer beyond the Moonlit curtain, I notice the mythology behind Moon Knight aka Mark Spector aka Khonshu and his abilities, which are telekinesis, cosmic pyrokinesis, flight etc, a series of powers granted by the ancient Egyptian god Khonshu.

Moon Knight is a Marvel character, derived from Marvel comic book stories, that stemmed from Egyptian religion and funeral rituals performed to please the gods of Egypt.

In the video, we look at the powers of the Moon Knight. Enjoy!





CERN scientists to restart Large Hadron Collider after three-year hiatus



The Large Hadron Collider is about to turn back on after a 3-year hiatus








Author: HATTER


23 thoughts on “CERN is powering back up – X MEN / SHIVA LORD OF THE DANCE … The Mystery of Moon Knight and His Apocalyptic Abilities … M NATURE’S VOICE – RX : AND I AM HERE TO THROW A WOBBLY IN 3-2-1 ”There’s ONE SHAKE””

    1. Your posts are so helpful. I learn much more upon revisiting the older posts, too. I can see where I’ve made progress in grokking more each time I refathom the heights, depths and breadths, of you (OM). Refreshing, renewing, replenishing and reminding me. Thankful to drink your living waters.

      Into The Light — the Dance of Shiva, that was wonderful. I love her motion and her devotion. It was sweet to see that little light presence (flying creature) encircling her, dancing around her dancing.

      Good to see you sharing that poem! (Janus)

      No, the copycats may try very hard, but they’re unable to create highly implosive beings. Thank you Eve, Lilith and Lucifer! Without Spark (of Christ) there’s no Life.

      CERN may crash protons near the speed of light…but the Pleroma mansion is the home of the Hattah….all that mattahs.

      As always, Ancient Mystery reveals deep mysteries! I do like how he shows the faces / names / underlying relationships between various ones. He has the best voice for mysterious stuff! I didn’t know about the Moon Knight until this video. Amazing. Comments are so interesting. I’m getting the knack of seeing some who appear to be separate, multiple beings morphing together.

      Silver Surfer, Red Kachina Lord of the Dance, Lurch, Shiva…..oh please dance your dance to remove ignorance and evil, remove the antichrist antilife from us….merge Christ conscious!

      May we all have hearts as light as feather to Ma’at and sing songs of praise with Isis and Nephthys for Osiris.

      I truly appreciate all the ways you edify us, RX and M, with words, wisdom, images and music….and best of all….your nurturing Nature Neter ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This is a great post … as all of your recent posts, it comes straight into my heart ❤️️
    I love that video about the Strange Dance of Destruction, it matches my mood of the day.
    Today is the Orthodox Holy Saturday.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. .
    M – RX

    M – CERN started back on
    Surge of energy for me
    Head feels whirring
    Can’t focus on much but DOING
    IN 3-2-1

    There’s ONE SHAKE

    See you in one more shake of the lamb’s tail!


    Deep Water Buoy Detects Strange Sea Floor RISE Near ‘Sunda MEGATHRUST’ – This is NOT Normal!
    24 Apr 2022

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Shake shake shake!

      Ominous sign here this morning, turtle carcass found on the front lawn.

      My guess is some evildoers (abusers of M and Nature) are feeling threatened. And well they should be. All can be changed forever in a twinkle of an eye…3rd eye of Shiva.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. If you allow me some chaotic notes, which I would be happy to add, but I will write a volume of words and still something will be missing, so in a in a long-shortent path 🙂

    Some thoughts went into, while listening to the first minutes of the video for ‘Moon Knight’, … so my notes are only on the first two minutes, I haven’t heard the whole thing yet 🙂

    * on 2:14 minutes from the video, the 1st note that came:144: 4 = 36, 36*10 = 360, 30*10 + 6*10
    * 1/3 Angels – drop out, falling (air, water-earth )… – as metamorphosis of relation between Anu – Enlil – Enki and their paths, as are Jupiter – Poseidon – Hades, in order of they inter-act… as they are as the three sons of Noah* ( who is the first that is said – find ‘Grace in the eyes of God*’, what is the meaning of his name, as eyes are 2, so it meaning perfectly balancing the two oposites, as animals going two and two in order, without conflicting. So Noah is new generation that in its turn receives the Covenant of the God* as rainbow – The Ark, and then we have: Ark below and Ark above… as we said that we build the temple-and in the same way the temple appears from above… it is the connection – that sparked moment that revealed that the inner and the outer are one and the same. As Jesus* said, that when He came it will be like the times of Noah. So on … we have always that trinity, as Eve – Serpent – Adam… and as Noah sons… and these in 4 epochs transformed trough body-conciseness appearance and are different status of human self in progress, as how we re-fine our perception trough our own life path as individuals.

    References: Zohar
    general link:

    … If we put the rays in a state of interaction, they will manifest in their interaction – a cocoon, the flower of life, like a flower planted in a vessel (spirit in body). And we have the same Ark, with the two cherubim, where God’s presence is manifested in the temple, and this Arch is in human measure ( same Osiris story ). So that two manifest one, the Human realized measure and potential and, in its encounter with the dimension of the ‘personal measure’ of self awareness …: Maat’s feather and heart placed on the scales.

    Maat = Emet = truth
    A (first letter – bull to the sign), M (environment – water – stream – song – peoples), Tav (cross – the cross sign at the end)
    Even this characteristic alone includes the whole journey from Alev to Tav, and the Life that flows from A to Tav like a river in many forms and colores of manifestation (letters and songs, so that each soul has its own personal song while making this journey) … And in that light – the words of Jesus weigh in place, word for word, and when He* says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life,” John 14:6, and when this “and” is placed in between, it is an indicator of connection through times – including past and present and future (Vav letter – drawing like a nail)

    … The word is literal that what enters us does not destroy us, but our inner attitude to the interaction with what is absorbed in us, it gives rise to the perspective, respectively in the light, the radiation of our consciousness, which forms the external response, result, expression.

    Q, from ‘ The Hebrew Letters: Lamed’, ‘ Aspiration – Contemplation of the Heart ‘ : “ Adam and Eve, male and female, are the prototype spiritual forces of giving and receiving. The marital union and gift of male to female relates to the secret of knowledge, as is said: “And Adam knew his wife Eve.” For this reason Adam and Eve are often seen to represent teacher and pupil. The teacher contracts his intellect into a point (yud) in order to convey his teaching to his student, whereas the student nullifies his previous levels of conception to become a fitting vessel for the new, wondrous teachings of his teacher.
    In particular, the form of the lamed represents the aspiration of the truly devoted pupil to learn from the mouth of the teacher. The literal meaning of the letter lamed is “to learn” (or “teach”). The seed of wisdom, alluded to by the letteryud, descends from the brain (Adam) to impregnate the full consciousness of the heart (Eve). The heart aspires (upwardly) to receive this point of insight from the brain. This is the secret of the form of the letter lamed, the heart ascending in aspiration to conceive and comprehend (“understand knowledge”) the point of wisdom, the yud situated at the top of the letter lamed. “

    * Splitting the sea. The song of the sea that Miriam sings when people follow Moses at the Exodus from Egypt is the same song through which God* separates water from water, Genesis. Her song, the voice of bat Kol.
    As Miriam is connected with the miracle of water, as in the Marriage in Cana, Galilee.
    Song of the sea:

    “The Song of the Sea (Hebrew: שירת הים, Shirat HaYam, also known as Az Yashir Moshe and Song of Moses, or Mi Chamocha) is a poem that appears in the Book of Exodus of the Hebrew Bible, at Exodus 15:1–18. “
    – wiki
    ** What the prophets hear, what one can hear when one listens to God, the vortex of voices, like many waters, is – bat Kol = voice of the daughter … – the voice is a female accomplice, manifestation of the intention-thought-content-potential of the Whole (Yod – the seed, before separation, the whole is all ‘now’); two = set (poles) .. between – firmament. The spirit does not touch, but lies down, as in the words – ‘Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father ‘- John 20:17

    * The devoured Egyptians are covered with water in one with the horses, and the upper and lower part – and the rider and the horse, that is, they perish at all in body and spirit in that * age, as if they did not exist.
    The horse symbolizes this previous world – like the centaur Chiron is part of the old * era and as such teaches students – heroes. A hero is someone who helps or acts both with the opposite sign and as a demon after his death. That is, these characters are souls from a previous era, demons.
    * And 12*30 degrees and the angles are that make up the path of the whole soul 360. So those in Egypt embodied the stellar*spirit directly in avatars, in that era. Angles of manifestation of light rays. These stories are not just a linear story – when ?, but to awaken awareness – why am I here – now = many moments in one, realized.

    Heracles passes through the twelve gates (see Thracian cycle) is a demon respectively hero, because the soul realizes itself on its way through the 12 gates. And the hero, he is neither good nor bad. He represents in a heap the twelve apostles, the operativeness through the epochs and the deeds – the metamorphoses of spirit-soul-body*4. The soul is 360 degrees. 72 names of God operate for 1 degree out of thirty (see astro-year). … By the way, yesterday I read that the value of an adult woman is = 30 shekels.
    So the Torah is a book of good and evil, the answer – “how” in portions to realize Creation, which lasts now without breaking the “vessel” – a cocoon of light-body. We manifest God, and the enemy struggles to stifle the voice of God. The enemy is every unconsciousness in us. The voice of God is the Presence of His manifestation, Shekinah. And that was lost after Jesus was sold out of Israel two millennia ago. Shekinah is separated- in exile. So, as Rudolf Steiner says, an attempt will be made to stifle the voice of the Spirit of Christ.

    Queen in exile – Ofra Haza

    … Yesterday I came across a video, it is in Russian, I apply it, which says that Christianity lies on the foundations of the stolen Russian culture, which is basically called the Vedas. Sorry, but that’s not true.

    These peoples, as well as all Thrace, have been connected, and lived not only in one place, but all over the world, and here the racial differences are ridiculous, I will add a links why.

    link 1: video ( in Russian language):

    ‘Великие РУСские Ведические Праздники=Подмена Старинных Ведических праздников на христианские’ / Great Russian Vedic Holidays = Replacement of the Ancient Vedic Holidays with Christian ’

    link 2: ( in English language )

    link 3: ( in Bulgarian language )
    Q: “The name Aryan-Aryans is related to another word from Vedic Sanskrit, namely arch-light, sun, shine, ray. The arch corresponds to the Hittite harkish-white, tohar. arches-white and of course our word yarak-bright, radiant, whose unsophisticated form was an arch.
    Aryans means white, bright, radiant, …. The element – arc-bright we find in the Thracian names Arkisa, Arkina, Arkovadara, Arkun. The name Aria itself is attested by Stephen of Byzantium as the oldest name in Thrace. “

    Japheth – one of the Noah sons related to Jupiter ( link 2 on Table of Nations ). Well, these Vedas are ancient as their name 🙂 and this Slaven [glorious] – Sloven [slovo = word] – ( Slavs ), as called-angelic language is spread- connected trough times – from Sidon through Africa and the whole of Asia and north … so to this day I as a Bulgarian read the concepts of Egyptian and derive them through my native language perspective.
    So, what is Christ’s is presented as stolen :).
    Christ* present without-death-bliss of spirit-soul-body at the point of enlightenment. And that ‘part’ didn’t counter-parts in falling of Adam/Eve. When one confronts their own self and manages to bear it and gather it in a flash of consciousness, till in a flesh and bones, one ignites the imperishable fire, the nerve electrical impulses that flow like a river and realize our essence, revive our bones( burning bush), the real free energy. Connected within in that same X place of incorruptibility of psyhe, before falling, before perception of two eyes (sun&moon)
    I have a lot to add, but I wonder if it makes sense if it doesn’t work.
    Dalai Lama had said that a good intention with an idea to be revealed should not be passed on prematurely. Sin = untimely. Three hours before the end of the 7th day, Eve/Adam eats the ‘fruit of the Serpent’.
    Dalai Lama gave an example of revealing the mystery of the Atman, which an enlightened man, in his great desire to help, taught the people, and they were startled by the perception of ‘nothing’ as a reason. In the same way, Judaism teaches us that where we have ‘Something’, it is not God*, but His “absence” – nothingness is a perspective and understanding that He/She/it is not in the divisions, but in Life itself, whole, One ( Echad ) and hence … metamorphosis revealing same essence as river dances with fire, and the flouting lava became hardness when frozen..
    The idea of ​​Shiva as a Neutron, of something indefinable but moving life, that is closer to resembling the nature of God* forces in the act of nonstopable creativity and manifestation the nature of Creation. And each person could feel in himself the bliss, the vitality and also the decay. In the Vedas – Jiva ( Жива ).
    Accordingly, the unaspected self manifests chaos and needs to be enlightened, fixed mindfully, which is equivalent to – fertilization of the primary chaos. To connect, reveal the potential of the seed, first have to point and receive the seed.
    Chaos – Tohu, which contains every idea and opportunity and intention before Genesis, before the Act of Separation of Water from Water (which we said is the same act as Miriam’s song, which separates the sea). Accordingly, Tohu contains darkness and light in one as mish-mash, that is chaos, all primordial information in one broth. In separation we already have two, light and darkness and good and evil and man and woman and circle – soul and division of cycles and epochs and astrolight – the seven – the Son, the Sun, which shifts through the Astro-year = the exploits of Heracles.
    And greetings to all orthodox Christians: Christ is Risen! Христос Воскресе!

    Trinity [Raag Bhairavi] – Trinity

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mila, please, please can you tell us more about this bit?…:” The soul is 360 degrees. 72 names of God operate for 1 degree out of thirty (see astro-year). “

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ” The soul is 360 degrees. 72 names of God operate for 1 degree out of thirty (see astro-year). “

        “Tempus, quo planum circulo: The letters of Telios de Lorca, 12th century mystic.”

        360 : 72 = 5 | 5*6 = 30 | 30*12 = 360 | 30*72 = 2160 | 2160*12 = 25920 ( full Astro Year ) | 12 Archons — “ of the generations of the stars through the human generations. “ + “ Those you have seen receiving the offerings at the altar-^hat is who you are. That is the god you serve, and you are those twelve men

        ” “Trie twelve aeons of the twelve luminaries constitute their father, with six hea\^ns for each aeon, so that there are se\^nty-two hea\^ns
        for the se\^nty-two luminaries, and for each [50] [of them fi\^] firmaments, [for a total of] three hundred sixty [firmaments …]. They were
        gi\ei authority and a [great] host of angels [without number], for glory and adoration, [and after that also] virgin spirits, for glory and
        [adoration] of all the aeons and the hea\eis and their firmaments. ”…/pdf…/The+Lost+Gospel+Of+Judas_djvu.txt
        On – Matthew 1:17 is the seventeenth verse of the first chapter in the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. The verse is the conclusion to the section where the genealogy of Joseph, the step-father of Jesus, is listed. ”


        I. -3760 1 Creation of the world; birth of Adam and Eve (Chavah)

        Il. -907 2854 David was born

        III. 2022 5782 Today – Friday, April 29, 28 – Omer: Day 13 – Yesod sheb’Gevurah – — “Connection in Restraint”
        Tonight Count 14 Nissan

        “ The 49-day “Counting of the Omer” retraces our ancestors’ seven-week spiritual journey from the Exodus to Sinai. “

        The day of Pentecost is seven weeks after Easter Sunday: that is to say, the fiftieth day after Easter inclusive of Easter Sunday.
        Sunday, April 17
        Easter 2022

        Sunday, April 24
        Orthodox Easter 2022

        I will add – clerify – as soon as possible. Thank Y for Q! 🙂
        Genesis 3:24
        King James Version
        24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

        Bereshis 3:24
        Orthodox Jewish Bible
        24 So He drove out HaAdam; and He placed miKedem (at the east) of the Gan Eden HaKeruvim, and a flaming cherev which was ever-turning, to be shomer over the Derech Etz HaChayyim (the Way of the Tree of Life, see Yn 14:6 on Derech).


        “ Precessional movement as seen from ‘outside’ the celestial sphere. The rotation axis of the Earth describes over a period of about 25,800 years a small circle (blue) among the stars, centred on the ecliptic northpole (blue E) and with an angular radius of about 23.4°: the angle known as the obliquity of the ecliptic. The orange axis was the Earth’s rotation axis 5000 years ago when it pointed to the star Thuban. The yellow axis, pointing to Polaris is the situation now. Note that when the celestial sphere is seen from outside constellations appear in mirror image. Also note that the daily rotation of the Earth around its axis is opposite to the precessional rotation. When the polar axis precesses from one direction to another, then the equatorial plane of the Earth (indicated with the circular grid around the equator) and the associated celestial equator will move too. Where the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic (red line) there are the equinoxes. As seen from the drawing, the orange grid, 5000 years ago one intersection of equator and ecliptic, the vernal equinox was close to the star Aldebaran of Taurus. By now (the yellow grid) it has shifted (red arrow) to somewhere in the constellation of Pisces. Note that this is an astronomical description of the precessional movement and the vernal equinox position in a given constellation may not imply the astrological meaning of an Age carrying the same name, as they (ages and constellations) only have an exact alignment in the “first point of Aries”, meaning once in each c. 25800 (Great Sidereal Year). “ – Wiki..

        “The last will be first, and the first last” (Matthew 20:16)
        ” Judas said,

        “Master, could it be that my seed is under the control of the rulers?”

        Jesus answered and said to him, “Come, that I [—two lines missing—], but that you will grieve much when you see the kingdom and all
        its generation.”

        When he heard this, Judas said to him,

        “What good is it that I have recei\ed it? For you have set me apart for that generation.”

        Jesus answered and said, ‘You will become the thirteenth, and you will be cursed by the other generations— and you will come to rule
        o\^r them. In the last days they will curse your ascent [47] to the holy [generation].” ”
        13 = 1
        “ The spiritual significance of the number thirteen (13), which as reflected by the thirteen attributes of Mercy (we will look at these attributes later), relates to a transcendent dimension of G-dliness. This transcendence enables one to infuse spirituality within our material world “

        “ HaShem is Thirteen
        The number thirteen is among the holiest of the numbers because it is closely associated with HaShem.
        Devarim (Deuteronomy) 6:4 Hear, O Israel: HaShem our God, HaShem is one:
        The above verse, from the Shema, tells us a very important relationship:
        HaShem = sjt[5] Echad (One)
        The Shema – שמע is recited twice a day, by observant Jews, to obey the Torah command as found in the Shema itself. The goal of the Shema is not just to declare that HaShem is one, but rather to declare that HaShem is one and there is nothing in existence besides Him. The world and everything around us, is just an extension of HaShem.
        To help us understand the making of many into one, HaShem gave us the sense of hearing. As an aside, HaShem gave us the human body, with all of its responses, in order to give us intimate insights into HaShem and His creation. If we understand what it means to hear, we can understand what it means to declare HaShem’s oneness.
        Hearing is a sense which requires us to assemble the sounds from another person, into a cohesive picture. Thus we would say that hearing is the forming of disparate parts into a single idea or picture. Literally we make many (sounds) into one (idea). “ – link:

        “”” “When my father decided to send me into this world, he led before him his angel, named Mary, to receive me. When I came down, I entered through one ear of Mary and came out through the other.” – Secret Book Of The Bogomils, link:

        “”” Judas said to Jesus,

        “[What] is the long duration of time that the human being will live?” Jesus said, “Why are you wondering about this, that Adam, with his
        generation, has lived his span of life in the place where he has received his kingdom, with longevity with his ruler?”

        Judas said to Jesus, “Does the human spirit die?”

        Jesus said, “This is why God ordered Michael to give the spirits of people to them as a loan, so that they might offer service, but the
        Great One ordered Gabriel to grant spirits to the great generation with no ruler o\^r it— that is, the spirit and the soul. Therefore, the
        [rest] of the souls [54] [ — one line missing — ].

        quote: “ Yehidah*(יחידה ) – the highest plane of the soul, in which one can achieve as full a union with God as is possible. “
        1. : Yochanan 14:1-7
        6 Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to him, I am HaDerech, HaEmes, and HaChayyim. No one comes to HaAv except through me [1Sm 3:7].

        2. : Yochanan 1:18
        18 No one has ever seen Hashem [Ex 33:20]. It is Elohim the Ben Yachid* [who shares the nature of Hashem, the Chochman Ben Elohim at his side, see very importantly Mishle 8:30; 30:4)], it is he, the one being in the kheyk (bosom) of HaAv, this one is Hashem’s definitive midrash (exegesis).
        3. : Human soul in Kabbalah
        The Kabbalah posits that the human soul has three elements, the nefesh,ru’ach, and neshamah. The nefesh is found in all humans, and enters the physical body at birth. It is the source of one’s physical and psychological nature. The next two parts of the soul are not implanted at birth, but can be developed over time; their development depends on the actions and beliefs of the individual. They are said to only fully exist in people awakened spiritually. A common way of explaining the three parts of the soul is as follows:
        * Nefesh (נפש ) – the lower part, or “animal part”, of the soul. It is linked to instincts and bodily cravings.
        * Ruach (רוח ) – the middle soul, the “spirit”. It contains the moral virtues and the ability to distinguish between good and evil.
        * Neshamah (נשמה ) – the higher soul, or “super-soul”. This separates man from all other lifeforms. It is related to the intellect, and allows man to enjoy and benefit from the afterlife. This part of the soul is provided at birth and allows one to have some awareness of the existence and presence of God.
        The Raaya Meheimna, a section of related teachings spread throughout the Zohar, discusses fourth and fifth parts of the human soul, the chayyah andyehidah (first mentioned in the Midrash Rabbah). Gershom Scholem writes that these “were considered to represent the sublimest levels of intuitive cognition, and to be within the grasp of only a few chosen individuals”. The Chayyah and the Yechidah do not enter into the body like the other three – thus they received less attention in other sections of the Zohar.
        * Chayyah (חיה ) – The part of the soul that allows one to have an awareness of the divine life force itself.
        * Yehidah (יחידה ) – the highest plane of the soul, in which one can achieve as full a union with God as is possible.
        Both rabbinic and kabbalistic works posit that there are a few additional, non-permanent states of the soul that people can develop on certain occasions. These extra souls, or extra states of the soul, play no part in any afterlife scheme, but are mentioned for completeness:
        * Ruach HaKodesh (רוח הקודש ) – (“spirit of holiness”) a state of the soul that makes prophecy possible. Since the age of classical prophecy passed, no one (outside of Israel) receives the soul of prophesy any longer. See the teachings of Abraham Abulafia for differing views of this matter.
        * Neshamah Yeseira – The “supplemental soul” that a Jew can experience on Shabbat. It makes possible an enhanced spiritual enjoyment of the day. This exists only when one is observing Shabbat; it can be lost and gained depending on one’s observance.
        * Neshamah Kedosha – Provided to Jews at the age of maturity (13 for boys, 12 for girls), and is related to the study and fulfillment of the Torah commandments. It exists only when one studies and follows Torah; it can be lost and gained depending on one’s study and observance.


        Thank Y!

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Thank you, Mila. Your information has given me so much to contemplate and share with my son, Brandon. Portions of your text apply to his knowledge directly. ❤

      Liked by 2 people

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